What is Sociology of Law?

Ever get asked what Sociology of Law is? Would you like to lay it out to your colleagues and students? Professor Vincenzo Ferrari helps you out with this video.

¿Os preguntan a menudo qué es la Sociología Jurídica? ¿Queréis explicárselo a vuestros colegas y estudiantes? El prof. Vincenzo Ferrari os ayuda con este video.

Inoiz galdetzen al dizute zer den Lege soziologia? Erraz-erraz azaldu nahi al diezu lankide edo ikasleei? Vincenzo Ferrari irakasleak lagun diezazuke bideo honekin.

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Jammel Calledo

Thank you so much

Abdihamid Aden

iam appericiate the way you delivery i want learn sociology and relation ship between sociolgy and law