University of Idaho murder investigation: Roommates, man at taco truck not involved

Friday evening, Moscow police issued a news release updating certain details and correcting misinformation and rumors spreading around the internet.

The Latah County Coroner reported that the victims were all likely asleep, and there were no signs of sexual assault.

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A. F.

Police are under a lot of pressure to solve this quickly. They don't appear to be very confident. Won't even talk to the parents in a proper manner.
They've got the timeline of the girl and guy timeline messed up as well. Watch for internet sleuths to find all the clues.


I believe Jake is the guy in the food truck videos.

Summer Breeze

Surviving students "slept through it all". One mentioned she thought there was a party. What gave her that idea? Was there music playing? I like to know timeline of when they awoke. When was their first inclination that something was wrong? What did they see? I find it hard to believe no blood on the main floor where they would enter. Did he/she/they(murderers) leave via the back patio? Who did they call? How many friends did they call? What did they do or show these friends at the house? How long did it take them to call 911? Why would you call over friends and not dial 911? And I will never buy "they were scared". Who made the 911 call on the roommates phone? Where was Murphy during this time? How could he not be full of blood. this was the worst crime scene that some of the Police have ever seen! Plus blood running down the wall?? Who much blood does one have to bleed out in order for it to soak through flooring, walls and run down the siding?! I do not think I have seen that before.

Norman Spurgeon

Please aggressively investigate the dog mutilation. Solve this crime- the chances are it was done by the murderer-

Cw News

They both would be taking lie detector test regardless they may have done something prior to going out they would not be ruled out ever and I’d watch the ppl around that neighborhood like a hawk!!

Bri Acosta

Has anyone thought maybe it was that chick they repeatedly bumped into and walked in between while waiting for food? Not trying to stir anything but she seemed to be irritated

Faydene Reed

Why do college students go to bars when so many disappear from them either out in the parking lot or before they arrive home or are mudered somewhere between that bar and their homes or are murdered at their home. It’s just not a place for young people to be! I actually have never been to a bar in my life! I’m 82 and that’s why I arrived at that age! It’s just too negative a place to ever be there! It harbors bad people. All it takes is one! Poor judgement especially for young girls! You may be of age but a bar is not where you should ever be!

Faydene Reed

Kaylee just bought her own car which of these cars are her car?

Henry Santos

Rest in heaven all four victims souls,.🙏.,


OMG how do they have nothing. so many cameras in the world etc…

Silly Rukus

I say it's the roomates..

peter vitale

Food truck, what did the worker hear the girls talking about, talk on phone while ordering and waiting for their food ? Anything would help


Any statementsabout the Uber driver being questioned and or ruled out?

Air Port

WHY do the parents allow their child to be INDOCTRINATED INTOFREEMASONRY in those grotesque schools?????

Jason Sandifer

So many Questions and odd set of circumstances

How did the perpetrator or perpetrators attack and kill 4 people, without making noise enough to awaken others.

Why did the person who made the call to 911 use their own phone to call 911?

Were they all in separate rooms?

If the victims were in separate rooms, how did the perpetrator or perpetrators go to each room separately without having their clothing, or shoes damaged or stained?

How many others people had access to the door with keys or passcode?

Does the door lock have a history log, or is connecting with a security app or not?

Did the door lock have a security phone app also, or not?

Text messages, and all phone logs, of the Victims and their roommates, should be checked, for establishing time lines, and possible important dialogue.

How many cellphone devices pings in the area during the time period they arrived back to their home, and when the 911 call was made.

How was the perpetrator able to leave the house without having their clothing damaged or greatly stained in some way.

Author Advocate, Activist for Humanity,
Jason Sandifer,

Air Port

HOW did the survivors NOT SEE THE BLOOD when they rang 911 for unconcious friend

New books

One murdered girl, Kaylee, had a stalker according to Mark Fuhrman. Cops, media, get on it. Buy my new books: THE MASKS OF TED BUNDY by DR. PAUL DAWSON; CHARLES MANSON’S CULT GIRLS by DR. PAUL DAWSON (AMAZON BOOKS).


Wow, seems like the police are actually doing their jobs


Was it a debt owed?

Martha Chhantyal

What about that Uber driver ??? Could it be him???? 😮

Lion R

If i got it right all six went out each two went wher they went, the two room mates got back home around 1am, the two other girls got back home around 1:45am , my q is what time the guy and the girl got back home , was it befor 1am or after?

