How to use VBA to search for a value on a Worksheet. Use VBA to find a value on another sheet. How to find a value and retrieve a number from another cell on that row. Allow me teach you the skills in Excel that you need for business
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Sub findsomething()
Dim rng As Range
Dim account As String
Dim rownumber As Long
account = Sheet1.Cells(2, 1)
Set rng = Sheet2.Columns(“A:A”).Find(What:=account, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
rownumber = rng.Row
Sheet1.Cells(2, 2).Value = Sheet2.Cells(rownumber, 3).Value
End Sub
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Thank so much for watching my video. Please note, I am not allowed to include square brackets the description of the video, so that if you copy the code from the description, I have replaced >, <>, and < symbols with text.
Before using the code check for these instances.
Thanks in a million. Great content. Awesome. Grade: A++💥
Hi, how do I know where the row# was returned to? I've tried to use the same code to get account 130033 qty 39.31, but I keep getting 1.57 on that. Any time I try to change code I get error codes. Any help or more examples?
Hi, I'm new to VBA and I've been using your tutorial for practice. I keep getting a "run-time error 91" on "rownumber = Rng.row". Where does it reference cells C4 in the code?
Your videos are excellent. Do you know of a way to loop through an entire range of cells and compare the contents of each cell in that range to the contents of another range of cells. If a match is found, then do something (e.g. copy matched cell context to another cell)? Thank you.
Dear BarbMaybe you have an idea for me. I have two sheets and need in range D4:BA9 to compare the cells one by one. If the Cell matches in both color and text, the cell shall be cleared in Sheet 1.Hope you can help 🙂
Thanks Barb, your simple video help solve a problem I've been working through. I'm only a beginner in VBA. A lot of other videos were a little too complicated for me.
Thanks barb
In what case is it this code interesting ?