Jetpack Compose: Beta overview

Jetpack Compose is Android’s new modern declarative UI toolkit. Today, Jetpack Compose is in Beta! Join Android Developer Relations Engineer Nick Butcher to see how Compose makes building Android UIs faster and easier.

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#TheAndroidShow #JetpackCompose event: #TheAndroidShow: Jetpack Compose 2021; re_ty: Publish; product: Android – Jetpack Compose; fullname: Nick Butcher;

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This is probably best video on Compose I saw until now. It is short and to the point, concepts are followed by example. Excellent work, would love it if all Android Developers videos were like this.

bs will

Whats the point of this? Why make another redundant technology like flutter?

Bazar Club

I'm in love with the compose idea mainly because I really HATE the view styling system with its deeper to hell inheritance hierarchy and no guarantee that any view will respect of standards.

Debug styling on view world is often take a bath on Android versions history… ("This style have a parent of a parent, of a parent from HOLO? Why?").

In contrast, style in compose seems to be so easy because all the responsibility was took out from graphics components. There is no hidden tricks to make a component look like you want. You have colors, and shapes and typography, and that's it.

If you want different appearance to a component, you just compose it! If you want some different component into your action bar, just directly put what you want the the right slot.


In 10 years maybe it will be production ready and adopted by companies

sercan tor

declerative is the best way to write ui

Anastasia Rozovskaya

This is just great! I feel so inspired! Please, keep it going 🙂

Matt Graves

I still don't understand the distinction.
"It says what it should look like, not how to produce it".
They keep saying this!
Like it makes some sort of sense…
I understand the words, but they make no conceptual sense.
I have never written code that describes how something should ve drawn vs what it should look like as far as I know…
how would you describe what something looks like in code vs how do you produce it???

Waheed KhAn

I have start learning compose very easy to make UI but still need to learn more..👍👍🚴

Randy Manuel Peña Jimenez

This will make our lives better.

Luca Ambrosi

che figata!!!


cant see the need for jetpack compose when u have a perfectly working gui designer lol

Testing th

5:19 this will not work, val checkedState = remember { mutableStateOf(true) }

I don't know how official google show unworking code

Sanjay Paudel

Please please improve it's performance. I installed the jetnews app and It's very very slow. There is no point of developing apps that no one will use.

Pedro Veloso

This is a great succinct and well build video tutorial. All Android dev videos from Google should have this quality 👌

Coding in Flow

Looks like the future of Android development is bright

steve yao

I'm coding with compose now~~


Coming from a flutter background, this is definitely amazing, I LOVE IT

Maxwell Mapako

I love you guys <3

Louis CAD

Very good content in that video, helped me grasp most fundamentals of Compose quickly.
Thank you!

Ravinder Yadav

wow looks so much like flutter now.

wanjusi abdalla

flutter !!


Is this production ready now? Or should I wait for the full release?

Jim Pekarek

I just started playing around with this a week or two ago, and it's pretty cool!

– Layout preview is acceptably fast on my Macbook Pro. Updates happen in a few milliseconds to a few seconds. It is monumentally slow on my Windows 10 machine, taking 20 – 60+ seconds to update anything. Both have comparable processors, >=16gb ram, and SSDs.
– Because it's been in alpha so long, most of the documentation and examples are extremely out of date. Use the official jetpack compose samples for reference, or search for articles written in the last 6 months.
– Most components are very easy to set up, but there are still a fair number of missing "standard' components, like a viewpager analog. Implementing this myself was surprisingly non-trivial, as components in a LazyRow ignored all attempts to fillMaxWidth.
– Scaffold is your friend
– It's really easy to add vector icons now with Icons.Filled.Search, Icons.Filled.PersonAdd, etc.
– Modifiers involving alignment and fill/wrap often behave in very unintuitive ways, and require some trial and error to figure out.
– A deep dive into remember, animations, coroutines, etc in compose would be hugely helpful, because it's clear as mud right now (though this video helped a bit)
– We still need to use an activity, but we can get rid of Fragments. Yay!
– Overall, despite some issues and the big learning curve, I think this is a huge step forward for Android. It's gonna be REALLY cool when it's a little more polished.

Kroken Stiv

there is no seekbar in compose

Alex Butcher

Great Compose roundup @crafty!

Johnny Nguyen

Coming from a Flutter background and not having touched xml in a few years, this looks amazing.

Niloy Ahamed


jaydeep mondal

Exited to try the Jetpack Composer.

Arjun Dahal

Give us that dam compose stable version


flutter be part in android native right now , don't kill flutter please

Luca Pellizzari

Jetpack Compose is in Beeetha

Carton Waffle

Remember property had similiar function as useRef hook's on React isn't it?

Max Gerasimov

Wow finally, web has this for couple years


Looks really great!

aryan barnwal

am not getting 'Empty Compose Activity' in my canary build


Although I really like xml and I think it's fairly simple, this looks really good, looking forward to try it

anotherbuffer account

heavily inspired by React

Nitheesh AG

Basically, flutter on steroids. 😅

Kamlesh Bachani

So we react now? I gotta update the state here aswell