A Quick Summary of ATF's New Pistol Brace Rule

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, attempts to summarize ATF’s new 292 page pistol brace rule in less than 10 minutes. This video is not a rant or a rave about the clearly unconstitutional actions of the ATF, as there are plenty out here in the YouTubiverse that have already voiced those obvious concerns. Rather this is a video to help you understand, in simple English, what this really means to you. So arm yourself with education today.
Applicable Rule:

ATF Final Rule on Stabilizing Braces. ATF 2021R-08F.
Other Resources:

HUGE WIN on Bump Stocks and What That Means for Pistol Braces.

The One Easy Way Around the Pistol Brace Fiasco.

How Likely Is It That ATF Shows Up to Get Your Pistol?

The HUGE Difference Between Converting a Pistol to a Rifle vs. a Rifle to a Pistol.

All the Terrible Choices the ATF Will Leave You With for Your Pistol Braces.

Check Out our Bullet Point Series.
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Thank you Sir for all info I'm getting from you!

Tufa hund

Does only apply to ar pistols?

Cavalier X

Has this even been posted into the Federal Register yet? Or are they gonna change it again?

Jason Sanders

Or maybe the pre 1930s rifles that weren't required to have a serial number from any manufacturer


This is bullshit..

Jason Sanders

So if you own an 1870 original 44 with a 12 inch barrel and a wooden non detachable wooden stock that would be illegal also 🤔

Bryce “BINX” Smith

What about people under 21, you can form 1 an SBR but you can’t form 4 one till 21. How is that even going to work?

Rob Martin

I don’t believe the AFT will be showing their faces in Northern Idaho..just sayin


Can i take a pistol brace and buffer tube off of an AK pistol and it still be a pistol? given it doesn't need the buffer tube to operate, would this rule no longer apply? Or are all pistols now considered rifles?

jo jo

It appears to me that you have gone back and re-edited one of your previous video's where you stated that the order contained a brief mention of the fact that the brace could simply be removed and made unable to be reattached and the issue would be resolved?What gives, why has that now been omitted by not only you but every other youtube influencer?


Quick question if a person were to put a 16 inch upper on there rifle but still have the pistol upper in there possession, is that ok as well , asking for a friend

Eric's fishing adventures

This is just an attempt to ban everything that you can modify. Which is everything! I don't know how many people. But many may go to jail /prison over this.
I just have to a bad feeling, in my opinion.

Narong Srilouangkhol

Get to the point please.


Answer…. Removing the Brace… States that do not allow SBR/NFA Items. Copy and Pasted;

The Department also acknowledges that some States may regulate a firearm with
16-inch or longer barrel as an assault weapon under State law. However, the Department
still believes there are methods available for individuals to comply with these States’
laws. For example, an individual can remove the “stabilizing brace” such that it cannot
be reattached, and the individual could possess the resulting pistol consistent with the
requirements of their State law. The Department recognizes that the removal of a
“stabilizing brace” from a firearm that was originally received as a “short-barreled rifle”
would cause the firearm to become a “weapon made from a rifle” as defined by the NFA.
However, the Department, in its enforcement discretion, will allow individuals to
reconfigure the firearm to a pistol, so long as the reconfiguration is completed within 120
days after this rule is published.

Terry Hsley

Why is no one sueing the government for the ATF being a legal beauracracy because it is a government agency. The second amendment forbids the government from infringing upon the people's right to keep and bear arms. The people aren't limited, the government is.


Evidently the ATF has never understood the concept of hunting with a pistol or revolver and the importance of a tree a bipod or a tripod or a ledge or anything like that. I have on many occasions had to shoulder myself against a tree in order to fire My revolver at my target.

Jeffrey Howll

Based on previous ATF actions, the mere possession of a barrel less than 16" could be considered "constructive possession" of a SBR…

MH Sucio

I know you’re a lawyer and your doing a lot to help us out. But can you please take some of that good money you have and stop filming these videos with a fûçkin potato, please. Thank you


How nice of the ATF to give us criminals lawful citizens 120 days to register and such, even though the average expectancy for the forms to go through and be processed into their illegal gun registry totally legal systems takes about 4-6 months.

Nice going ATF, especially considering that if your goal was to 'convert' 20 million Americans right away, you're gonna be swamped and back-ordered with the stamps for the SBRs BIG time.

In short, this is all nonsense. I am praying the lawsuits defy this and the ruling gets shredded.

James Bernard

A rule is for children in schools

Bradly Sutton

We need to make a line & tell the ATF: “This is the line. I won’t cross yours but believe me, DO NOT CROSS MY LINE.”
I feel like this is where they start by taking away the second amendment. One little piece at a time.


The injunctions and lawsuits take time. This won't be cleared up in 120 days and they know it. This is a ploy to get as many guns registered as possible and they think maybe what they are doing will stick.


Am I understanding this correctly, but it seems like #4 just outlawed AR pistols as the buffer tube (1) gives the surfaces area for it to be shoulder fired and (2) is necessary to cycle a round?

Menear Home

I noticed on the eform1 faq's page the ATF is now saying nobody may even shoot your weapons in your presence at the range unless they are an RP on the tax stamp……WTF is that about

Davis Pinner

Wow that part at 4:00. If the lower reciever comes from the manufacturer without a stock it's considered a pistol, but this seems to throw it out the window.


what about the good ol pin and weld barrel extension? is that a work around.

Gary M

Can I just simply pull the pistol brace off and destroy it and use it as pistol with only the buffer tube?


Always good content… However… Please stop with GEEK OUT. Thank you

Spencer F

What about a buffer tube with foam?


Sad you Buy a Legal Product then later they Change Direction and say it's Now Illegal…Kinda like Living in Illinois the past 60 Years! 🙁


Complete bullshit for us that have SBRed our pistols and paid $200 each because braces look dumb.

Chris Mcginnis

Does the brace rule apply to the shockwave aow?

John Catron

How would this ruling affect the Kel Tec 2000 ?

Don Downriver

registration leads to confiscation ask the Jews during the Nazi reign


As stated it's totally unconstitutional and is infringing on our 2nd amendment rights as lawful abiding citizens. The courts just ruled that the bumpstock ban was unconstitutional and I see this being no different, it just needs time for the lawsuits and the challenges to work their way through the court system. They know they can't outright get rid of the 2nd even though they'd love too but they keep making it harder on us. They are just throwing darts in the wind hoping that something will stick so they can get a win.

Twiggy Bones

This could have been way shorter. "The ATF isn't congress. This "rule" doesn't mean shit."

They think January 6th was a problem? Let 1 person get arrested, fined, etc from this! It's gonna be a reset for real!