Manufacturing Process of Tractor Front Mounted Reaper Binder ||
Manufacturing Process of Tractor Front Mounted Reaper Binder ||
#tractorfrontmountedreaper #Tractorreaperbinder #machineshop #machinist #pakistanitruck #amazingtechnology #cuttingedge
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And to think I spent 60 bucks on my welding helmet
So why don't they just harvest the wheat and forget putting it in a little bundles get it done, who knows why.
سداراج نہ رہسی حکومت سن صائب سلطانہ
بھلیاں دی بھلائی رہ جاسی گزر جا سی زمانہ
A work of art
Nothing like a sledgehammer to true up the iron
Ok, you can bend the machine with one finger, but isn't it oversized for dollhouse farms?
Not gonna lie didn’t see the plasma table coming
todo meu respeito a esses profissionais, esses guerreiros sabem o que fazem com perfeiçao, apesar da precariedade das ferramentas.
Mantap dan kren channel nya, selalu sehat ya Pak
The U.S. has been losing manufacturing jobs since the days of Reagan, this is the outcome.
Muito bom 😃😃
Vary good job thank you
Nice job from beginning to final testing!
1:12 that clothing, near that machinery, gives me the willies.
So very Nice Video Thank for sharing
Unit cost?
بہترین ماشااللہ
Great Work!
Nice build and great use having jigs. How many different sizes of "L" handle wrenches do that have?
If you don't hit it with a hammer, it's not together. 🙂 Nice job, gentleman.
Pretty decent work especially without templates.
i love the videos but since everything is played at a faster speed everyone sounds like Jawas from Star Wars…
I would rather have that than a john deere any day. These guys actually know how to build things and its amazing how little resources they need to make a perfectly useful implement.
Good job 👍
واھ جی واھ اللہ آپکو ترقیوں سے نوازے آمین
Это запчасть от станка , из предыдущего сюжета ?😆😆😆
Diese Leute sind sehr gut und sehr fleißig. Die Arbeit an sich ist hochqualitativ. Was mich nur sehr traurig macht ist das diesen Menschen keine Schutzausrüstung wie Sicherheitsschuhe, Schutzbrillen, vernünftige Handschuhe usw gestellt wird. Und hinzu kommt noch die sehr schlechte Bezahlung.
excelente trabajo muy artesanal
Воды бы еще налить в ванную где резак.
Very good ❤️
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم …ربي معاكم
Ни хрена себе компьютер 😊