Your coverage to protect YOU.
•Your COMPREHENSIVE coverage will cover your vehicle if it’s stolen, vandalized or you hit an animal. You can decide how much you want your deductible to be at the time of purchasing your policy. Just think whether or not the amount will be convenient for you to PAY in the event an accident takes place. Also read fine print on your policy as in some policies there may be a clause as to whether items stolen from vehicle are covered.
* Your COLLISION covers damage to your vehicle basically if you collide with another vehicle or object. Which is why it is called collision coverage. *When involved in an accident always make sure to take photos, get a police report and or check for witnesses if you’re able to exit your vehicle safely. As these things will help determine fault if your party is not at fault and the other driver is being uncooperative.
* Your UM or better known as Un-insured motorists or underinsured motorists is protection that kicks in when the other party at fault doesn’t have enough coverage or any to pay for your damages or injuries. So this coverage comes in handy.
* BI or better known as bodily injury covers the other party if you’re at fault for their injuries. Often times this coverage will say 25k/50k meaning your policy will pay up to 25k per individual that sustained injuries and up to 50k per the entire incident. * Also property damage will tie into this part of coverage as this is what your policy will use to pay for the other persons damages to their vehicle or property if you are at fault.
* PIP or personal injury protection covers your injuries and physical therapy, massage therapy and or chiropractic care if needed. It is best to have the max limit on this coverage as this is where your care needed will bill your auto insurance company thru this protection without any extra cost to you up to your limits.
* Rental reimbursement comes with a few options $900/30, $1050/30, $1350/30, $1500/30 days max. All of these price ranges determine the size class of the vehicle rented. Whatever coverage you choose if it’s not equivalent in price to the daily rental cost of that particular size of vehicle the rental car company will expect you to pay the difference. Often times if you drive a full size vehicle and you have this coverage on your policy it’s encouraged to choose an amount equivalent to the price of full size rental. But if it’s due to affordability and you have a lesser rental reimbursement coverage you can always ask while filing your claim if you can have a similar size class of vehicle. *This coverage is only available in the event of an accident. *Also it’s best to wait until repairs start on your vehicle before reserving a rental. Ask the body shop repairing your vehicle the expected time of completion. If your repairs exceed 30 days and your rental max is 30 days you will be responsible for the difference of the rental cost. This only applies in the event the accident is your fault and you are using your own policy for repairs and rental.
* If you’re financing a vehicle the lender will expect you to keep full coverage, which is your collision and comprehensive. If you’re not financing and your vehicle is older you may only decide to carry liability which is required by law. Which is only pretty much your property damage coverage, meaning you have coverage to cover the other’s vehicle should the accident be your fault.
* These are just few things to remember when you’re considering coverage, that’s increasing the coverage you have or reducing it or adding coverage for the first time.
* For information pertaining to your state auto insurance laws refer to .
* For more info refer to
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