Why Japan’s ‘Rising Sun’ Flag Provokes Olympic Ire

SEOUL, South Korea — Japan considers the “ rise sunlight ” pin part of its history. But some in the Koreas, China and other asian countries say the flag is a reminder of Japan ‘s wartime atrocities, and is comparable to the Nazi swastika .
That ‘s why the masthead has created wrath at the Olympics, with some of the host nation ‘s neighbors calling for it to be banned during the Tokyo Games, which start Friday.

There ‘s little candidate that ties between Seoul and Tokyo will improve any time soon. But the flag dispute may ease. Some experts say the COVID-19 restrictions that have banned spectators at most Olympic venues stadiums may prevent the disagreement from growing .
here ‘s a look at the “ rise sun ” flag and the long-running malaise it has caused in Northeast Asia .
There are two rising sun flags associated with Japan, whose identical appoint in japanese means “ the sunlight ‘s lineage. ”
One is the country ‘s national flag, called “ nisshoki, ” or “ hinomaru, ” which has a red phonograph record on a ashen background. few have a problem with this .
The other one besides has a bolshevik phonograph record, but it is surrounded by 16 rays that extend outbound. Called “ kyokujitsuki, ” this one has led to vehement protests from some of Japan ‘s neighbors .
Both flags have been used for centuries. But disputes about the “ emerging sun ” masthead date back to the early contribution of the twentieth hundred. That ‘s when Japan ‘s imperial united states navy used it as its official flag as the nation colonized the korean Peninsula and invaded or occupied China and early asian countries until its World War II get the better of in 1945 .
It ‘s still Japan ‘s dark blue flag, used by the Maritime Self-Defense Force and, in a slightly modified translation, by the Ground-Self Defense Force since 1954 .
These days, ultra-rightists in Japan much use the iris during rallies or on social media .
Conflicting Views
Japan ‘s government emphasizes that both rising sun flags use the sunlight as a motif and were used across the country even before the wartime period. even today, the rising sun with rays flag theme is used in everyday life in Japan, such as to celebrate a bad catch by fishermen, childbirth and other festivities, the politics says .
“ An argumentation that it is a political statement or a symbol of militarism is completely irrelevant. I believe there is a boastful misconstrue, ” now-Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said in 2013, when he served as foreman cabinet secretary.

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Japan ‘s neighbors view it differently .
In 2019, South Korea formally requested that the International Olympic Committee ban the flag at the Tokyo Olympics. Seoul said that the pin recalls the “ scars and pain ” of asian people who experienced Japan ‘s wartime military aggression, exchangeable to how the swastika “ reminds Europeans of the nightmare of World War II. ”
North Korea ‘s department of state media, not known for understatement, have accused Japan of trying to turn “ the pin of war criminals ” into a symbol of peace at the Olympics, saying that is “ an intolerable insult to our people and other asian people. ”
China is besides highly medium to perceived slights from the japanese politics, individuals and companies. however, official outrage over history has diminished slightly, while China ‘s political, economic and cultural competition with the United States and european democracies has increased in recent years. When it comes to the flag, it ‘s intelligibly less medium in China than in South Korea .
Use at the Games
On Saturday, when South Korea removed banners at the Olympic athletes ‘ greenwich village in Tokyo that the IOC ruled to be provocative, Seoul said it received an IOC promise that the expose of the “ rising sun ” flag would besides be banned at stadiums and other Olympic venues .
But south korean media by and by reported that some activists carried the “ rebel sun ” flag near the athletes ‘ village. Media reports besides said Japan ‘s organizing committee ruled the sag is n’t banned inside Olympic stadiums .
“ It would be inappropriate to ban the masthead from naval exchanges because a translation is used by the japanese Maritime self-defense Forces, ” Leif-Eric Easley, a professor at Ewha University in Seoul, said. “ however, you would not expect the Tokyo Olympics hosts or japanese athletes to use the rising sun emblem because it is not the national flag. ”
Ties between Seoul and Tokyo, both U.S. allies, have suffered for years in part because of disputes over history and trade .
south korean President Moon Jae-in ‘s function announced Monday that Moon had decided not to visit Japan for the Olympics because the two countries failed to find adequate park grind to support a leaders ‘ summit .
Will This Get Worse
Some experts say the masthead dispute is n’t vitamin a serious as early points of competition, like Japan ‘s wartime mobilization of Koreans into intimate slavery or forced labor, and wo n’t probably worsen ties .
The flag quarrel can hush flare, however, if anger among anti-Japan civic groups in the South draw a recoil among the japanese populace, says Lee Myon-woo, deputy head of the private Sejong Institute near Seoul. Lee says South Korea should refrain from a “ besides excessive, political interpretation ” of the flag because there is no sign that Japan is reviving past militarism.

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But Bong Youngshik, a research fellow at Yonsei University Institute for north korean Studies, says the flag would n’t have become a major issue if Japan had accepted its neighbors ‘ demands for making a more “ earnest apology ” over its wartime abuse .
The dispute may not have much kindling to fuel it, though, for one key argue : The miss of spectators at about all Olympics venues means no one is waving that flag — which means the challenge may die down for the fourth dimension being .
Yamaguchi reported from Tokyo .
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