In this video, @Idahohighcountry208, my good pal Berg, and I are fishing in a remote creek in the Idaho wilderness!

We soon realize there are absolutely giant fish swimming in this really clear creek…after some trial and error, we get our bait in the right spot, and the battle is ON!


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Machelle Lokerson Vlog

Love fishing

Andy Man

like a sturgeon, caught for the very first time!
like a stuuuuurgeon

Zoloko 18

that was a awesome catch

Sista Slab

Awesome video

Flat Out

A relaxing day of fishing that makes you soar for 3 days after 😂

Ehero Gaia

Such an absolute unit of a dinosaur……..that’s a great catch ty!

Patrick Forget

You need to get some underwater cases for your GoPro so when you let the fish go you can put it on the water and watch it take off because I bet you that was one hell of a shot if you would have put it under the water when that sturgeon took off that would have been a killer shot

Patrick Forget

God I can imagine you're freaking arms or just on fire after this one cuz it looks like you have one hell of a fight on your hands for you people that just don't understand why we go fishing if you don't understand it you never will the thing is you got to do everything perfect just right so that fish does not either a break you off bee spit the hook see get you snagged because that fish once that hook out of its mouth a little do anything it can to get rid of and if you let up just a little bit on that line that fish can spit that hook and another reason why we go fishing is to see dinosaurs like this you never see a fish like this if people didn't go fishing sturgeon are some of the coolest fish around there's some awesome looking dinosaurs

Patrick Forget

Man you can't beat the fish up here and idaho-montana area Wyoming you can't beat it it's a monstrous fish up here you need to come to Montana and go to Flathead lake you can catch some monsters in that lake

Patrick Forget

Wow that looks like a hillbilly boat ride it sure looked fun but when isn't it fun when you're out fishing


I'm sorry but I would've told that guy in the back of the canoe to "STFU for a minute" but awesome fish man

Over Educated sp


Dark Pegasus

The fish swam away when the human tried to give a history lesson, it was like, "Yeah sure whatever your puny mind thinks human, cant believe I was finally caught to hear this BS…"

matteo ferrandino

lol gj! now for an actual big one 🙂 100 kg +! lot of fun

Aquavert GreenWorks

Jealous as always Ty!!

Colorado Coin Hunter

You need to make a video on using monkey noodles for fishing bait for bass they work bro!!!!!!!

Lifeng Faithful

In China we would eat the fish. Haha. There’s few fish in our rivers.

Lifeng Faithful

Wow it’s really a beautiful huge fish. Glad it’s not a alligator gar.

Rodney Smith

How about this for a show fellas right up your white Sturgeon Alley!!!


Beautiful big fish,I'm grateful you guys let him go.

edmund blackadder coc

Was it a megalodon?


Leave the fishes alone

Biker Dash

We got Sturgeon like that in the Kennebec River here in Maine. I caught one once, about half the length of the one you caught, and it felt like I was wrestling a Kenworth! I got it next to the dock and cut the line as close to its mouth as I could. Any more than that would have caused Fish & Game wardens to pounce on me like a pack of starved Dobermans on a gravy soaked kitten. (Maine is extremely strict about protecting the Atlantic Sturgeon.)

Dan Scherbert

That water looks soo clear and refreshing

Shannon scalise

Where you fishing what state

Anthony Sandlin

That fish isn't any older than any other species

Tommie Seiber

You got a scammer I'm pretty sure…….. asking to text a phone number to collect a prize buddy. Just letting you know.

Edward H

Nice fish


And you let it go, that made me so happy. The level of respect you guys have gives me hope for humanity

mark cras

Gday where abouts in the states is this place?

Jonny Jonny

Completely pointless and unnecessary suffering for the animal. Waxing lyrical about the how amazing it is ,then leave them alone.

Bob Roberts

I've got that exact same canoe. When I was in college I took a guy out on a local lake for opening day of trout season. The lake is stocked with rainbows, usually around 12-14 in. On a truly amazing day you might catch one that survived long enough to hit 16' . There are no giant bass or catfish hiding in the weeds. So I have this guy in the bow of my red plastic canoe and he hooks a foot long trout that has spent most of its life in a hatchery pond eating pellets (so, not exactly a fighter) and he STANDS UP in the canoe and plants the butt of his little spinning rod in his belt and starts reeling and pumping like he just hooked a marlin. I'm in the back having now dropped my rod and I'm trying to shift back and forth to counter what he's doing so we don't flip while eyeing how far we are from shore because I'm sure were about to be swimming that distance and yelling at him to sit the f**k down. We amazingly did not capsize and I learned that when you ask if someone has fished / been in a canoe before it pays to ask some follow-up questions. Also yes, he landed the trout.

Peter De Ridder

nice fish and a ugly reel !