The UFO Conspiracy (2004) | Full Movie | Joe Leahy | Kenneth Arnold | Jimmy Carter | Brian Barkley

Space travelers or demonic deceivers? This is the first, and only, documentary that answers the question of who the pilots of UFOs really are, where they come from, and what their intentions are. Unidentified Flying Objects have been recorded in various forms since the creation of man: Crudely drawn on Stone Age murals…chiseled in Egyptian stone…noted in the journals of ancients like Alexander the Great…even described in the ship’s log of Christopher Columbus. More than a stunning catalog of UFO photography, video, and eyewitness recordings, hear startling scriptural evidence from noted scholars like Dave Hunt (The Archon Conspiracy) and I.D.E. Thomas (The Omega Conspiracy) which reveals the hidden truth about UFOs and the beings who operate them.

Director: Brian Barkley
Writer: Brian Barkley
Starring: Joe Leahy, Kenneth Arnold, Jimmy Carter, Ellie Crystal, Paul Deutsch, Frank Edwards

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“The brain is a machine that a ghost can operate” wow I love that quote


One thing you need to always keep in mind is that we cannot assume to know their psychology technology etc etc
And so its almost impossible to understand anything to do This phenomena using the human perspective, this obviously includes their technology and how they traverse space time, but this also includes on reports of ufo attack, crashes and being successfully bought down by humanity.

You never know the occupants of these ufos could come from a civilisation may hot even know of or ever experienced violent attacks, the space craft could possibly traverse space time not as a singular physical object but as a multitude of particles vibrating in unison and this giving them the ability to dodge and even travel through any object in spa r it comes into path with etc etc. these so called crashes who is to say that all of them were accidental? I know if I wanted to make contact with a species which Any has not understood all previous attempts?!It is also a create way of manipulating or controlling our technical and spiritual path too if you think about it..

We don’t even know what humanity as a wholes knowledge on this subject

Jay Graham

Space is def to vast ,just us being here proves there is other life/math has been done
Its basically impossible for there not to be space is that big ,but just think say there were other species of life out there just smaller brain or just not as intelligent as us ,or so far beyond they just stop bye to check us out laughing at us destroying while improving ourselves 😆(then they hit warp drive) ,or its us attempting to time travel ,either way ther are way to many suns with planets out there its really amazing the number stars and galaxies ..


Nice documentary except for the nonsensical religious bull crap at the end.

Jay Graham

Ahhh back when they made great documentaries 👌 thank you 😊

Lee Larson

This was halfway tolerable—-just that—-until the end, where an inquiry into the perceived Reality around us deteriorated into a babbling of religious-minded people who are still stuck in the ancient practice of explaining everything in terms of 'gods' and 'demons'. There is no scientific evidence for the existence of any 'god', 'gods', or 'demons'. These are mind-constructs intended to regiment the masses into unquestioning obedience. As for the 'Christian community', there is NO historical PROOF that this 'Jesus' thing ever actually and physically existed and walked upon the Earth. No, and again No, we do NOT have to 'take it on faith'. Faith in what? The people who threaten us with Hellfire if we don't? Religion AS SUCH is a bunch of crap.

A complete load of old shit.

B. Andresen

Fine old video.

…but… only the so called “bright minds” of this World could be so arrogant to say, that noone could make a “plane” that could move that fast or that fare…. Face it “Einstein”, we humans are stupid. Look at us, we still fight, and kill one another for land…. Maby humans will grow up one day, and use time and money, on peace – and a engine that could get us to other solarsystems. ….and understand, that we are ALL one! Damnit.

Jojo ward

Of course the holy scriptures told us about these beings since the very beginning before we were even made I don't know why everyone acts like they don't know who they are and why they're so confused

Saylesie 17

Demonic deception to the core. the nearest star is like 70,000 light years away so that would take 70,000 years at light speed to get here. What is going off here is spiritual and it's a deception, The truth shall set you free.

Andy Williams

I think I married one 👽👰‍♂️

Jeffrey McGillivray

If I ever saw an alien from another planet, I would be scared for 2 seconds, then I'mma beat his ass and sell him to science for $$$$$$$$

Marlboro Man

It's always been a flat plane. That's what the bible teaches and that is how God created it.
Nothing goes in or out of the firmament… aliens are demons from inside the firmament.


Well presented and through insight. We wrestle with powers and principalities, the prince of the air. We fear not, for greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world

Jesse Jesse

Unidentified is a movie on this YouTube channel that makes sense regarding the UFO demonic deception. Time 1:03:00 to 1:10:00

Chris Defalco

We are spirits in a material world,wake up people of the World

Chris Defalco

They have been here for many 1000's of years


This is not a movie. It's a documentary. Old stuff too.


There is still the possibility we are indeed alone in this universe. If the odds of life getting started from nothing turns out to be say a septillion to 1 then it looks like we are alone in this universe. Because we don't have the answer to this if you are being fair you must come to the conclusion it's either one or the other. You must remain scientific about it and let the scientific facts speak for themselves. I cannot take a persons word for it that they were abducted or even saw a disk shaped craft because people say the strangest things. Look at the popularity of Bigfoot recently. I have watched countless videos of people saying they saw one many more than before it became so popular.
The good news is we will most likely find out the odds of life beginning from nothing in the near future with science making bigger leaps than ever before. The chances of us proving aliens are in our skies just ain't going to happen in my opinion. If you disagree with me then pls state your case because if there is other advanced life out there I don't know how the hell they would even find us because the universe is just so big and we are just so quiet and small.

Sidney Hart

Until you understand that you humanslook like Man are the product, you will never comprehend what the Overseers and their crafts are about.

Garth Sutcliffe

There,s no such thing as God as you think of god , all there is is the source of all things (ENERGY ) its a matrix of quantum physics ,mathematical equation, there,s no such thing as religions, made up by the Roman,s empire and carried on though out the civilisation,s around the world in there own conscious awareness and there imagination of what they think there God image would look like and the laws of there made up God, Would want his little flock to follow , if you check all religion's are all written in the same image (program) but the image of there God,s is some what different in appearance, some r male, some r female, some have many arms, some r dark in skin colour ,there,s one he,s a man in looks with white hair and a beard bronze skin and in a long white rope and saddles, the Roman catholic order hahaha ,the people on this world r young soul's 😀, shhhhh and just listen ssssshhhhh .I,am not a program I,am that I,am ,universal…..awake "father I have awoken"

Garth Sutcliffe

The old grey hair man sounds like a program, he,s just another one who read 📚 ,s about some f… up story,s about the son,s of man 👨who rape,s women , and have giant offspring, hear,s wisdom r.n.a / d.n.a if the son,s of man were say 6 feet tall and the mother 5 feet tall the babies would b approx around their parents height, not f…… giants, there,s a film called giant and its about oil and rich people, so rich they were giants with in the oil business industry , I believe these offsping were called giants because they became large nations of peoples ,just like Joanna and the whale, the whale wasn,t a whale it was a large city that he was swallowed up with in then spat out and released 😉 . There just programs….. I am the most high . (Ascension )

Erric D Johnson 74

Never thought I'd see a story about aliens – UFOs in a Christian channel lol Cool 😎


Antonio Brown

Religious nutters going on about Noah and "the time of Christ"…….