Shipping, Freight, Logistics and Supply Chain Jargon – Shipping and Freight Academy

Shipping Jargon - shipping and freight resourceShipping Jargon - shipping and freight resourceIf you Google the word “Jargon” you will see it described as “special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.” If you Google the discussion “ Jargon ” you will see it described as “ special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are unmanageable for others to understand. ” The supply chain industry which includes transportation, cargo and logistics has its own slang, oh yes, and a lot of it normally flummoxes many people in the industry.. I was thoroughly confused with all these when I started out in the industry.. We deal with a batch of shipping jargon and abbreviations on a daily footing, but not all of us know what it means and the implications of incorrect usage of the jargon..

This may besides include abbreviations normally used but which may not be fully understood.. here are some of the transport, freight, maritime, logistics, supply chain and barter jargoon explained.. ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival – normally used to denote the date and time at which a ship is expected to arrive at a port.. normally seen in shipping schedules circulated by shipping lines or information provided to the port.. ETB = Estimated Time of Berthing – normally used to denote the date and clock time at which a ship is expected to berth at a port/terminal.. This term is normally seen in pre-arrival notifications sent to the ships.. ETC = Estimated Time of Completion – normally used to denote the date and time at which a embark is expected to complete its cargo operations.. This term is normally seen in arrival reports sent to ship owners.. ETD = Estimated Time of Departure – normally used to denote the date and meter at which a transport is expected to depart from a certain port/terminal.. This term is normally seen in arrival reports sent to ship owners and besides in shipping schedules circulated by shipping lines or data provided to the port.. ETS = Estimated Time of Sailing – exchangeable to ETD FCLF ull C ontainer L oad – means that the container has cargo that is shipped by one shipper for manner of speaking to one consignee.. FCL is one of the Container Service Types in shipping.. LCLL einsteinium than C ontainer L oad – this is when the lapp container is used for cargoes belonging to multiple shippers and consignees.. The clients deliver their cargo to the lines packing post ( CFS – Container Freight Station ) and the line then packs the deliver cargo on behalf of the client.. LCL is one of the Container Service Types in shipping.. Groupage – The act of collecting the LCL cargo from the versatile shippers and packing into a container is known as Consolidation .. The entity that handles such operations are known as Consolidators ( Groupage Operators ) .. Port and Starboard – There are respective ideas and versions of the origin of these words, but in simple transportation terms, it means the LEFT SIDE and RIGHT SIDE of the ship respectively.. MSDS – The abbreviation stands for Material Safety Data Sheet.. An MSDS is a form containing all possible information relating to the hazardous cargo in question.. It provides guidance in handling the commodity and the properties and composition of the item in question.. MBL – The abbreviation stands for M aster B ill of L ading used extensively in freight forwarding circles.. HBL – The abbreviation stands for H ouse B ill of L ading used extensively in cargo forwarding circles.. SLAC – The abbreviation stands for “ S hippers L oad S tow and C ount ” and is used extensively and chiefly in containerize shipping.. NVOCC – this abbreviation stands for N on V essel O perating C ommon C arrier..

Read more: 10 Reason why Maritime is AWESOME ( And such a great career! earn 400k USD per year!? )

STC – this abbreviation stands for S aid T o C ontain.. You would see this abbreviation on bills of lading for containerised cargo which means the Shipping line is saying that based on the shippers announcement, the container is said to contain XYZ cargo and they haven ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate verified the contents.. BAF – stands for Bunker Adjustment Factor which is basically a charge levied by the shipping production line to cover the monetary value of fuel on the ship.. CAF – stands for Currency Adjustment Factor which is a surcharge implemented by certain countries on their trade routes to cover the volatility of their currentness against the major currencies used in trades like USD and EUR.. Countries like Ethiopia distillery apply CAF.. ISPS – stands for International Ship and Port Facilities Security Code ( ISPS Code ) and requires Governments to ensure that port facility security assessments are carried out and that port adeptness security plans are developed, implemented and reviewed in accordance with the ISPS Code. which forms contribution of SOLAS Chapter XI-2. VGM – Shortform for SOLAS Verified Gross Mass.. Basically each container that is exported has to have its slant checked and declared to the shipping credit line before it is loaded.. SOLAS – SOLAS Convention is one of the Conventions of the International Maritime Organisation ( IMO ) which specifies minimal standards for the structure, equipment and operation of ships, compatible with their safety.. MARPOL – The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships ( MARPOL ) is the main international convention covering the prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes. BCO  stands for Beneficial Cargo Owner – refers to a cargo owner who could be a aim exporter, direct importer, seller or buyer.. Smart Container is a container equipped with sensors designed to provide real-time chase of its location and movements.. Using this technology, whether you are a embark line, customer or security agency, you can track the advancement of your containers anywhere in the populace, plan your equipment and stock inventory which could possibly lead to reduce costs…. You can besides read some of the articles relating to Shipping Jargon here ..

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