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===== MUSIC =====
Jeremy Soule – Nerevar Rising
Vindsvept – Voyage to Nowhere:
Vindsvept – Dreamer’s Rest:
Vindsvept – Distant, part two:
Laura Platt – Dragonborn:
Mythical ENB:
Rudy ENB:
Silent Horizons ENB:
Imaginarium ENB:
EisVogel ENB:
Intrigued ENB:
Ruvaak Dahmaan ENB SE:
Lusty ENB:
Lighting – ELFX:
Weather – Obsidian:
Water – Realistic Water Two:
Trees – EVT:
Mountains & rocks – picked textures from Vivid Landscapes:
Main texture mod in general – amazing Pfuscher’s work:
3D tree LODS and amazing LODs in general – DynDOLOD:
Grass – Unbelievable Grass 2 (custom port from Skyrim LE)
===== FAQ =====
Q: ENB preset used for intro/ending?
A: Rudy ENB for Obsidian weathers.
Q: How to achives this insane distant terrain look?
A: Here’s an explanations –
Q: Why grass is so dark, and why dark/black objects and grass are often pitch black, why characters looking weird?
A: SE has engine limitation related to dx11 which supports ENB much worse then LE does (as it’s dx9 based). SSAO is working differently and is generally worse than in LE. SE ENB also has pretty bad SSS, bad water shaders, no parallax and so on. If you want superior graphics, more ENB features and generally better ENB shaders – mod LE using my already available modding guides.
Q: Wait, so you’re saying that older version of the game is actually better for modding?
A: Yep. LE (original Skyrim) has much better ENB graphics and more mods in general, while being 100% stable even with many hundreds of mods.
Q: When the SE guide will be released?
A: Soon ™ 🙂 This summer, to be more precize.
Modding guide for various games & my mods:
===== MY PERSONAL 1326 MODS SETUP =====
Look here for first video about its MCM setup:
Graphics demonstration:
Me on other resources:
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Welcome folks! And don't forget to watch in 1440p – I hope this comparison will be useful to you 🙂
More amazing mods? Modding help? cozy gaming chatting? Join the community in Discord today – https://discord.gg/XjyJvxP
My ultra-modded Skyrim setup with 1400+ mods, graphics demonstration – https://youtu.be/vCXO-oVuBFc, https://youtu.be/a2FwMmWYuoM
Thanks to all my patrons for supporting my work:
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James Dimitriou
Tim Iatao
Wesley Caton
Adrien Chellé
David a.k.a daddee_o
Cameron Smith
Keksimus Maximus
Ryan Clark
Bob OMalley
Steve Marquis
Jakub Vokral
Justin Pirkig
Teri A Davis
Dale Richards
John Barry
The Exit Strategy
Jonathan Cook
Vladimir Ignatiev
Shaquille Martin
Radu Profiri
Alexander Becker
Sarang Khajuria
MCM setup video – https://youtu.be/AdHnZ0JRH5g. Where to find all my modding guides and mods? Look here – https://www.sinitargaming.com
What is that armor in the thumbnail?
Mythical for that "fantasy game" look, Rudy when you want something a little more realistic or gritty. The others are far too dark or heavy on contrast. Eisvogal and Lusty look good in some areas but bizarre in others. Mythical and Rudy are the most consistent from area to area.
honestly… SE looks better without ENB's
Subbed, love your SE modding guide.
after horrible performance from skyrim se im gonnna swith to le
What armor set did you use for the thumbnail?
Im the only one that after installing a ENB the game does not look even close to these videos?
imo RUDY ENB looks more acceptable…
Its weird, i have mythcal enb but it doesnt look like this. Its driving me nuts.
Thank you very much for the help, I already chose
One question, waht armor is on a miniature.
Mythical ENB is amazing!!!!!
that sum emotional music wright their
Thanks for the enb comparison. Great video and even greater music. The best true RPG of all time is still Morrowind. Although Skyrim is the best looking game.
bro how do I contribute via Paypal?
Beautiful video. But I wish it included un-modded skyrim, as a comparison.
Why do SE enb's still look so lackluster compared to oldrim
Poor bandit getting slapped around…
Shame some look amazing in certain parts and ugly in others.
Laughs in 9 fps
What armor was he using in the thumbnail?
I am here on my journey to get Skyrim: Breath of the Wild
Silent Horizons seems to be the best one and Rudy is a close second.
I;m curious about both Mythical and Ruvaak though. Ruvaak looks like 3rd place to me.
Mythical looks really vibrant with a lot of bloom. I'm concerned it might make mods with glowing items unusable.
Eisvogel = FO3 Filter o3o
Great showcase Sinitar. Though I will say that you did PRT a bit of disservice. Although it does look great with Obsidian Weathers, it was made specifically for NAT. PRT+NAT simply looks amazing if you want the most natural look.
Sorry to bother you Sinitar Gaming , you certainly already told us but as a french guy not really familiar with english i should miss it, which enb you use and why ?