What Does ATF's New Form 4473 Really Mean to You?

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses ATF new Form 4473 and what those changes really mean to you. With ATF being all over the board the past two years, it is hard for any of us to accept any changes without believing that something nefarious is going on. So what exactly is the ATF up to? Learn this and more and arm yourself with education today.

New Form 4473.

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Astronomy Live

Am I technically within city limits at my address? Yes, I think, but city council is deciding on trying to change that and reduce the city limits right now. I'm marking "unknown" on that every time, that's the truth and I'm not going to risk accidentally marking it wrong because some politician changed it recently and I didn't know so I get prosecuted. The fact they're trying to make it easier to trace people to help with laws where state pre-emption isn't a thing is disgusting.

Mark Chase

Thanks, yet again.


Where do I get the form to fill out in order to by paper and pens so I can exercise my 1st Amendment rights?


The aft doesn't stop crime…
They just want to stop us…

Marco Dorazio

Can you please make a special YouTube video on how to contact your state and local representative provide people with mailing address emails and exactly how to word the lettering people are lazy unless the information is easy and accessible they won't take the time to look up the information to write a letter to their legislator create a video provided to the people and help them write the letter give them points to add into the letter make it easy for the General Public so we can help fight to protect our Second Amendment

Richard Johnson

I could care less what the ATF comes up with I am not going to follow any of their BS. I bought 80% lowers for the rainy day when we are in a civil war against Leftists who are running the country and they have declared civil war on the American people who won't follow their BS. So yeah, the ATF is proving my point with their behavior and each day they pull their sh!t, they push this country closer and closer to civil war and why I bought the 80% lowers in the first place.


Please leave a respectful thought out comment. To be successful we need to be united. In order to unite the people we need intelligent dialogue, education, persistence and to be constructively proactive.

Borracho Porrero

i find it painfully ironic that the gun control act was a byproduct of the cia assassinating the kennedy's for threatening to shut it down after they assassinated Lumumba in the congo. turns out lee harvey oswald wasnt the only patsy that day it ended up being every gun owning american…

The Truth Seeker

I feel like the whole "Gun control" thing comes down to disarming American citizens who do not actually represent a threat to anyone who does not represent a threat to the Constitution and the traditional way of American life. Therefore, the whole "gun control" thing is in reality a vanguard action in the movement to see the United States of America fundamentally changed,-politically, socially, ethnically, culturally, into something which is anti-American. It therefore is not just about differing opinions. It is in fact an attack directly on America, here and now. It's proponents are as real a threat as Al-Qaeda in terms of how they view us and what they want our future to be like.

Gary Weldon

When dose this bunk go into affect?

game hopper

What is the answer on “resides in city limits” for example i live here in houston texas and my FFL is also here in houston. I never go to other city like dallas,san antonio etc. but sometimes i go to galveston. Thank you.

Daniel Harp

Bumper sticker I need: Hay Liberals!! Ban guns at your own peril! (Source: literally all history.)


🤦‍♂️ man this is ridiculous especially that stupid 10 round magazine so called law, as a Washingtonian I am grateful for your channel so much good information

Joe Marchinski

thank you William🇺🇸🇺🇸


QUESTION: Here we are at Christmas season, the traditional time of year to exchange gifts. If I purchase a new firearm with the intention of gifting it to my son, daughter or other relative, am I guilty of a "straw purchase"?

As always, thanks for sharing.


Bryon Slatten

5:40 The new Section 21b is so dumb. It's like the old days when the airline employees asked you if you had left your baggage unattended.

Sam J

very interesting, thank you…

Tony T.

I look at all the unconstitutional gun laws made by congress and I see a pattern of mental illness.

AJ John

Day 2 of asking you to turn down the audio on the opening gunshots and ending glass breaking sequence for us audio listeners

Warren Glen

This form keeps getting more complicated and the wording gets more confusing.

Dealers generally refuse to explain the questions or to tell you what the answers should be.

This seems like a literacy test like the ones that were rules unconstitutional for voting?

DJ Drack

@Washington Gun Law.
In the convoluted BS that is gov they require FFL-sold AR lower receivers to be serialized but it isn't a gun, and yet 'it is'.
BUT its just a component and not the gun itself (never having had a barrel/FCG, etc.

would it (presumably) be illegal to buy FFL-sold frame/receiver and remove the serial number? Sure, the presumption is 'yes'.
BUT if a receiver would be registered as 'other' (not pistol/rifle) and not an NFA item, then is it still illegal to remove that serial number? (just a manufacturing number).

Professor MAWillett

Please define “intend” per the ATF. This could be vague such as “maybe” or specific such as “will”. Again, seems like the ATF is trying to set a trap.

Tyson C

Thank you!

Special Agent Noble

Affidavit your freedoms away….

Robert DeMuth

Why did they add the word “ammunition” to the straw purchase question?


It means I need to buy privately from now on….

Dancing Dragon

The atf forms don't mean shit to me, any further purchases are going to be private sales and when they come after private sales( and they will) I'll ignore any regulation or law that violates the constitution

Night Wolf

I'm so glad I bought what I did, when I did.. a long time ago. I couldn't imagine the kind of headache I would be going through trying to make acquisitions these days. Sometimes it's good to be old.

Cody&jenn 87

Thank you for the 2a updates

Eric Patterson K8EEP

Why does it say ammo?

Eric Patterson K8EEP

Why does it say 15 years in prison now? It was 10 years. Did something else pass?

Rich B.

What it means to me is that the Biden administration once again violates peoples rights with impunity.


How many times are law abiding citizens going to have to “register” our already legally registered and acquired firearms???

Liberty Cave WS7PB

Watching this while waiting for the Harney County trial to resume this afternoon. Thank you again for the info on how to watch that proceeding.

Robert Foote

AFT…… that's what sniffly calls them.


it means I will have to write a new Cheat Sheet and throw the other one away


Those 2 new questions also refer to AMMUNITION being disposed of (shot) by anyone but the purchaser.
Buying a box of 9mm for the range with friends just became illegal.

Jim W

So 💩for Brains Joe wants to disarm the American people, but yet has no problem in releasing a convicted arms dealer for a convicted drug smuggler.

T Wiz

The new questions had to have been written by Democrats because only they would add questions that cannot be fact checked and no one with even half a brain, even if they were criminals, would answer yes.

Jim W

I heard that the ATF pushed this out as an emergency or something.

Barry Clayton

If we have to take a firearm into a FFL gun smith. And we only take the part of the gun that needs worked on. Not the whole firearm. Do they still have to put it in their inventory

Adriel Burned

Hunter Biden is dumb enough to answer yes. Lol.


So this is a ATF work around for 01 gunsmiths to get them to switch over to 07s. Before, the customer would have to own the receiver or firearm for the 01 dealer Gunsmith to work on it. So gunsmiths would transfer the receivers or firearm first, then take the firearm and build it for the the customer. An 07, a Gunsmith can build or work on anything before transferring it. So this rule forces people who build their own guns to not have any Gunsmith ever work or repair their stuff, otherwise the government wants to track your stuff.

Jerry Kobold

Sir, audio is way too low on your videos.

Steve Slater

It means criminals wear badges

Ciscokid Kid

Means shit after the trade they did.


I thought that FFL's have to start using the new form just as soon as possible The disbandment of the ATF would make for a nice Christmas gift