Israel, Lebanon reach historic agreement to settle maritime border dispute

이스라엘-레바논 영유권 분쟁 타결 임박…가스전 개발 속도낼듯

A landmark agreement between Israel and Lebanon has been reached over a disputed maritime border.
The U.S. brokered deal sets a border in a contested 860-square-kilometer region in the Mediterranean Sea,… with Israel controlling the Karish oil and gas field,… while the gas-rich Qanaa prospect will be in Lebanese territory.
Officials from both countries on Tuesday said their needs were met in the deal,… which also allows royalties for both sides from gas fields straddling the new border.
Despite the progress,… Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group said it will “stay vigilant” until the deal is officially signed.
The two countries are still technically at war, and Lebanese officials said the agreement is not a normalization of ties.
Meanwhile, Israel say oil and gas exports to Europe will begin as soon as possible.

#Israel #Lebanon #Arirang_News

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2022-10-12, 09:00 (KST)

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