Z flag – Wikipedia

International maritime signal flag
For the microprocessor Z flag, see zero pin The Z flag is a diagonally quartered square consisting of four isosceles triangles with their apexes meet in the center of the square – a yellow triangle on the top, blue at the fly ( right ), red on the bottom, black at the hoist ( left ). It is the only ease up in the international maritime iris set to use four colors. The Z flag is one of the international maritime signal flags.

International nautical signal iris [edit ]

In the system of external nautical sign flags, part of the International Code of Signals, the Z flag stands for the letter Z ( “ Zulu ” in the NATO Alphabet ) when used in letter-by-letter alphabetic communication. When exploited entirely, it means “ I require a tug ” or, when used by fishing vessels near fishing grounds, “ I am shooting nets ”. The Z pin when combined with four act flags ( The leading two denote hours, the trailing two denoting minutes ) indicates z Time ( besides called Zulu Time ), a military and maritime terminus for Coordinated Universal Time ( UTC ) ( once called Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT ) ). Thus this would mean 0800Z ( “ zero eight hundred zulu ” ) equivalent to 08:00 UTC : [ 1 ]
ICS Pennant Zero.svg ICS Pennant Eight.svg ICS Pennant Zero.svg ICS Pennant Zero.svg ICS Zulu.svg
Or, more probable, the lapp information would be conveyed using repeat flags :
ICS Pennant Zero.svg ICS Pennant Eight.svg ICS Repeat One.svg ICS Repeat Three.svg ICS Zulu.svg Under yacht racing rules, display of the Z pin indicates that a finical false depart principle, the 20 % Penalty Rule 30.2, is in effect : a boat on the course side ( OCS ) – that is, over the depart cable – during the minute before the beginning will receive a 20 % scoring punishment. [ 2 ]

In Japan [edit ]

military uses [edit ]

omega flag being raised at Tsushima The Z flag has special mean in Japan ( angstrom well as in naval history generally ) ascribable to its connection with and symbolizing of the japanese victory at the Battle of Tsushima. At the Battle of Tsushima on May 27, 1905, Admiral Tōgō raised a Z flag on his flagship Mikasa. [ 3 ] By prearrangement, this flag flown entirely mean, “ The fortune of the Empire rests on the consequence of this battle. Let each man do his utmost. ” The Battle of Tsushima was one of the most important naval battles of history and this signal is, along with Nelson ‘s signal “ England expects that every world will do his duty “ at the Battle of Trafalgar, one of the two most celebrated naval flag signals ; the conflict is of especial importance in japanese national mythology. The Z masthead was raised on Vice-Admiral Nagumo ‘s flagship Akagi before the aircraft were flown off for the 1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor ( called Operation Z in its planning stages ), explicitly referencing Tōgō ‘s historic victory. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ]

The carrier turned to port and headed into the northerly wind instrument. The battle sag was now added to the ‘Z ‘ flag flying at the masthead … On the escape deck a green lamp was waved in a circle to signal ‘Take off ! ‘

Mitsuo Fuchida, I Led the Air Attack on Pearl Harbor[8]

John Toland, in his Pulitzer Prize -winning bring The Rising Sun, maintains, though, that the Z masthead was raised only concisely :

Admiral Kusaka ordered the Z flag raised above the Akagi. This was an demand copy of the one Tōgō had used at Tsushima, but in the intervene years it had become an ordinary tactical signal … several staff officers, including Genda, protested when they saw it go up. It would cause confusion. reluctantly Kusaka revoked the command and ordered another masthead raised that vaguely resembled Tōgō ‘s signal .John Toland, The Rising Sun[9]

Mikasa, now a museum ship The Z pin ( upper entrust ) is still flown daily from the sign yardarm of, now a museum embark According to Toland, the Z pin was besides raised on Akagi at the Battle of Midway and from the destine flagship Zuikaku of Ozawa ‘s sacrificial Northern Force at the Battle off Cape Engaño. According to Lieutenant Commander ( late Admiral ) Sadeo Chigusa, administrator officer of the escorting japanese destroyer Akigumo, the D and G flags were raised aboard Akagi before the Pearl Harbor attack, as these flags together had in 1941 the lapp meaning as the Z flag in 1905. [ 11 ] According to Samuel Elliot Morrison, the Z flag flown at Pearl Harbor was the actual one used at Tsushima. [ 7 ] From 1905 to 1945, the Z flag was used as an unofficial naval ensign. This rehearse was revived in 2011. [ citation needed ] Planes of the 3rd squadron of the 252nd Naval Air Group wore the Z masthead on their erect stabilizers during the Pacific War. [ citation needed ]

early uses [edit ]

During Project Z, the growth of the Nissan Z-car which broke open the american market for japanese car exports, undertaking leader Yutaka Katayama used the Z flag as an inspirational symbol. [ 12 ] During the hard yen crisis [ clarification needed ], the Nagasaki yards of Oshima Shipbuilding flew the Z flag to inspire the workers. [ citation needed ] The logo of the japanese multinational pot Zuken is partially based on the Z flag. [ 13 ]

The Z flag is sometimes waved by fans at japanese sporting events as an exhortation to victory for their favor team. [ citation needed ] It is besides used as a symbol by some periphery rightist groups in Japan. [ citation needed ]

In Greece [edit ]

In the Battle of Elli against the Ottoman Navy, the greek air force officer, Pavlos Kountouriotis, raised the Z iris as a bespeak for the independent movement of his flagship, the cruiser Georgios Averof. Leaving the older and slower Hydra -class ironclads behind, the much faster Georgios Averof manoeuvred independently and on its own “ crossed the T “ of the Ottoman fleet, forcing it to retreat into the Dardanelles. The emblem of the Kortenaer -class frigate Kountouriotis features the Z flag in commemoration of this .

See besides [edit ]

References [edit ]

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