@Law & Lumber was able to get into the courtroom and tells all he saw during the trail thus far. From the jury, to the judge, and even the gallery, he gives us impressions and analysis from inside the court.
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I am eager to hear your take on the Ghislain Maxwell verdict.
The while story change was, she leaked a photo to TMZ of a" bust lip" because they wouldn't show it in court, and they called her out saying the date of this picture was wrong, there's an audio of TMZ talking about it. 😱
Something I did notice about her which was telling to me, was when she was being "emotional" was she would look at the jury, each and everyone, and of she didn't seem to get a reaction, she would suit up straight, pull in her jacket almost in a stroppy teenage Manor? Anyone else
Rob, You are very well-spoken and warm.
'Elaine might be insane.'
Yes, Nicl. You nailed it.
Were they taking real notes or Amber notes to try look intelligent
Robs a fraud I think,
A young jury is bad, only because they don’t have enough experience with life to judge much of anything from what I can tell. They think that they’re really bright and insightful, that doesn’t mean that they are 😏
I'm French and honestly so many things seem weird me 😂 It goes on and on and on but things seem quite simple though. That girl obviously was angry at him, tried to get a lot from him as a revenge and went too far which makes things very difficult for her. And that's… all, no ? That's what I understand (and I am far away from you). Can you ruin someone's life if he throws you a phone, in your country? I don't think so… I don't believe the rape (because of their photos together in press after Australia) and then? what's left? the headbutte? She admits to start physical fights. When you fight, some day, you might get headbutte… From where I am, she seems a very discusting woman and I don't know how the jury won't see that 👋 bye
It is so scary because there have been rumors that AH’s PR team has been following Internet commentary to fix her act try to act more believable more credible…
So they could be actually watching your comment on her all this time
I heard Heard heard these witnesses telling the truth…!!!
thank you for this! good to know the jury isnt on Amber's side! brings us all hope
3 cucks
Bruising – micro needling treatments can cause a bruised under eye and redness. AH obviously uses at home treatments for skincare. Botox, micro needling, dermabrasion, etc. I have given myself a ‘black eye’ when micro needling too close to the under eye area.
Amber Turd should hook up with Jesse Smullett..🤦🏻♀️
What's funny is that the jury doesn't have access to the internet information, videos and comments and views of millions of people. If they did, they would reward Johnny Depp $100 million, not $50 million.
Why do I think the 50 year old white lady and the 60 year old dude will cost Depp this case? Am I racist towards old people? 🤣 All jokes aside though, please JURY! PLEASE prove to us this Justice system isn't completely f*** broken.
Her pictures of redness are actually useless since this was after she claimed a broken nose, broken rib and was punched repeatedly. She should have looked like Rhianna.
I live with a person who is like amber. I recognize all the expressions , the bs, and the lies. this case is so personal to me bcse i'm so glad people are able to see what someone with untreated bpd and npd can do. (yes i know not all people with bpd do this, but to those who are abusive AND have bpd–it's a special kind of hell.)
Given what elaine had to work with, my heart goes out to her. She couldnt do much more. Camille might even have struggled to make a case to defend ah.. her lies are indefensible..
The eye thing is a contact that has a bit of protein debris on it.
I think the eye thing is her false eyelashes are coming off.
Wonder what the jury's response to the big change in her demeanor from her first day of testimony where she was all emotional–willing herself to cry, and her second day of testimony after the week break where she was much more cold and controlled. Well, except when she was crossed by Camille then stormed out of the courtroom before the jury OR the judge.
Could the eye touching be sime sort of signal to her "fans" on who to target??
Is rob presenting evidence with the broken bed by the knife ? Does anyone know
Eye wipe = marking targets. 😀 😆
They’re probably avoiding eye contact with Amber, because she keeps trying to get a sympathetic advocate on that jury.
I think the photos lack a lot to be desired myself, according to Amber Johnny beat her on a daily basis! Black eyes broken noses ect and not one picture showed anything such as this! The pic of the place so destroyed are completely laughable! She has zero credibility to me, I have to think that this Jury sees the same thing we do here ridiculous!
I haven't seen one tear when she's crying.
I’m interested to hear from lawyers like you whether or not it is common for lawyers and judges to receive letters from people for and against clients/defendants/plaintiffs? Would it be normal for a director of Johnny’s to write to you all to say how fabulous it has been to work with Johnny on set? I guess I’m asking if you all receive letters from character witnesses who are never officially part of the trial?
Aline is useless as an attorney
Has anyone made a video on the jury reaction to johnnys testimony?
Love the comment, “stick up her ass”. Definitely!! As for not crying…her acting coach said that AH had difficulty “ acting like she’s crying”!
Part of the reason the judge is locked on the Lawyers instead of the witness is because that is her role in this type of trial. A trial with a jury.
I feel like AH stares the jury down.
Is this why Amber left before the jury the next day, she knows she lost them?
Is there something wrong with name io…? My daughter’s name is io.
She’s wearing contacts. That’s why she’s messing w her eye, she’s adjusting her contact. Guarantee ya, cause she’s not wearing mascara while on the stand, and those of us who wear contacts will confirm that sometimes they shift and it’s hella annoying lol.
I would like to know if there was a good looking alfa male in the jury ?
Those upClose facial pics were manufactured, the same pic used 2x only changing saturation to darken eye area, also check out the whites of her eyes aren't RED with broken capillaries, a true sign of a broken nose & blackeyes.
All her pics are staged long after the original event, before she left her dookie on his pillow & jumped on the plane. She has/is committing perjury and seems to be intimidating her own witnesses into doing the same.
Also remember the vids from exiting courthouse for RO show a DIFFERENT bruise, this one is on her cheek NOT on her eyes or nose.
If I were a juror in this trial, pretty sure I’d just want to scratch my eyes out at the end of each day AH testifies. I think I would have to go buy earplugs to be able to sit through it all. I can barely watch videos of her testimony, I literally feel my stomach twist in disgust and I can’t continue listening to her. Her histrionics are just over the top but there are NO TEARS. UGH 😣
Jurors are being warned not show any emotions etc I know they discourage any reactions as much possible
There is an hour difference from MN and court