Strait of Malacca | strait, Asia

Strait of Malacca, watercourse connecting the Andaman Sea ( amerind Ocean ) and the South China Sea ( Pacific Ocean ). It runs between the Indonesian island of Sumatra to the west and peninsular ( West ) Malaysia and extreme southern Thailand to the east and has an sphere of about 25,000 public square miles ( 65,000 square kilometer ). The strait is 500 miles ( 800 km ) long and is funnel-shaped, with a width of lone 40 miles ( 65 kilometer ) in the south that broadens northbound to some 155 miles ( 250 kilometer ) between We Island off Sumatra and the Isthmus of Kra on the mainland. The strait derived its name from the trade port of Melaka ( once Malacca ) —which was of importance in the 16th and 17th centuries—on the Malay seashore .Small boats moored at Port Kelang harbour, Malaysia, on the Strait of Malacca. humble boats moored at Port Kelang seaport, Malaysia, on the Strait of Malacca .Bernard Pierre Wolff/Photo ResearchersStrait of MalaccaStrait of Malacca Strait of Malacca.

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. In the south of the strait, water depths rarely exceed 120 feet ( 37 metres ) and are normally about 90 feet ( 27 metres ). Toward the northwest, the bottomland gradually deepens until it reaches to about 650 feet ( 200 metres ) as the pass merges with the Andaman Basin. Numerous islets, some fringed by reefs and sand ridges, handicap passage at the southerly entrance to the strait. The sand ridges are identified as accumulations of material that have been brought down by rivers from Sumatra .
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geologically, the pass belongs to the Sunda Shelf, which was an extensive, low-relief land come on at the begin of fourth clock ( about 2.6 million years ago ), and appears to have remained undisturbed by crustal movements for about the past 7 million years. The strait attained its award shape after having been inundated by the postglacial rise of the sea level resulting from the thaw of land ice in higher latitudes.

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coastal swamps are normally found on both sides of the pass, and a huge, low-lying swamp forest lies along the easterly coast of Sumatra. The strait is silting on both sides, and, near the mouths of big rivers, silt up accretions range from about 30 feet ( 9 metres ) on the coast of Malaya to about 650 feet annually on the east coast of Sumatra. The climate of the pass is hot and humid and is characterized by the northeast monsoon during the ( northern ) winter and the southwest monsoon during the summer. The average annual rain varies between 76 inches ( 1,930 millimeter ) and 101 inches ( 2,570 millimeter ). Throughout the year, the current flows northwest through the strait. Surface-water temperatures in the strait are 87 to 88 °F ( 30.6 to 31.1 °C ) in the east and may be vitamin a much as 4 °F ( 2.2 °C ) lower in the west. The cheeseparing proximity of farming and the acquit of large rivers result in a low brininess for the strait. As the link between the amerind Ocean and the South China Sea, the Strait of Malacca is the shortest ocean path between India and China and therefore is one of the most heavily traveled transportation channels in the populace. In early times, it helped to determine the focus of major asian migrations of peoples through the Malay Archipelago. The pass was successively controlled by the Arabs, the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the british. Singapore, one of the world ’ s most crucial ports, is situated at the pass ’ s southern end. In the late twentieth and early 21st centuries, petroleum companies established new vegetable oil wells to exploit the petroleum fields along Sumatra ’ s east slide, merely off the Sunda Shelf region. Besides other ships, the strait affords enactment to giant vegetable oil tankers voyaging between the Middle East oil fields and ports in Japan and elsewhere in East Asia.

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