We thought that regular golf was too easy, so we spiced things up by adding a volcano into the mix. Does anyone have an ice pack?

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montijo 14

sus rode on the pipe


I love that the way that Tanner put f on Paul’s keyboard

Viren Gohil

Which anime is that laugh from???

Mika Kanetun

Matt is so annoying as a gamer 😂

antval 09

Hold up 2018 footage 0:10

Candy Hood

Matt at 12:20

Dawson Kallio

i say
1st place Matt
2nd Connor
3rd paul
4th no one
and then tanner disqualified

Kelli Lewis

someone give connor a high five lol

Mark De Mars

Wait. I couldn't tell the scoresheet. Who won? Who finished 1st and who finished behind who?

beatrice davis

Lady dippers

Julie Meldrum

Connor, you won episode 1 and 3 dude

Tinfoyl lord

These videos are 🔥

izzyXD YT


Tammy Leponiemi

Matt: Tanner went way so far..
Me: What 😕😂

KingConn 1120

Connor:”you suck”
Tanner:”say it to my face”
Me: Connor did

Kimberly Ferree

10:40 : The Erupting Weiner!? 🤣

Skyelre's Music

Is nobody gonna talk about what connor said at 3:35

Abid Ariff

Hello welcom ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Pasha Bykov

yeah TAKE THAT tanner for messing up on Paul

AlixTheAce _

2:17 me too

Diego Meza

Paul got salty

Dandy K

If on mobile, go to 0:25 then play and double tap forward then backward repeatedly.
Thank me later

Dragon Editzz

This video had a lot of PG 13 content “what’s this? A mysterious hole…” “THATS WHAT SHE SAID” and the map was called the eurupting weiner


physics has left the chat!


Does anyone else notice the title of the map "Erupting Wiener"

Owen Reid

I luv the golf vids

Johnfinity Gaming

Did anyone see that the name of the map was the erupting wiener??? Please tell me if I’m delusional

Maya Jacobs
Mac Boi

This shot is to end racism 10:28

Ash W

What if you hit the subscribe button to death and it dies of not subscribed 😲😲😲😲😲