Lobster War: The Fight Over The World's Richest Fishing Grounds

Lobster War is an award-winning feature film about a climate-fueled conflict between the United States and Canada.

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John Johnson

Nothing but liberal propaganda not interested

Valerie Byrd

Their also being over harvested by both countries and illegal taken.And wake up look up to the chemtrailing above your heads all asleep.They powers to be agencies have and are messing with our weather and climate and controlling it and think their better at it than mother nature.
No they are not.Look up.Contrails dissipate one forth a mile from the plane and continues to dissipate one forth of a mile behind the plane as it goes.But a chemtrail plane trail continues in the sky no matter how long gone the plane is and becomes wispy in the sky.
A beautiful blue sky will become whitish blue after a while keeping the heat closer to the ground stopping most of it from escaping and warming.
Our earth.Dont be fooled.
They have safe places to go you don't or anyone of us we the people. Wake up.

Valerie Byrd

What about the magnetic north been moving at Great speed away from were it's been for a long time for year's year's .
To me along with the the North pole magnetic moving fast for year's the south pole has been moving just as fast and that spells a flip of our poles.Has anyone been paying attention to that as others of small groups have.Anyone???????let me know kindly.thanks

U.S. Militia

American fishermen should man and arm a few boats and run patrols. If your government won’t protect your livelihood then protect it yourself. 🇺🇸


LOL!! Most handle these Canadian trespassers themselves Some friends of mine have made close to 6 figures total in the last 20yrs, selling off just the Canadian trespasser's gear and the lobsters in them.


Canukistan never wanted it so the U.S claimed it and fished it. Like a spoiled child Canada now wants to play with the "Wooden Toys". No one feels sorry for you. Go Epst'n yourselves!!

Jordan Bartholme

11:43 This man is a living, breathing cartoon character 🤣
Seriously, someone needs to draw his likeness into a new comic strip, it's perfect 🧑‍🍳😽

Jordan Bartholme

11:02 Are you kidding me?!! All this over 9M/yr??? TF man, that is NOTHING between two countries, let alone 2 weathly countries. FFS, just someone pay someone for the rights and get it over with. Stupid

Michael Sever

Is there a limit?

terry crouse

whoever produced this apparently dont know shit about sound, cant hear the talking for the loud ass music,good luck getting somebody to watch this long ass video with the loud ass music drowning out the words

Paulus Rex

Can't we all just get along? Has anyone ever heard of sharing?

Jeffrey Charbonneau

Such a good movie. I love in southern maine it was really interesting to see

Gregory J

America is just as bad as China when it comes to destroying the planets Oceans .

Adam Carmichael

It’s nice being out on the water but it’s a Dangerous, Dangerous job! We had a hatchet on the stern to cut the rope in case someone got caught in the ropes.

Let's take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us…🚀🚀❤👍.

Dai Neal

If Canada had a Prime minister with any balls he would claim what is Canadian once and for all.

Cesar Arellanes

you lost me at 24:15 some main fisher wimp is flying a confederate flag, in Maine. what an idiot

John Gault

Maine is part of Canada, really. Stolen by the Yanks. Return Maine back to Canada, then dispute will end.

Moose Moose

send in the f-22's

darryl Bailey

Canada's way of fishing is like China. What ever you catch you can keep. Fish it till its gone. Sad!!!

Kenneth Hayes

invasive speicies


Well done!!!


I remember when Kramer took those lobsters…😃

James Segrest

The US ought to take the Island its clearly part of the US, and give the Canadians Point Roberts it ought to be part Canada.

steven maza

Every New Year's eve I do a HUGE lobster dinner for the family and enjoy it. After watching how hard these men and women work at getting the lobster's, I now greatly appreciate what they do!!!!

tyler maloney

9:35 – Any island that was apart of Nova Scotia, well…
✡🔶 – This is the original map used by the Mi'kmaq, owners of Nova Scotia, Title holders to Mi'kma'ki.
Mi'kma'ki is this top right triangle in the star of David, seen above.
The Entire region of Turtle Island is held within Nova Scotia, through the Mi'kmaq Grand Council.
From Mi'kma'ki to Miexico, all the way up to Alaska.

