In the Societe archipelago, on the island of Huahine, bonito fishing is a man’s affair.
Tika Pana Pana is an extremely physical kind of bonito fishing, which consists of striking and then quickly removing the fish from the water.
Armed with their longest bamboo poles and guided by the birds, fishermen launch their floating nacres at these legendary Polynesian fish. They must constantly check the fish’s speed and the direction in which they are going, so as not to lose them.
From the documentary: Sea Legends – Tika Pana Pana
Direction: Jean QUEYRAT et Vincent GREMILLON
Production: ZED
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Skipjack tuna. Close in quality to Bonito though. I'd just still believe they are more expensive.
Bonito taste like shit end of story. Waste of time technique and toilet paper. Get some real rods and get fish that will cost money not because you think the gods are happy
Jelly Sandals
Toughest guy I've ever seen wear a pair of jelly shoes!
Before the 80s my father and uncles grandfather use the but their hook was made from the shell of the turtle but very much like these boys are using
you have a condescending narrator
are bonito fish big
Tangata moana🤙🏾🗿
And the two brothers still wear the same shirt till this day 😂
There is knowledge and wisdom
Allah=One god, the Most Merciful, Who has taught the Qur'an, He created man, taught the eloquent. And He raised the heavens and created balance, so that you do not destroy that balance. And establish that balance. And He stretched out the earth for His creatures. inside There are fruits And palm trees That have mayang petals And seeds That have skins And flowers That smell good, so which favor of your god Do you deny? And he created man From dry earth like pottery And he created jinn from flame smokeless fire. Which of your god's favors do you deny? God who preserves the two easts, And the god who preserves the two wests, then which of your god's favors do you deny? He let two seas flow Which then both meet, And between the two There is a boundary Which is not exceeded by each one. then the favor of your god Which one do you deny? From both of them come pearls and corals. then the favor Which of your gods do you deny? His is the ships that sail in the sea like mountains, then the favor of your god Which do you deny? Everything on earth WILL perish, but the face of your god Who has greatness and glory will remain forever. So which of your god's favors do you deny? WHAT IS IN THE HEAVENS AND ON EARTH always asking him every time he is busy. Which of your god's favors do you deny? We will pay full attention to you, O people and jinn! O jinn and people! if you are able to penetrate beyond the corners of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate. you will not be able to penetrate it except with the strength of God. then which favor of your god do you deny? to you Jinns and humans, will be sent flames of fire and hot copper liquid so that you will not can save yourself from it. then which favor of your god do you deny? then when the sky has split into a rose red like the sheen of oil. then which favor of your god do you deny? then on that day man and jinn will not sin. then the favor of your god Which one are you denying? Those sinners are known by their signs. Then their heads and feet are frowned upon. Then the favor of your god Which one are you denying? This is the hell that sinners deny, they roam around in there And among the boiling water, then which favor of your god do you deny? And for those who fear the moment of facing their god There is two heavens. So which of your god's favors do you deny? The two heavens have various trees and fruits, so which of your god's favors do you deny? In the two heavens there are two gushing springs. So which is your god's favor? you lie? they lean on a carpet whose interior is made of thick silk. and the fruits of both heavens can be picked up close. which of your god's favors do you deny? in that heaven there are angels who limit the view, which has never been touched by humans or jinn before A. then which of your god's favors do you deny? as if they were yakut and coral gems. then which of your god's favors do you deny? THERE IS NO REWARD FOR GOODNESS OTHER THAN GOODNESS then the favor of your god who Which one do you deny? Both heavens look old green in color. Then the favor of your god Which one do you deny? In those two heavens There are two bu ah The gushing spring. So which of your god's favors do you deny? In those two heavens There are fruits, dates and pomegranates. So which of your god's favors do you deny? In those heavens There are good angels -good and beautiful. So which of your god's favors do you deny? Angels kept in the tent. So which of your god's favors do you deny? They have never been touched by humans or jinn before. So which of your god's favors do you deny? lie? they lean on green pillows and beautiful carpets. then which favor of your god do you deny? HOLY IS YOUR GOD OWNER OF MAJESTY AND GLORY.. …. GOD IS ☝ NO GOD IS TO BE WORSHIPED BUT ALLAH AND THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD THE MESSENGER GOD
Awesome video, May God Bless them always.
30kg for a bonito,thats wishful thinking.
Better than use a trawling net…
Like that one guy who is doing immense amount of physical work and just cranking on a cigarette the entire time
15kg 😂😆😂. That's like 35lbs chief. Those fish are literally 4lbs at most 😂😆😂. I use them for shark bait in NJ and I literally catch somewhere around 400 every year. Your weights for these fish is so far off it's not even funny
I’m confused. How was this traditional fishing technique carried out before motor boats? Surely paddling a boat wouldn’t be fast enough and lack room to stand up? Traditional- Seems fishy!
Ancestors didn't have boats tf
So beautiful 😻 ❤
Looks ouch to me…
"Are bonito fish big?"
I can’t imagine the pain one if these Benito fish hit you in the face. lol
Not skates those are stingrays.
Absolutely beautiful
These videos always have me wishing I was living a simple life. Sometimes I am sad for America . We have lost our connection with food and where it comes from.
We have become addicted to comfort and ease.
Already millions have no idea how to feed themselves and are entirely dependent on modern comforts and readily available supermarket foods. I Am proud that my children help raise and process our own meat and some veggies. However I am not delusional. I have no idea what it’s like to depend nearly completely on what I grow, catch, kill and forage. But I would be allot better off than 90% for sure
Nice video. I love fishing in all its different forms. Are you sure these fish with the horizontal stripes are bonitos? They are looking like skipjacks to me, which are also in the tuna family. I don't know I could be wrong. 🤔
Devon Larrant would love this as a training. 😂
Amazing video, what the name song?
Mauruuru roa te tane ravakai
Very similar to the old aku boats in Hawaii. Same fish I think. Very tasty smaller Tuna. Can be enjoyed raw and cooked. Fantastic table fare.
Thank you so much❤
What a blessing Brothers and Sisters
Wow, these boys are monsters. their method of fishing is awesome.
Slice Never Fails to Educate and Entertain..
I am thrilled every time anew, well done champion, a fun video.
They cut the gills to bleed the fish. Bonita also have a blood line that needs cutting out
Yellowfin tastes great but bonita tastes like cat food. We use them for bait.