These are the true stories of the devastating consequences of MAGA abortion bans from women and doctors across the country. Made in partnership with the Center for American Progress.

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Savoir Faire

Killing your own baby is a fundamental right and contrary to popular belief it's actually good for the baby. Kind of like a deep tissue massage only in a blender.

Vanessa Webb

The people in Texas voted Republican,now they have to live under Republican laws. It’s a shame our country forgot about the founders rule of “a separation of church & state”

Vanessa Webb

These maga maniac radical republicans are forcing their religious beliefs into our laws. This is exactly why the founding fathers put into place “a separation between church & state.” They did not want to live like they were in Europe. One of the reasons they left to make a free country, free of religious laws ruling over them.
Freedom to worship in the religion of their choice, & to keep those religions out of our government.

Jessica-Jane Johnson

I don’t understand why we can’t make both sides happy with this issue. Keep abortion legal but only limited to women who’s life is ABSOLUTELY on the line, like the women in this video. I think it would end this war.

Rob Koski

I guess these Republican states want to kill their women. How else can you see this.


What the republicans are responsible for is inhumane and very cruel and unusual punishment. REPUBLICANS are MURDERERS, they are responsible for all the women who ends up dying because of complications/infections, etc. from a miscarriages and/or complications from carrying around a dead fetus.

Radka Hunter

I have no words for this insanity….. I shared with my friends….🥺😞

Butterfly D

We need to all get out and vote BLUE!!!

margaret johnson

the maga crowd has no problem with women dying in pregnancy and childbirth. i think it's a feature of their desires for the usa.

Sandburg Martin

When a legislator or Congressperson says "no exceptions for rape or incest" it makes one wonder which one they have an interest in.

Vô danh

The problem is… These are FACTS. Extreme maga MORONS don't listen to actual facts.
You do have a choice… MOVE out of the states that support these ideas.


Thoughts and prayers have worked so well to stop gun violence, maybe it will help these women too. What a pathetic country!


I can not believe the ad that followed this video. It is for Total Control Credit and it compares a credit score to the size of a penis. So as women suffer across this country, corporate America is talking about the size of their dicks.

Brian Bice

Why is there not an organization formed to sue each govenor of each stat for each case, if they are going to not only take away the womans and in a lot of cases the husbaands as well and their freedoms then the govenor that enacted the law should be held responsible, in a country where Americans sue at the drop of a hat over everything how about an orgaization to sue the pants off these absolute criminals that are responsible, also sue to include childcare costs and education for any woman that gets pregnant under the idea that with the ban in place all choice has been taken away from the woman or couple and are now forced to be a baby factory for the state then the state has to shoulder the responsability. America is so far behind so many countries and these insane laws being passes is putting AAmerica into the dark ages aand all those supporting these insane laws are also stripping themselves of all their rights and freedoms as well.


I'm in tears! 😢

Cynthia Mitchell

Black people don’t care about abortion bans. We care about freaking Yeezy boots, who sleeping with who and gossip
Blogs that don’t impact our lives at all.


It’s hard enough to go through, then to find you have no more say in your decisions than your dog. Women have had to fight for everything and now they have to start over from scratch in some states. Control
Freaks suck.

hope peace

Yes, apparently even a dead fetus has more rights than the woman carrying that fetus, and if the woman dies that is just cruel to any other living children she has. I am so sick of the republican men, and women sadly enough, taking away the rights of women over their own bodies and reproductive rights. As these examples showed, there are many reason a woman may need an abortion and that should be decided by her and her physician, except now these GOP anti-abortion laws are also threatening the healthcare providers. There are so many babies and children here and around the world living in poverty, abusive situations, facing starvation, fighting infections that are preventable or treatable, living in an environment of violence and war, these are the ones who need to be cared for so why don't you "pro-life" folks take your time, energy and resources to help these already born babies and children?

Life nugget

McCarthy is hand in glove with Trump to blackmail global allies with stolen documents when world sanctions after his excellency Trump becomes The King Dicatator Admiral General and does his and supremacists' unfinished regressive laws banning choice, interracial union, naturalization, reversing citizenship, political persecution and deportation of aliens legal or not. Repression and racism is 2024 away with Trump's MAGA taking congress today. Also worth a mention Sh.tty Puerto Rico will be swapped for Greenland so that blonde Norwegians can walk into US with ease while the Great Wall of Trump stands tall in the South keeping sick savages, people of the third world Sh.tty countries, from invading The Great Land of the Brave Patriarchal Hetero-alpha Anglo Saxon Evangelical Aryan KKKs.

Barbara Flowers

These are the consequences of political stupidity and hatred men hating men then they turn and hate women there is no one else left to hate they hate themselves and they hate everyone else around them they're costing us our lives

Larry Scarr

Jesus fukkk

I can't even watch this.

Laurin McLaurin


Jayne Marino

Florida man rides is one of the most discusting PAID TROLLS. You will never live down the shame of your words and thoughts

unknown resistor

Why have we come back to this? It's power hungry assholes (who are hypocrites ) who want to control women because they can. The hypocrisy is when they need the services themselves.

Manuel Daniel

Trump healthcare was, don't wear a mask and take horse pils and a shot of disinfectant

Denis-Carl Robidoux

Dark ages.


Maga=death panels


I'm so, so, SO, sorry…
We should have done more to stop these bans and prevent these tragedies. We still can. Vote Blue… because there's so very much at stake.

To all of the women whom have been in any way effected by all of this… please hang in there. We ARE going to fix this!!!

Big Tre

We need to get off this racism shit and come together as one and get rid of these evil people in our government


This is all well and good but how many people think this will change the mind of a single pro-lifer?

Greg Brogan

OMG – these stories are not just heartbreaking – they are inhumane!

Angela Rodriguez

I'm sorry 💜 for all these women..

Roxanne M.

Even if the GOP decides to make exception for abortion, abortions need not to be made illegal. A functional developed society has better ways to diminish or completely erase the need for abortions that are not medically necessary. The prohibition, as small as it is covert oppression. And the need of one is based on a long list of misconceptions. Of lies — plain and simple. The fetus doesn’t even start to develop after 10 weeks. All there is is a bunch of unrecognizable tissues. See the article at the Guardian on how a pregnancy really looks like. It says TEXTBOOKS exaggerate how far advanced a fetus is. Textbooks in America are written too by pro-life evangelicals. And this too is wrong. The entire internet has pictures that are a lie.