What Is Going On With Tractor Supply Chicken Feed? Did Your Chickens Stop Laying?

What Is Going On With Tractor Supply Chicken Feed? Did your Chickens Stop Laying? TSC Dumor and Producers Pride is made by Purina. That means tow mills, with any ingredient that is cheapest, without thought of the chicken’s nutritional needs. Shop Local, Support Local Mills, Keep It fresh! Know your General Analysis and nutritional needs. @bigvfeeds4647 #TractorSupply #ChickenFeed #ShopLocal

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🐓Chicken Farming “Items We Use”🐓
Digital Sportsman Cabinet Incubator 1502=====
Universal Chicken Egg Trays (6 pack)=====
COCCIDIOSIS TREATMENT===Corid 9 6 Oral Solution 16oz=====
WRY NECK TREATMENT===Selenium Vit E Paste===
Brooder Plate===
Top Fill Poultry Waterer====

🐐Goat Emergency Kit🐐
Selenium w/ Vit E=======
Pro Bios===============
Copper Bolus for Kids====
Copper Bolus for Adults==
Power Punch==========
Hoof Trimmer==========

🐓Chicken Products We Love🐓
Enrichment Toys For Chickens======
Nesting Pads Chicken Bedding======
Large Chicken Run================
Waterer/ Feeders:=================
Washable Nesting Pads============

Intex Deluxe Wall Mount Surface Skimmer:
🌊Bestway Flowclear Soothing Waterfall LED 🌊Lights, Multicolor:
🌊Bestway Flowclear 2,500 Pool Filter Pump, 2500gal, White:
🌊Floating Pool Thermometer Crab, Large Size :
🌊Adjustable Floating Pool Dispenser:
🌊Flamingo Solar Light:
🌊 AIPER SMART Cordless Automatic Pool Vacuum:

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📩EMAIL & PAYPAL: ParagonRidgeRanch@gmail.com

Paragon Ridge Ranch
975 HWY 75
Mounds, OK 74047
United States

Music from Paid Subscription to Storyblocks:
Happy Country Music by Bobby Cole

Extra Words: Paragon Ridge Ranch, Maran Egg Color Chart, Black Copper Maran Hatching Eggs, Rare Eggs, Dark Brown Eggs, Chocolate Eggs, Mangalista, Mangalica, Homestead Ranch

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Super! Great info! Thank you!


Mine stopped am now making my own feed and nothing from Purina which makes the 2 feeds at TSC

V Perez

Love to learn about this stuff!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Greens With Envy Homestead

They are not worried about us Eating Eggs, they dont want us being self sufficient by raising new chickens.

Greens With Envy Homestead

Hey girl, we are right down the road in Anoka

Enfin Libre NM

I just spoke to a lady who raises chickens and her chickens stopped laying completely. She changed her feed and they started laying again.

Sean Tonnesen


Donna Koepke


Donna Koepke

Shop local

Chris Johnson

TSC sells this but what other “brands” are made by the same company and sold at other stores? Does TSC have any control of changes to the feed the producer does?

Victoria Quintana

What do you recommend to feed chicks? Thanks!

imperfect me

it's not just tractor supply! i'm in canada! purina is the culprit. they make most feed! my quails haven't laid eggs since october and i feed them purina because my local feed store doesn't make feed for them. my local feed store makes their own chicken feed, and my chickens have been laying.

Remnant 144

My hens stopped laying on Dumor feed. Switched feeds and got eggs within a few days.


Wish you were near me in northern middle Tennessee….we give Calf Manna year round, but ours stopped laying this past fall. I thought it was the due to the summer from hell/drought and back to back heat waves…..they did start laying again at Christmas, but just a few. None under 3, most age 5-6…. Am shopping co-op now…..

Kathy Allen

I’ve recently experienced ducks-molting. They didn’t lay well for months. Now I know how to help them recover. Thanks!

Marvin Willis

Mike Adams has taken the deed to his lab. Doug and Stacy just posted a video regarding producers and monopoly. “this mom is warning about chicken feed”

Angela Rasmussen

Dumor as in dumber? Or is producers pride as a political agenda?

Hoosier Pioneer

My chickens stopped laying. I don't use tractor supply brand feed.

Lea Wilcox



Tractor Supply has come out in support of drag queen story hour for children so no more TS for me. Southern States is cheaper anyway.

Jimmy Canary

The reason you're getting more eggs is you are giving them 16 hours of light and a higher protein plan and simple, I use producers pride and have no problem

Our Kentucky Home

https://youtu.be/FJkUQSTKEV4. It's all Purina products and it's all bad.