How to link Cells with VBA when taking data from other sheets. Link so that they reflect changes made on the new sheet.
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Thanks a million!
You can do it in one go…
Sub LinkCells()
Sheet1.Cells(Selection.Row, 2).Formula = "=Tom!" & Cells(4, 2).Address(False, False)
End Sub
You should avoid using Select. Takes on performance…
can u use higher resolution on ur recording its really hard to see the code. Thx.
what about linking the name of a sheet to that code on a VBA? Example my code on vba includes the name of that sheet, but when i copy the sheet and rename it to some new name, i had to individually change the previous code in the vba to refer it to the new sheet. what if the name of that code is dynamically changed when the name of the sheet is also changed?
Please don't mind , This is my suggestion.
You have declared two worksheet variables and you haven't set (or) define the worksheet to those variables.
Even though, you have got the desired result,
I would like to see the code in readable format.
Thank You !!