She-Hulk arrives at its final episode of its first season. And it takes some bold swings that I was absolutely excited to see. They didn’t quite land perfectly but it still gave me a good experience in the wrap up of this show.
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This episode brought me so much joy, from the Incredible Hulk '78 intro to the entire fourth wall demolition. I think some of the weaknesses and inconsistency you mentioned (particularly the end credits scene) might stem from them not blending the fourth-wall elements into the main diegetic story – like the scene might've been funnier if it was framed as Tim Roth and Benedict Wong breaking character and griping about being dragged into another Marvel thing, but they didn't really do that so instead it's just confusing. I think if they tightened that up the episode could've been even stronger.
K.E.V.I.N was absolutely hilarious.
Also I really do like Jen and Matt as a couple. Even just a casual fling tbh. Jen needs someone comparatively unproblematic
Engagement for the engagement god! Subs for the sub throne!
Not without faults, but a nice finale. Amazing 4th wall break, knew you were gonna love it! Was a bit drawn out, but great otherwise, lol'd at Jen asking about X-men and essentially doing another 4th wall break inside this one. Although, I was disappointed it wasn't "a K.E.V.I.N production" in the end credits too.
Overall, I had a good enough time with the show and would be happy to watch another season, with legal consultants on team preferrably.
I kind of figured that the retreat's lack of WiFi was why Emil didn't know anything about Intelligencia.
I would have thought that "Kevin" referred to Feige immediately, but I was watching with subtitles, and they spelled it out as an acronym.
Having seen it I mostly agree, the finale still felt rushed and She-hulk lampshading it didn't fix it. Also they never address how she fourth walls and I think they should have. But the ending is comic accurate and I only wish the breaks had been more heavily leaned into. I feel like the 'break out of the show' should have been a s2 thing
This absolutely would have played better as a binge show
15:08 Exactly that. Between My Cousin Vinny, Ally McBeal and Boston Legal. A legal comedy isn't something never attempted before. Nor something that hasn't found success. Both the "legal" and the "comedy" of this show needs better writing.
Meanwhile at the same time, another supervillain team has been thrown under the bus onscreen. I really don't get why the MCU struggles so much with villains?
This episode was good. Just not as good as the last episode. Which is a trope in itself in MCU shows at this point.
The Hulk stuff irked me though. I know there was a size difference in Hulk 2008, but when Hulk squared off against Abomination. He looked so puny (pun intended). Ruffalo Hulk has really been given a raw deal in the MCU. Considering how bastardised the Planet Hulk story was in Thor: Ragnarok, I'm not surprised they just cherry picked his son right out of it. Personally I don't see how World War Hulk can work with any MCU iteration at this point. They don't know how to write him.
I had the subtitles on and it showed K.E.V.I.N. when the writers said it and Kevin when Jen said it so I expected an AI.
I wasn’t happy with the finale initially but when the break happened and she sorted it and got Matt back I enjoyed it.
I think I agree with everything you said in this except I don’t think the break was too long, I felt it was just right.
I hope the show hire legal consultans for the next seasons, but overall I think the finale fulfilled my expectations
I love what they were going for here, but I agree the execution is a little off. On the legal side too, if Jen is writing her way out of the terrible plot, I would’ve expected her to provide a better legal explanation as to how she was vindicated for the prior act. All charges being dropped AND expunged, allowing her to go back to her job is really reaching. It’s nitpicking, but I just really wanted Jen’s legal expertise to be properly depicted in this show.
Pacing-wise, I feel like this show was a lot stronger than some of the previous endeavors on Disney+.
Moon Knight and WandaVision jump to mind as really falling apart right at the end.
My biggest complaint with the show is how lacking it was in the legal sense. I think if they add some writers who are experienced in that regard, the show will be all the better for it.
apperently Kevin Fiege himself CHOSE this finale himself, out of like 30 options that the director made.
1:48 I actually clocked it was Emil's lodge because of the motivational quotes plastered on the walls when Pug went in, before they mentioned Emil was at an event.
I think your critiques about Abomination being a bad representation of therapists fall through when you note that he’s a life coach and not a therapist. However, I do think the same critiques hold up when you also note that he’s the first polyamorous character I can think of in the mcu. I don’t like that polyamory was treated like a joke and inherently unhealthy by the show. I think it’s okay to portray unhealthy poly relationships in media, because they do happen, but I think it’s important to also include healthy representation in the same media so it’s clear that it’s not a critique of all poly relationships. As for the wifi gag, I think the idea was to reinforce the idea that the character’s ability to change is kind of just a hypocritical act, and I think he only thinks he changes a lot because of his atrocities, which were actually outside his control and weren’t his fault, and the system forced him to blame himself for them. Which would work well, but sucks to be happening in the only poly, therapy-adjacent character in the show.
Why did they add the Intelligencia taking Jen's blood storyline if they weren't going to do anything with it and just take it out?
Regarding the charges brought against Jen, that dude she grabbed was definitely Todd, right? So I could see an assault charge possibly being brought as well and we know Todd has the money to hire a grade A prosecution. Dunno if that would be enough to push it into jail territory, but it was a thought of additional charges present.
I mostly enjoyed this show. It seemed like it was just a show made to trigger right wingers, which I like. But I wish it was more funny and better written. I didn’t like the finale.
When they said They had to blend in by referring to 'women' as 'females', I thought: oh yeah, they've done their homework!
It bugged me the way Jen gets annoyed at Emil for breaking his parole (and he then gets 10 years for it), whereas at the beginning of that very scene she turns up as She-Hulk, in breach of her own parole, and faces no consequences. It was another dodging of actual legal reality that devalued the lawyer aspect of the show.
