Assassin's Creed – Best Glitches Compilation

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Watch more new videos about Assassin’s Creed Valhalla | Synthesized by Mindovermetal English

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Big Smok

In Valhalla, if someone is standing under a perch point and you go to assassinate them from somewhere above it, eivor will get stuck on that perch point and you’ll be kicked into conflict

nickolai bernar

I hate when playing AC odessy and I throw my spear at a soldier as he's moving up/down a ladder and I just stand there akward for minute


Why say "best" when glitches are never good?

Bright Black Grouse

Some of these games look so good


Remember, if you don’t desynchronize, it’s canon


Guards got ready to die

Phantom Svk

I really like black flag glitch with the ship when was floating in air and was upside down and crew just falling down in the water and drown.🤣

Clifford Connors

I don't know how but in assassin's creed 3 when I was air assassinating I paused when it went slow motion for the kill I un-paused it every thing was slow in motion

Shivam Baunthiyal

Connor: I am Spider-Man

mjolnir baldur

I especially hate the first glitch. I cannot count how many times that has happened to me. Origins glitches are funny and not game breaking tho, like I've seen the demo man on a chariot, like the animaters draft for the characters so he had a blank face the horses had blank faces and they looked like clay and wouldn't move. Another glitch is I once saw a guy on a paparus boat floating behind the boat with really long arms steering it and when I shot him in the head with an arrow he spazzed out and his arms got twice as long as before and it was hilarious. I had a floating cat glitch so I took a photo to make it look like the cat was on my shoulder. I love the photo mode I have taken so many photos of funny glitches, predator bow arrows hitting them in the face, me throwing a guy of a high wall and other things


this happened to me once and I was pissed af but now it's hilarious


Ezio must have been so embarrassed lol

Story book

Glitch creed


This coulda just been filled with unity lol

Casual Criminal

0:34 Connor did in fact tread on it

Jorm de Worm

Eivor: hold my spectator mode

TheGameBoy Show

These are fun visual glitches we are used to, not those game breaking boat flying lol