OSRS 1-99 Fishing Guide | Updated Old School Runescape Fishing Guide

Hey everybody it’s Dak here from TheEdB0ys and welcome to my OSRS 1-99 Fishing guide! In this OSRS 1-99 Fishing guide I will be discussion any information I feel you need to train your Fishing from any level to 99. If you have any questions after watching this OSRS 1-99 Fishing guide be sure to leave them in the comments section below and I will get back to you ASAP.

Quests –

Skip Times:
Quests – 0:38
Helpful Items – 0:58
Leveling Guide – 2:35
Alt Methods – 4:50

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Watch more new videos about fishing | Synthesized by Mindovermetal English

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JL StudioPro

Does bait help catch shrimp faster?

Carl Pierson

Starting to dig to content man good work man


11:42 sacred eels can be caught at level 87…

channel name troll

Good Note: in order to barbarian fish with your bare hands you need 55 fishing to complete Otto's barbarian training. Why would barbarian fishing start at 48 in the fishing skill guide on Runescape? doesnt make any sense… sorry Jagex.


Whenever I search for 1-99 guides I chose u over theoatrix ur vids formatted well his is just a bunch of shot methods farted over 10mins of shit soundtrack music 😂

Honest Opinion

bro this ain't an auction chill out

Cookeh 123

why does theoatrix and this guy have the exact same wording for fly fishing? lol

Nathaniel Merrill

Im gonna afk fish on mobile while Im ice fishing this winter lmao


Good guide, but you focused too much on alternative methods, didn't help me.

Eduardo Soares

How do you drop only with one click?

Mazzika Gaming

you can also user infernal harpoon for swordfish/tuna at the fishing guild which is faster xp than monkfish and more afk as the spots don't move as often

Zoro Hood

Im wondering why my shift drop dosnt work?

So Forlorn

It took me like an hour and a half to get the full angler set. I saw guys there who had been there for 8+ hours with nothing. Sometimes you get lucky lol

Lil Castiel

Ew dak why you play with pre-eoc client source


just to let you know its 87 fishing for sacred eels not 82

Oscar Rubio

I’m honestly really only doing this for zamorakian hasta world at 55 fishing level. Can you do a guide on the barbarian skill mini quest required?

Rainbow Dash

Where is the metion of rainbow fish catching ?!

Dheeraj LXST

Why don't you show how to get to for example drift net fishing…

Darth ray

Oh no where is the whistling in the background

Dave Minich

i'm feeling spunky

Bobby Raw

how do you drop fish with one click?????


How can you drop items so fast? And see what items are on the ground?


fly fishing is better in seers. 2 click banking. barb is a few more.

Katrina Chappell

hey great guide,
just wondered if you would consider making a combined cooking fishing guild ?

Dreamr Six

last time i played the harpoon was like 7m – how is it only 600k now?

Fortnite Science

i love your guides

Shadyone OSRS

Thanks for the guide bro always good content

Dylan Cambridge

Dude Sea Slug is so much faster than shrimp and anchovies

Anthony DP

can you please do a vid on your client settings? Full in depth would be sick


You always post great content. I've been watching your guides everyday as I level my main, thank you!

John Anderson

Anyone know what I should catch post 99 for the pet? I'm thinking maybe sacred eels, but I really don't know.

Zeus Brid

Amazing guides as always thankyou.


Best osrs channel in the game