How to remove invalid characters with a macro in Excel

How to remove invalid characters with a macro in Excel
How to discard invalid characters and leave remaining characters.Determine which characters are invalid.

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Sub Invalid()
Dim e
For Each e In Array(“~”, “`”, “!”, “#”, “$”, “%”, “^”, “*”)
If e Like “[*?~]” Then
Columns(“a”).Replace “~” & e, “”
Columns(“a”).Replace e, “”
End If
End Sub

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Nice video, but I was wondering about this: how can Unicode Block characters (i.e., replacement characters, such as "diamond with question mark" or �) be referenced in the visual basic editor, and not just commonplace symbols? Thank you!


Hello ,I tried using your code mentioned above. But it is limited to only one column at a time. Can you help me in making a code for removing Invalid characters for the selected rows and columns in excel. If so ,that would be really helpful. Thank You.

Mohamed Chakroun

Handy Macroo

sandeep kumar

Thanks a lot of you mam