15 Psychological Laws of Human Attraction

There are many amazing psychological facts about human attraction. After all, attraction is one of the great mysteries of psychology and life.


Important discoveries about the Laws of Attraction

The Strangest Rules of Human Attraction

Psychologists on Dating

Science-Backed Reasons for Sexual Attraction

Principles of Social Psychology: Attraction

Chief Editor: Tristan Reed
Voice Over: Christian H. Miles
Music credits: Original song produced exclusively for TopThink by Joseph McDade

Watch more new videos about Law | Synthesized by Mindovermetal English

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piya chaiprommueang

This is hilarious

Actitud Roja

Thank You For Sharing This Information 💚💚💚💚


You should look good in order to attract people and you should have a good personality to maintain that attraction.

King Charlie

#2 only true for middle-aged and up people. Not true for folks 18-29

Black Girls Rock

Hate the new voice…🙄💩😊

jeery jer

its 100 %true really attraction to the lady all 15 point are right😊

D. Washington

Love and blessings ❤️


i just play dead at the park. once they approach i pounce on them

non sequitur

Most of it sounds like bromides.

Erin Keffer

These "rings in the eyes"…how does that work with ppl with dark brown/black eyes? We cant always see that. Yet, they can still be attractive. In that case, is it the other features that apply?

Debby Brew Sherr

Cute animation and some very spot on information! Thanks 👍

Brenda Cunningham

Thank You For Sharing This Information 💚💚💚💚

kero Tina Rita


Syed Mudassir

Lmao 🤣🤣🤣 Dude visit Asia especially India, you will see billions of people living with only love that they married!!!


By experience i approve

Eromonsele David



2 Is Bullsht..Not These ModernWomen..They Go For Losers If They Think The Rock Star Idiots
.Not Smart..So 3 Is Bull Sht

Will Ltd

Awesome 👏

Assalasse Aoun

That very helpful. Thanks😍😍😍

Patience Acheampong