In NYS it's illegal to throw a minnow trap into a stream. Where there are native brookies…


Shame how this film quickly turned into global warming propaganda. The lobsters aren't dying from it. They're simply shifting location slightly. Things change, and people need to cope. What should NOT be done is increase taxes and spend trillions of taxpayer dollars to try to "change" it. Our country is taxing us to death already.


Lobsters are bottom feeders; Jacques Cousteau said that he never would eat them because of that. I disagree, I have caught rock lobster while diving in the Florida Keys, cooked and cleaned them and they were delicious. Maybe that's how all of us should experience lobster cuisine

Jason Hopper

So according to this video by definition lobsters are a canadian animal.

Jason Hopper

Canadian Fisherman Rule!!!!!!!!!

Jim Douglas

i really do not care if you eliminate eachother. Neither of you respected my peoples' inherent rights for anything!

PondBoss Baits

They continue to harvest more than they ever have before yet the price continues to go up?

Charles Murray

I do believe they should stop fishing lobster another fish as well for a year get the population back up Because once they’re gone they’re gone will never get them back


All this fighting for the Cockroach of the Sea…

I still have issues with Canada changing their fishing seasons…So they can move in on the area in dispute..That shows intent. As they had no claim till the Lobsters showed up..Then it becomes "Their Fishing" grounds…

Henry Cole

My friend is a land surveyor. The border is clearly defined. Canada is lying

jamie flowers

Machias Seal Island is clearly off the coast of Maine. No sane person would think it belongs to Canada or Nova Scotia. (I am neither Canadian nor American)

Mike Ivy

War is looming on the horizon over “fishing rights”, we all know which countries support their ppl and economies with fish…pirates are already out there killing honest fishing ppl. Stop commercial fishing! Now!


fortunately, no; Canada & USA are civilized enough not to even raise their voices on the issue. and, thank-heaven for that. as for the fishermen, that's there fight – don't bring in the national 'authorities' if you want to escalate things…

Joe Smith

Once the area has been stripped of lobster, then there will be nothing to fight over, eh

Mind Blown

And I thought global warming was bullshit. Wow. IT IS REAL.

Mind Blown

Scientists need to genetically modify these lobsters to prefer warmer waters. Or start factory farming lobsters in huge vats of cold water.

Lawrence J Neuser

I worked for Garbo's out of Stonington Connecticut, and I used to hear some real horror stories of how they used to f**** other people's gear like pulling up another company's gear and then just launching in one big pile but that was way before I came to work for them. Yeah they were always a cutthroat organization. I don't know if Dave still got a pound off of Deer Island buddy used to ship lobsters from there down to Stonington.

Harry Bennett

sounds like anything else fish move then so do you, if that means move to Canada. or rent a office and make a new Canadian company name, as your head office that subcontractes you to fish for them. so many ways around it by playing the game back. if you do it the second way then your Gov might do something when they see they are lossing out on taxes but you are still making money. more then one way to skin a cat

Monsta Mcnair

native Americans helped .. free canada..by fighting our own..yet we Cant Gather. Were not big Tollers.. like China..or Russia.. but yet.. fight over crumbs..

Dang Khang

So ironic AMERICANS!!!! 😂😂😂
We made the lobster move to the Border and y’all complaining. Lol
Y’all do know the US join the WORLD WAR because of business right?

Kyle Blake

Great film. Loved it.

The earth warming up is a cycle by Mother nature, unfortunately humans have the asinine hubris to think we could be the cause of it. "We are special, we impact things, we are important." Mother nature does not care about humans. Mother nature does not care about YOU. Sure, we aren't helping, but Mother nature doesn't care. Making someone feel guilty because they drive a gas fueled car in America is asinine while jet planes are constantly flying, and changing things in America doesn't matter because China doesn't give a shit.

The Earth is going to warm up regardless, and whether we like it or not doesn't matter to Mother Nature. These are facts. Lobsters may not continue their abundance for the time being for human consumption, but 1,000 years down the road when Earth cools again they will. People need to stop acting like their existence has an impact on how this planet has naturally reacted in a vast universe for millions of years. You and your consumption do not matter. Deal with it.

Getting that out of the way, well done by Abel and Laub. Some more things could have been better explained early on, but I appreciate the lack of narration. This is a fairly reputable account of what is actually happening, and for that I definitely appreciate it.