On the other hand, the way Daredevil literally drops out of the sky in that scene, as if he'd been dragged-and-dropped into by K.E.V.I.N. as per Jen's request, was brilliant.
I don't think I want a second series (this felt like an interesting experiment which didn't quite work), but I definitely want to see more of these characters (Jen and Matt in particular).
It's pretty obvious that Emil is a fraud and a disingenuous cult leader who has been violating his parole all along to make money and he clearly cares more about self-promotion than anything else with his books and paid speaking engagements. That still somehow doesn't manage to undermine the value his support group provided for Jen though.
The director of My Cousin Vinny had a law degree and the guy who wrote it was good friends with a practicing lawyer that he asked for advice a lot while working on the script. Not everything is going to be able to rise to that level of legal realism although they should probably hire somebody who can act as a legal consultant for the show at least if they are going to do more trial stuff next season.
On the other hand, this whole thing is also set in a fictional universe which could easily have different laws and legal procedures. In fact, we know it does because of the of the Sokovia Accords being completely fictional so there's really no point in getting hung up on it not being realistic.
If anything, I think they are leaning more for the absurdity of shows like The Office or Parks and Recreation only with superhumans.
But we still did notice that the writers' room were actors rather than the actual writers (at least the credited ones were — Jessica Gao in particular).
OH OH I just had a silly idea, there should of been a court case with the The Time-Keepers from loki as the judges, whereby it's know that they aren't real and are robot the joke is they didn't have the budget for anything else.. And dare devil is defending her…
I love the question "Where are the X Men?". Every fan is wondering where are the Mutants. There's a lot of fan questions about the MCU have for this universe. I wish for more consistent writing. The connective tissue glue was not great.
Oh also loved the reference to the 70s TV show. Well done.
Needed a court case, that's all that was missing…..
One way they could've dealt with your issue with the charges against Jen was to make Amelia (Renee Elise Goldberry's character) a twist villain since she's the one who pushes her to that decision. For Amelia, a good motivation could've been She Hulk taking the job as the head of the law division was something she was working towards and resents her for it. Plus some of her behaviour like knowing about intelligencia and not wanting Jen to know would've been a way to foreshadow it.
I know marvel int intereted in educating about not to plea guilty for things without throghly talking with a lawyer, and she is a lawyer. Why?! Thats basic law advice.
My biggest issue after the Kevin scene was the scene with DD, Jen and the family. Get rid of that scene altogether, especially since Jen called out Hulk showing up. And then the show still has him show up just to tease what he was doing in space. Very messy, could have eassily cut that scene, shortened the walkthrough Marvel Studios, and give us a bit more legal stuff with Matt and Jen in the trial against Todd. Still love Pug though.
I don't see Emil's WiFi line as a problem. It's actually kinda a clever way to reveal that there was in fact WiFi at his ranch – he would need it after all to arrange speaking engagements and keep up with streaming shows – and he lied to Jen in order to get her to unplug and introspect a little bit.
I think they gave her that plea because she had a hulk form like Emil
What frustrated me was that after calling itself out for airdropping character out of nowhere, they still did it after the 4th wall break. Hulk can't sneak up like he did. I'm pretty sure they summoned Matt Murdoch from creative mode
I had to stop after a bit, the 4th wall lampshading got a bit much for me, but I did like how it wrapped up. Mind you I kinda wanted to see the resolution that Jen pitched, but we skipped over it. I feel like that was taken from us.
They easily could have cast an actor to play Kevin.
Personally i loved the a.i. as its a kind of satire of themselves aswell as fans and the backlash they give
The second season of She-Hulk would be a very different show. They pretty much had to make season one episodic because it's set in a superhero universe about a character actively avoiding being a superhero. People can talk about wanting grounded content, but no one wants to watch Peter Parker, The Amazing Accountant. You can only avoid the standard tropes for so long, so they made other things the key focus. Season 2 of She-Hulk can be more of a serialized superhero show because it can do all the expected superhero genre stuff with its lead
finishing the episode …….Does Feige watch break room of geeks???? <3 <3
From someone who's gone on meditation retreats, no phones, no computers, etc. wouldn't be unusual, but that's only for the duration of the retreat. There's no expectation that the person leading the retreat has sworn off phones and computers for life. I didn't take "no wifi" as a belief statement from Blonsky, just a rule of the retreat
The gag with the animation on the CGI was amazing and at the same time cringey with the fact that the animators are overworked and underpaid.
I clicked so FAST you wouldn't believe, I was waiting for this exact reaction since very early XD patience failed me.
yeah i think it would have been funnier if they had Feige himself rather than the AI…
Omg this was WILD im so glad it didn't go down the cliche' MCU route.
So much fun with this finale- little sad some of the dramatic elements were undercut but overall loved it. Was it a great show? No. But it was fun and it gave me what I wanted.
K.E.V.I.N. wasn't dodging a bullet, that was the satire; the comparison between who we expected, Feige.K, and a literal algorithm…
I think that's more cutting than, as you said, having the actual Kevin Feige awkwardly acting whilst being addressed directly. I didn't actually expect him, either, as he's never come across as an attention seeker. He does his rounds of marketing every now and then, but seems to want the limelight on the actual creatives.
The finale was admitting their plot lines where shit, throwing out the whole season, and just ending the show. Gunshot Fade to Black 👏👏👏
Given how many times they mentioned a season 2 in this episode, I'd be pretty surprised if it didn't happen at some point. Plus, with an episodic show, there are countless potential storylines they could go down.
Quite enjoyed this series, but let's hope they add a legal writer so we can have some great courtroom drama next time!