Samsung returns to China!

Samsung’s return to the Chinese market rumors, from the beginning of the year began to buzz, rumors for a long time, but never saw the landing.

But recently, Samsung has been rumored to invest 22.9 billion yuan to return to Xi’an, China to build a factory.

Samsung’s upper executives have made a good choice and want to move the project of processing cell phones from Vietnam to China for development in the fourth quarter.

All signs show that Samsung, especially Samsung cell phone business to return to the Chinese market, or just a matter of time.

Samsung’s return to China to build factories, there may be a number of factors.

In 2019, Samsung factories officially withdrew from China, and the Huizhou Samsung Electronics factory, the last smartphone factory of Samsung in China, was announced to be closed in this year.

Since then Samsung has moved its cell phone factories to Vietnam, India and other places, with a focus on Vietnam.

In today’s world, Samsung is the largest foreign investor and exporter in Vietnam.”China Focus” is a YouTube channel created to provide current events and pop culture headlines from China.Here you can get to know a more real China through my video. |
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Thobekani Khoza

do you guys just play random videos

Kaven Borbon

They also have flat panel display (FPD) manufacturing under their belt and through China Star Opto-electronics Technologies (CSOT) with TCL and Shenzhen city government.

Aldino Kalla


Sean Lee

Why show so many irrelevant photos and clips?

Jeremy  Young

NO!DAMN!Samsung,Come to my superpower India right now!

Donkey Kong

Translation: US screwed Samsung and Korean hi tech companies

Daffy Duck

Workers don't ask for big wage increase in Central and S. America but if you kick them out of a job, expect big time theft at your factory.

Shanx S

Samsung is smart to go back to China. Because here in the EU i read news today that US is only giving US companies like Intel, Qualcomm and so on subsidy. Means Samsung is not getting any subsidy. TSMC should move to China quick, like Samsung. I know they are going to India. But TSMC boss is Chinese, so support China your own motherland.


Stop buying Communist Chinese exports 🇨🇳

nma George

As TSMC is forcibly kidnapped by the United States, TSMC's market share will be occupied by Samsung. China itself also produces a large number of low-end chips, and all of them are their own. The high-end chips have not been able to break through for the time being. In five years, TSMC will be doomed. After all, China is the world's largest chip manufacturer and the world's largest chip market. I also forgot to mention that China is also the world's largest producer and processor of rare earths. Without rare earth chips, it is impossible to make chips. It is Taiwan's anti-China that will destroy its own industry.

Albert Li

Good and detailed analysis, excellent video to rebuke the myth of decoupling with China. China will continue to be a leader of world factories, second to none! God bless China and President Xi forever!

Assalam Azeem

Samsung return to China because of low quality skilled workers of India and not efficient supply of raw materials

Sarah Khan

Samsung has made thorough research and clearly it will be an advantage with China's reliable manufacturing infrastructure


Who can bear to leave the biggest population 👍👍👍$$$ in the world !!! 😂

Ojiuty Kewijp

I don't believe it till I see it. I've been hearing about the Chinese h-20 since 2017 and it still hasn't came out. Probably never will. A fake robot voice ain't going to convince me.

Nitin Saklecha

This news seems to be fake…no proof is shown just talk talk..looks like china managed channel 😀

Agus Jusup

Samsung pintar 👍🏿, ngapain ikut USA , USA banyak hutang resesi, pasti enak ikut China, cuan pasti pasarnya gede, kaya..tidak punya hutang, sumber material melimpah, tidak pernah baikot, hanya China yg bisa rukunkan dua Korea.

surapon tirmariyabuit

It is good for both countries,win-win situations

Benny Constantine

China have all provisions that will be needed for businesses and commerces in the world 🌍🌍🌍 to harness for innovations and evolutions…..!!!!!

MultiPolar WorldOrder

I support Huawei but it is good for Samsung to be invested in China.

Cherubim Cherubim

No one can do without the Chinese market.

Mi Aya

Like a dog with its tail tucked in 😆😂


Good move, Samsung! Welcome back to China.

Daniel Wong

Without China market Samsung cannot grow to their satisfaction, even if they want to open factory in india, they will not last in one decade. The only way for samsung to grow is only the China market that they need most.

Annie Tan

South Korea is slowly trying to shake off the shackles of an occupied state.

Philip Cormier

Good choice Samsung !

Hing Wei Ching

That time Samsung pull out and closed factory in China coursing workers lost of job now I believe workers in China not welcome your return they will boycott you…😡😡😡👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼


Low quality Samdung💩 products made in Vietnam and people ask why I loath Samdung💩 3rd rate products 4th rate software. Huawei is the RIGHTWAY


It means South Korea realises it is being EU'd by Israelistan 🇺🇲

Tiger Fist 👊🔥

u ready or not the future is china , western media anti china cant stop that fact

Patrick yoon

Great move Samsung, Great decisions. China will never stab their friends at their back. Unlike other double faced friends, which has angel face at the front and has a devil at the back ; think all evil things that can be done to friend to skin off their hard money and wealth.

Андрей М


Pattamadai K Sivaswami

Good Propaganda …for Communists China

Graeme Watson

Looks like a Communist China channel. If Samsung goes to support Communist China again, I will not buy Samsung again.

Joseph Tempongko

This is your reward listening to the US advice. It is POISON ADVICE.

Angshuman Debbarma

India is the best

Eddie Siew

Boring to see repeated images.

irwan trahmat

Smart move by litle country


USA in the 20th century is the world biggest consumer and thus every manufcturing country dance to their tune. China's is now THE market in the 21st century. So everyone has to sell into China.

Tony Su

If it's not a done deal and still speculation, there's a lot of reasons why Samsung won't re-enter manufacturing cell phones in China. China's economy is in a very fragile state right now, and it's entirely speculative if China's consumers will buy high end Samsung phones. China itself is probably heading to a very deep economic decline with accompanying dive in consumer spending.

And, if Samsung were to manufacture phones in China, there would still be a big question about Chinese wages vs Vietnamese wages.

Bottom line, I tend to believe this story won't happen.
Too much risk and costs for Samsung.
Not enough potential benefit.
This type of project would require hard cash commitments from Samsung in exchange for highly speculative and uncertain profits.

Victoria Wilder

Wow nice

Try A Thousand Times kkk


Boon Teoh

Samsung realises that China provide a bigger market demand!!!🤗🤗🤗

silent watcher

Samsung trying their luck again.

Tejinder Singh

If moving to Vietnam is a disaster,India is a nightmare 😹😹😹

Robert Lee

Samsung returns to China?
Samsung never left…. closing few factories and moving them Vietnam is not leaving the country lol


Vietnam has roughly 12 million workers in the manufacturing sector and with poor logistics infrastructure and an incomplete value chain, as compared to China's well over 80 million workers and with superb infrastructure and self sufficient value chain, Samsung should not move away from China in the first place.