Assassin's Creed Valhalla | PS4 – ONE – PS4 Pro – ONE X | Graphics & FPS Comparison

Music: Long way to go – Miguel Johnson

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First of all, it is clear that there is something wrong with the framerate in the Xbox versions. If a patch is released before or after the game's release, I will update. Apart from that, the game performs similar to the previous installment on all platforms, where the winner would clearly be ONEX for the resolution if it were not for those terrible tearing problems. In a few days, I will do another comparison with the NextGen versions.

Antes de nada, esta claro que hay algún problema con el framerate en las versiones de Xbox. Si se lanza un parche antes o después del lanzamiento del juego, actualizaré. A parte de eso, el juego rinde similar a la anterior entrega en todas las plataformas, donde la ganadora sería claramente ONEX por la resolución si no fuera por esos terribles problemas de tearing. En unos días, haré otra comparativa con las versiones NextGen.


а как так что обычная пс 4 загрузилась быстрее чем про?How can a regular PS4 load faster than a pro?

John Party

PS4 = GTX 1050 (900p40fps medium)
PS4 Pro = GTX 1060 (1080p60fps medium)
PS5 = RTX 2070 (1080p60fps ultra)

Death Follows

This is the kind of video I like:
Simple, straight to the point, informative… and with beautiful music to accompany it.


About loading time, every console have hdd ? Thanks


Keep it up you help a lot !!!

Jesus Pacheco

Estaba buscando la comparativa solo entre las de Playstation que incluyera la PS5 pero no está 🙁

Drummer 75

Usually the X blows most of the other ones out of the water. But for some reason the PS4 pro actually seems a little sharper than the Xbox one X. Very odd but then again I don’t like this game compared to origins or odyssey.

Dexter's Beard

It’s surprising how much better the Xbox One X is here than the PS4 Pro, I own both consoles and after seeing this I’m glad I bought the game back when it released for Xbox.

Leon sk

Beautiful Music 🙂

Yisus Gamer

Hola, puedes hacer una comparativa ahora con la version 1.4.1 como rinde en PS4 normal? estoy buscando videos pero eres el unico que actualiza los videos con los nuevos updates, saludos y feliz navidad a todos/as, posdata es para comprármelo o no estas navidades, porque si corre igual que en este video no lo compro.

Hello, can you make a comparison now with version 1.4.1, how does it perform on normal PS4? I am looking for videos but you are the only one who updates the videos with the new updates, greetings and merry Christmas to all / as, postscript is to buy it or not this Christmas, because if it runs the same as in this video I do not buy it.


Put a ssd in my ps4 pro or get ps5. Hmmm..


ps4 reflection is so bad than the others.. Why?


Alguém pode me ajudar, dá pra retirar esses números que aparecem quando você da Dano nós inimigos

Jamie Robert

Damn the PS4 pro is slow


AC Valhalla has vsync graphic problem on Base PS4? And is it 30 fps all time and everywhere on Base PS4?

Anderson da Silva

I won't buy a PS5 yet. I have a PS4 Pro with SSD and my Samsung 4K TV easily emulates 60FPS with Motion Plus. I'll wait a little longer.

Santiago Sanchez

Hola una pregunta vale la pena comprarlo en ps4 o no ????

Seiya D Luffy

Wao, jugué Origins y Odyssey en la Xbox One Fat y eran bastante jugables y vistosos gráficamente, ahora quisiera jugar Valhalla, creo que resolvieron ese problema del framerate en One X y One


Which console won?

Nirmal Singh

bruh, 720p on a 4k tv is a shitshow..