How to create invoice numbers incrementing in the middle in Excel

How to create invoice numbers incrementing in the middle in Excel
How to use the row function. How to add zeros to the start of a number. How to use the text function. How to use the “&” to add text to numbers
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I love your videos!!! They are all in english 1st of all, lol AND they give me the shortcuts i need to build my business. Thank you!!!!!!

Designs by Jessey Lutes

how do you make it so it stays in one cell and when you open it up it gives you a new invoice number, for example, I have an invoice 00001 I save it then next customer I click in the original invoice and it comes up 00002

Very nice video Madam, I need year help, I am working on a inventory project were i have text box for 'ID'. ID is of the format ST-AUG19-0001, I wish to increment the month from AUG to SEP to NOV etc after end of each month and increment year from 19, 20 ,21… etc after end of each year and also increment sequence 0001 to 0002….very time i click on transfer button in user form. Also how to auto initialize in userform please explain with a video, this is very urgent for me. Thank you in advance.

Indian Monster

Hello……Great Formula………………………

My one question……..

: " How to count Party Name with invoice number "

EXP-001 Dem Food
EXP-001 Dem Food

EXP-001 Dem Food

EXP-001 Dem Food

EXP-002 Bharat Food
"This Condition Dem Food Count in only one time ……………
– how many times Dem food party names unique invoice number base

pleased, Show me right formula

T.C. Das

But when 875/18-19 …pls help


lot lot lot of thanks dear