News in Minecraft Snapshot 23w04a: Armor Trims – Smithing Overhaul! Enchantment Glint Tweak!

Here’s a new fancy snapshot with new fancy armor trims! 23w04a has arrived with an exciting new smithing system for the experimental pack! #minecraftemployee

slicedlime works as a Tech Lead for Minecraft at Mojang, but the YouTube and Twitch channels are personal projects run entirely in his spare time. This is an unofficial update video that aims to be the most comprehensive guide possible. Official announcement:

How to get a Snapshot:

Introduction: 0:00
Experimental blocks and items: 0:14
Visuals: 5:09
Gameplay: 5:16
User Interface: 5:28
Recipes: 5:48
Data Pack Format: 6:01
Resource Packs: 6:57
Data: 7:54
Tags: 8:07
Commands: 8:17
Thank You: 8:58

Change Highlights in this version:
Experimental Features:
– Added a new armor trimming system to visually customize your armor
– Added Smithing Template items
– Redesigned the Smithing Table
– Changed how Netherite equipment is crafted

– Tweaked enchantment glint

– New origin relation for execute on

Thanks to JochCool, Octojen, Vegguid, Violine & Wolk for the assistance!

Some camera sequences rendered using the ReplayMod:

Music by Punch Deck (
– “Bhangra Bass”
– “Persistence”
– “Wandering The Path”

Main channel:
Second channel:
Outdoors channel:

#minecraft #23w04a

Watch more new videos about Minecraft | Synthesized by Mindovermetal English

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My apologies for the audio glitch near the end – my editing software has a bug that sometimes renders those into videos – highly frustrating!

Lea D.

The armor trim feature is great, well done! I like how the trims match the structure designs where they are found. Great idea! 👍

As for having to find a template to upgrade to netherite, I already felt like it almost wasn't worth mining for ancient debris for not that much of an improvement in armor, so I only bother to do it for tools. Now if we have to find and raid bastions (probably several of them, with such a low chance of finding it), and also mine for 7 more diamonds per item, I definitely don't think it's worth that much trouble and complexity to get netherite armor.

It's really good and makes sense to have to find and explore structures to get the trim templates. But IMO having to find a template in a bastion (a fortress, maybe) just to upgrade diamond to netherite doesn't make sense in the game, and vastly increasing the difficulty level makes it not worth it, unless netherite was somehow made much more desireable.


I can't find Armor Trims in the new Snapshot

Minecraft Content Consumer

Trimming rune scimitars 100gp, trade me.

Lucas Ls

If the conmbinations with different materials got an special and unic effect will be so incredible. Like Tinkers mod.


I would be even cooler if the enchantment glint also changed colours depending on which material you used

Lima 713

Armor Trims are a game changer! The smithing table UI looks fresh, I just hoped the patterns were a bit nicer cost-wise. Maybe each could have a durability of 4 uses, which would be recharged through the already existing crafting recipe? Also, the loot tables could be a bit more forgiving here and there :]

Michael Houvardas

I really dont like the direction this game is heading.

Michael Houvardas

in my opinion this really shouldn't be added to Minecraft the textures are extremely unfitting to the rest of the game and its just another treasure item to take up inventory space. in my opinion netherite should have never been added to the game every update after the village and pillage update has been really detremental to the game if im going to be completely honest the aquatic update is probably the most complete the reason im saying this is because the devs arent being as consistant with the features of the game for example if you break any plant based block before the axolotol caves you wouldnt get the block because plants, glass, cobwebs and stone were obtained using silk touch. Now when you mine moss, dripleaves, stalagtites, or pretty much anything else plant based in the new update IT DROPS THE BLOCK it just clutters my inventory to the point where my inventory is a mess they should have made it so you could only get the block with sheers or silk touch.

Nicofaster 21

2023 and /clear still has a maximum but not a minimum.
is it so hard to implement to make the command fail if a player has less items than the ones we try to clear?
this has bugged me for years and the workarounds are stupidly unreliable for something so simple


Am I dreaming?


Damn the video has a different name and that made my brain struggle to find this upload, I thought you just didn't cover this snapshot yet

Drowneeed XD

Can we trim leather Armor? I mean we could dye them but can we also trim them?

Hobbit from degobah

Is this real

Angelus Caligo

Anybody else noticing how most of these new features are focussing on enriching old structures? Archaeology incoming maybe?


can u get them in the creative menu

Your Friend

Bit of an overreaction for the community, but it's nice. I see some people already saying this will be the best update yet.

Cooper Donovan

Oh my… someones going to try to get every single combination of colour, pattern and armour type in their survival world.

Jazzmyne Dark

Love this idea… But would love it even more if at least one if the templates made your helmet look like a crown…. 😁


"Having gold trims is not fancy enough to pacify piglins" dude, piglins are atracted to gilded blackstone, which is just blackstone with some stripes of gold on them. Shouldn't the logic be the same in this case?


god, this is such a youtube snapshot, armor trims are so youtube.

parker orosz

I'm just realized you can use these trims in a civilization video if they are living in a desert or like water area they can trim their armor individually to suit their areas personality