Third-party launcher on the Amazon Kindle Fire

Phil runs a third-party launcher on the Amazon Kindle Fire.

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Heather Lynn

how do you download it???

Nicholas Youmans

Is it rooted? Rather, must one root in order to be able to use a third party launcher?


you cant mess up anything with a third party launcher

Virginia Alvarez

I would put it on mine but i dont want to mess it up

Randy Candy

I fucking love you

Fisher W

How do you download it


how long before someone ports the KF launcher for phones? i kinda like the way it looks!

Tyler Ray

Okay now im definitely going to get this! But do other launchers work on it?

Sir. Dave

@BrodericKlemetson Thanks, I really appreciate it.


Actually, I just downloaded the free "go launcher from the amazon app store. "@LifeisMusic07

Sir. Dave

@BrodericKlemetson By rooting, or by just downloading one of the launchers or Google Android Market?


@LifeisMusic07 Yes, I just got mine, and I side loaded Go Launcher and Gizmo onto it.

Walt Chen

Wish CM9.X will be installed on it

leslie chess

ok how do u get this

Sir. Dave

@Dustin52456 Thanks, I appreciate it. But, I don't have the device yet. I was deciding on whether to purchase it or not.

Dirty Mike

Hands R SOOO FAT!!!! ARRGHHHH!!!!!

Sir. Dave

So what… can you install other third-party apps? That you don't necessarily buy from Amazon Android Appstore? Basically I'm saying with this can I side-load other Android apps on here? That's a big deciding factor on whether or r not I'm gonna buy one.


Nice… to know

Brad hambrick


Jane Doe

How do you install the AWE?


Awesome, looks like people are gonna go after the Kindle Fire like they did for the TouchPad.