Automatically Mute Android When the Phone is Unlocked & the Display is on

Using automation apps like MacroDroid, we’re able to set it up so the phone automatically mutes the notification volume when the display is on.

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Video Description
A couple of weeks ago I was reading through a thread on Reddit where the OP asked for crazy ideas of freatures for future smartphones. One of the highest voted comments was a request for Android to include a feature that automatically mutes the volume for notifications and calls anytime the screen is on.

The thought was, if I’m looking at my phone then I don’t need to be alerted to a notification or a phone call. . .because I’m actively looking at the phone.

So after some testing, I wanted to create a tutorial that did exactly that. With the help of the automation application called MacroDroid, we’re able to easily create a macro that automatically adjusts the volume levels on Android depending on if the screen is on or off.

It doesn’t require root access, but will require us to set up some additional permissions for the app.

We start by first opening up the MacroDroid application and creating our first Macro. This controls the volume when the display is turned on.

The second macro we create is for when the screen is off (which increases the volume again).

These volume levels an be set to any desirable level, so customize them as you see fit.

You can see how useful MacroDroid can be at creating custom macros to help you in almost any situation. I enjoy how Android can automate things like this, so if you have an idea for something useful that could be automated, let me know in the comments section below and I’ll see what I can come up with.

Mentioned Links
Screen On Macro –
Screen Off Macro –

Step by Step Tutorial
1. Intro [00:00]

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Kawasaki 59 59

Have a Mi 8 Xiaomi I'm unable to disable Google Discover have tried it all can u do a clip on it please a video if possible even the tech gurus cannot disable it for me.

No Name

Is there anyway for it to not put it on Vibrate in silent mode?