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Hello there Sea Changers. Welcome back to my series of program lists to assist those of you looking to fund your sea change with affiliate marketing. Today we are going to continue our breakdown of the insurance niche with my 10 travel insurance affiliate programs to stow away in 2021. This post has come about from a recent one I did covering insurance programs as whole where it quickly became evident that there is so much to choose from within this niche that I have had to expand on every example I had included.
So for those looking to specialise within the travel insurance market, or add to any other travel related niche, let’s check out what I have found.
#travelInsuranceaffiliateprograms #sellinsuranceonline #selltravelinsuranceonline #travelinsurance #insurance #earnmoneyonline #Wealthyaffiliate #affiliatemarketing #makethatseachange #workhomeopportunities
0:00 Welcome
3:48 Travel Guard
5:05 RoamRight
6:11 World Nomads
7:14 InsurenandGo
8:25 Travelex
11:16 Travelinsurance4medical
13:40 InsureMyTrip
14:08 Travel Insurance Center
15:05 Find your own programs
16:20 Conclusion
Watch more new videos about Insurance | Synthesized by Mindovermetal English
Hey guys, thanks for watching my video covering my 10 travel insurance affiliate programs.
To see the post, click on the link below:
Do you know you want to get into affiliate marketing but so not know where to start? Click on the link below to access my Ultimate Affiliate Program Toolkit.