In this episode, Richard examines the profound incident that took place at a school in Ruwa, Africa that involved many children witnessing a number of low flying UFO’s, some of which descended to the ground and landed. Some of the children seemingly interacted with strange small beings before they took off and left the area. Richard explains some of the process of investigation carried out by (the late) professor John Mack.
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Great segment, also this story was shared on Paul Wallis you tube channel I believe.
In Melbourne in the 60-70`s 200 school children saw alien aircrafts to … .."greys" are plant&bio interested ..thats why they are on Earth visiting and warning best they can without overexpose themselves ..they come with a message ,but really dont care becasue we own the planet and not them …
Interesting how the whole UFO thing intensified after CIA was created in 1947…… ?
Is there somewhere we can view the whole episodes? They always cut off just when they are getting good
My favorite encounter