Why do they always gotta be so tricky? @Law By Mike #shorts #cops #driving

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Gunella Hodge

Officer: Where are you coming from?? Me: a funeral the funeral ran late because we had dinner with my dead uncle and his wife and children's you my uncle had 10 kids..

Scared Of Ghosts

I used to say hiv test, now i say covid test..and when they ask for a result i say "idk yet, not for a day or so"😹 they kickrocks everytime


U getting out your car can get you killed.

Josiah Fickinger

Great! You've just given a criminal the upper hand for escape lol

Just a person

Your moms house

Money man 777



No duh they're fishing for information.


America. The land of the free, where perfectly innocent citizens have to be coached online on how to avoid interacting with a police officer at all costs

The Kitchen Wala Guy

Officer: "Where are you heading?"
Me: "I invoke the fifth."
Officer: "bsdk bahir nikl!!"


“I wouldn’t mind telling you that bu-“

💥 🔫 👮‍♀️

Todd Thomas

Or you could just answer honestly.


or just answer the damn questions, cops are working hard to catch any suspicious individuals!

Karin Esq

Watch out. This lawyer's secret will make you look guilty as hell.

Dan Lo Fat

Oh yeah that's a good one this is why why I asked why are you asking officer I'm curious, and the officer says oh just casual conversation you know chit chat, and my answer to that is okay. And then I don't say a word after that and if they ask me again I say there's nothing to do with my driving sir you did pull me over for something I would just like to know what it was.


Yeah, that's not a secret.


Officer: "Good day sir, you called me because of a noise complaint, right?"


Patty Bloom

Officer: where are you coming from?
Me: Jessica’s house.
Officer: 🤨 where might that be?
Me: Dallas (the city I was in)
Officer: 🤨😡 where are you headed?
Me: to Jessica’s house

** true story. What happened was, I left Jessica’s house to go home but I forgot my phone at Jessica’s house so I was headed back to Jessica’s ** lol

I got a ticket hahaha

Juno Brannick


Garritt VS

"I came from back there… I'm going that way."

Don Rotten

I’m just coming from a crime scene, hold my beer.


sir you were going 90 in a 20-

i invoke the fifth


Honestly I hate cops that ask those questions.

First of all sir, you only have a right to hold me accountable for traffic laws. You PULLED me over.

With all due respect, my destination, and my start point are none of your business.

Cops don't have a right to ask personal questions.

It's invading a civilians right to privacy.


Officer pulls up

Officer h-

Swift iCal

This guy is the chad of lawyers


> I invoke the fifth!

>Sir, this is Turkey.

U_salty plays

Cop Did you murder him

Me I invoke the fifth

Claire Samuels

Officer: Where you're heading?
Me: I am going to my house.
Officer: where is your house?
Me: On a street.


"follow this motivational story, but ignore the implication that only a handful of successful companies in the business will take up all the available contractable labor after scaling"

Krishna Patel

*Under the knees in 5 seconds *

prod. guardian

bro if you got out of the car like that on a police officer you’d be in heaven


Happened at an OSU football game I was headed home from, dude made me confirm where I was going six times, felt like i was going insane


They asked where I was from and I said a city that was far away. They then tried to trick me into saying I was tired “Oh you’ve been driving so long, you must be tired?” (Tired driving is illegal here)


Imagine mike doing his job and want you fell in trouble to make him work


Is this good advice or bad advice?

Nick R

Your mother's house


I watched a video where the person being pulled over had their license and registration already out of the window to hand to the cop before the cop could even speak his first words she told the cop I'm invoking my right to remain silent the cop immediately became agitated because she invoked before he got to even make his first statement he could not ask her to search the car he could not ask her any other questions so the stupid officer told her that if she did not answer any questions he was going to arrest her his blood pressure went through the roof because people cannot stand it when you do not talk to them it causes agitation but you have the right to do that so on his own webcam he says in one statement if you do not talk to me I will arrest you turned around and said you're under arrest you have the right to remain silent he took her to the police station after 6 hours her case was noticed by the sergeant he immediately saw the f**** of her invoking the right to remain silent and within less than 10 seconds the officer put her under arrest and told her she had the right to remain silent so she received $5,000 for every hour she was held in jail unjustly for a total of $30,000 she was a paralegal and knew if she pulled it off exactly the way she did there was absolutely nothing the law could do but fall into the Trap

Riza Distrajo

The channel name should be named BETTER CALL MIKE


"Where you coming from"
"Your mom's house"
"Sir step or of the car"
"I invoke the fifth"