DO NOT BUY Assassin's Creed Valhalla | A Rant from a Former Ubisoft Fan

Despite Ubisoft’s fall from grace happening nearly 7 years ago at this point, there are still people excited for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was a shallow, grindy open world RPG and yet, people still liked it. Please, don’t buy mediocre trash anymore.

#AssassinsCreedValhalla #WatchDogsLegion #SyntheticMan #Ubisoft

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Synthetic Man

If you are looking for a review, DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO. I have decided to give the game a proper review, you can find it here:


Yeah they did they tackled slavery in assassins creed 4 black flag freedom cry



Dumpy dookie

I like how u r like the actman 2.0 because u cover other games that I like in a similar way he does but with a little twist

Nuka Chloe

Thanks to this video i will now buy this game because of your salty bullshit


my first assassin creed game was brotherhood and i loveddddd it and loved the rest of the series well except odyssey well cause obvious reasons, but Valhalla just made me mad.How come we went from actual assasins to fucking fighting gods and meeting gods and going to ASGARD?!?!, i mainly don't like Valhalla cause its just absolutely fucking ridiculous, and plus most of this stupid cash grab is just me climbing mountains to collect flowers for someone to get xp, also why tf is there A SEASON PASS , IS THIS FRANCHISE EVEN ASSASSINS CREED ANYMORE

Mani Mani

He’s not lying this game is worth a piece of gum and a kick in the balls


Seeing how Cyberbug was such a flop, this video didn't age very well! 🤣 But I agree with most of the points you made. I also loved Ghost of Tsushima, btw. And at least in my book, Platinum games is not underated. I loved Bayonetta and I loved Nier Automata. I thought you were gonna talk about Devil May Cry 5 in the Hack n Slash part. It's also a great game. Two newer games that offer a great Open World experience are Genshin Impact and Fenyx Rising. Horizon Zero Dawn is also a more solid game than AC. But for me the absolute king of the Open World is the Yakuza series. It's the GOAT!


WokeSoft would make great games if they ditched the femenists/pride people working at them.


that song in the background at 14:10 I need to know what it is cos it aint from that game


as someone who played both origins and odyssey i can safely say origins was the better game, if only for the fact that it had the decency to be smaller, my inner completion goblin is stronger than most but even i got sick of clearing everything from each zone before moving on and by the end was just jumping between story missions in odyssey, not to mention i found byaks story a great deal more compelling, especially since the hunting of his enemies was relegated to a literal side mission you could get by without actually focusing on


Honest question, for people that have played all the games but aren’t Ubisoft cock riders, what is the last assassin’s creed that wasn’t copy paste built for 100%er garbage?


Kudos for including alternative good games to play. Not everyone goes through the effort.

This is fun

I bought Valhalla and regret it. less than 2 hours on the game and i created a ticket in order to have it refunded. its similar to oddysey yet so much worse

Todd Adams

Great game.


That’s because Kassandra and Eivor weren’t assassins.. obviously. Kassandra predates the assassin order and is the great grandmother of the one who founded the order. Eivor is the reincarnation of an ISU, like a glitch in the matrix. The story for both games is more about unveiling the ISU, and how it all began in the first place. THAT is the point that people aren’t getting.

The actual harsh truth is that this franchise was never actually about any assassins or templars.. it’s about the ISU and the apples of Eden. The assassins only play their minor roles in a much bigger picture.


I'm enjoying Valhalla (pirated) but some of the writing and shoe-horning in certain views and politics is so cheesy.
I played on hard, but if you do at least some side-quests you can become very powerful very fast.
I haven't even got to the end, and I have nearly every skill.
It really is another popular formula they want to repeat in different settings, same as FarCry.

Taylor Bain

The game is fantastic

Tristin Mink

Yeah let's make a game where you kick people across the map 10 ft wear and use historically inaccurate equipment and involve magical powers like tf is this garbage now I liked origins it was good but fighting gods was kind of tongue in cheek. That was very absurd

Kemas Aziz

Just finished Ac odyssey, im a bit dissapointed with the meaningless and boring quest

Tax is Slavery Boxing

mad max 10/10 underrated game.