Lion R

So the guy and the girl were at a party from 8pm to 9pm, the other two girls were at a club from 10pm to 1:30 am, and they all were at home by 1:45 am, so the two girls after the club went to the food truck and then home and got home by 1:45 am, but the guy and the girl got out of the party at 9pm, so did they go straight home, and get home real early, or they went some wher else and got home at around 1:45 am?

Dan Vu

2 were on 2nd floor 2 were on 3rd floor
the other 2 did not get hurt
did they all provoke someone or some people before they got home?
the killers are known to them


Why didn't they mention the uber driver?? Who was it?


It's the uber driver!!!

Shireen Ramnarain

I feel this is just a gruesome thing that went unnoticed in todays society
If there were no sounds n actions that woke the other inhabitants of the house ,
Then the residents close around there also didnt hear anything
This IS a sad world we live in ….
No wonder the crooks r ruling our spaces ,cos we allowing them to ….
Hope the perpetrator gets caught quickly…

Sasha Johnson

What's with the Uber driver ????


I want video from bar…was Kaylee hanging with a guy, more than one? What triggered ex?? Or was it boiling over since she dumped him, friends but he isn't following her on Soc media…also, very few pics of him thru the yrs they dated..mostly her n her girlfriends..hmmmm


Knife and gun shows have those knives..could have been bought online as well. Why look at stores in area, I guess to rule that out.
Ps..look at the Ex BF…he's responsible with 98.9% surety

Tom Walalo

At 1.05, why does the man wearing a brown cap step in when the lady is hugged by the gentleman next to her? Just curious

Gabino barrera

I don't think they're going to find the Killer knife much more difficult to trace than a gun no fingerprints no Footprints no DNA no suspect no Witnesses also criminals have learned from the past not to leave any evidence like bloody gloves bloody footprints knit caps their own blood I think the only catch the Killer if he/she confesses


So, the 911 call came from the roommate's phone but the caller didn't identify themself and they said the person was unconscious. Are they saying the roommate's phone was taken by the killer who made the call? This makes zero sense. Where is the phone?

island horses

killing sprees all over the so called great nation busybody lecturing other nations

Johnny Raymond

The killer was definitely hanging out with these four that night that's why the other two lived because he didn't know they were there

Matthew Phillips

STUPID, LAZY, OLD AND FAT!! These cops are pathetic

Lori Taylor

One more thing. Being that there’s only 25000 people who live there. And 11000 are students. I’m going to gander and say it’s a student. If it is a student. There still there. All students have roommates. No one ( as far as we know) have been reported missing.

Lori Taylor

I see many thinking maybe a serial killer. I thought that too. But there was no break in. No windows broke. Unless windows were left unlocked. Someone had to have the code.

Lori Taylor

Someone knows something. A roommate who didn’t get home until early morning Sunday. Someone with scratches from the victims fighting back. Bloody clothing. Unless he went home naked. The area they lived in seems to be filled with other homes. And most of all. Someone had the code to get in.

Lynn Pierce

Did the murder call the police using one of the dead roommates phone.

rhonda pearce

It’s so hard to believe that you can be home during even 1 violent murder and…. You know nothing or hear nothing.
In this case 4 people violently murdered and the other 2 people there heard nothing???
It blows my mind.

Trail Windz

Consider college staff/professors as possible suspects.

Debbie Valentine

Just curious but since when don't sororities and fraternities have houses their members live in?

Sure Wave

This is so awful for those families, but also for the entire community to have that fear that this person is still out there. It reminds me of the 70's in Utah when Ted Bundy was killing girls right and left. He killed a girl from my high school and wasn't caught for awhile. It was so scary and I felt so unsafe. It changed me into becoming extremely careful. I really feel for this entire community and the college students. God bless you all.

Rocket Queen 🇦🇺

Everyone is assuming the suspect is male but it could just as easily be a female…look at what Jodi Arias was capable of out of jealousy.

davi Love

Look at the roommates

James Burtnett

Killing four young people who were physically fit seems really hard for one person with a knife to do, even if the victims were passed out drunk (which may not be true). Wouldn't they wake up while being stabbed, feeling lots of pain, and scream as loud as they could as they were being murdered? Wouldn't such screaming alert everyone else so other potential victims could run away, call 911, etc.? Details such as these don't add up for me, and I wish I had more clarity here.