“I was in shock,” Buster Murdaugh said describing the moment he found out his mom, Maggie, and brother, Paul, were shot to death in June 2021. Alex Murdaugh’s surviving son testified the disgraced lawyer “was destroyed” when he saw him the next day at their South Carolina home.
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How in the world is the prosecution NOT objecting for leading during this ridiculous questioning?!?!
I think severe drug addiction is the main motive behind all of it. For the murders and the fraud. I have a cousin who is an addict. It destroys. They do things they never would have done and take everyone around them down with them. It’s like this evil side takes over some addicts, it can be truly awful. But yes, Alex just looks guilty to me. He has guilt/sadness in his eyes, at times during the trial you could really see it on his face. He rocks back and forth like he’s disturbed. I suspect he actually does regret it now. How messed up on drugs did he have to be to think that murdering his family would solve his problems? Wtf? He completely destroyed his life and many others.
AM. He saw himself as a major player in life and it was all about to come crashing down. He saw his oldest son as a replacement of himself, his oldest son has his exact name +Jr.
He needed to eradicate his reckless younger son and the WifeM.
Make’s you wonder,…Especially since he tried that Bogus ,cousin, graze me in the head scenario..🧐😏
To secure a Life Insurance Policy that can’t be touched by the Government.🤔A
Wait he don't know his dad's birthday lol?? Family has always been so diss/attached!
Makes sense why Buster is alive him and ole pops are close and the two that are dead it's obvious Paul and his mom were close the picture is getting clearer and clearer!
What a bunch of clowns 🤡🤡
I would be bawling my eyes out if my family was murdered. I guess everyone grieves differently but man I wouldn’t be able to speak at all.
Alex Smirching says it all.
This family reminds me of the Rayburns from Bloodline
He has no emotion when his mother & brother got murdered?
Alex Murdaugh and his sole surviving son Buster are very skillful BS’ers. They have family & friend’s homes nearby w/in a minute’s drive of Alex’s hunting house, the site of murders. They slept at a relative’s hme the nite of murders and decided to NEVER to sleep there again. However, they did decide to SHOWER at the hunting homesite of murders the very next morning. Flushing away any doubts of Alex or Buster or girlfriend’s guilt all gone down the drains. (Sarcasm spasm here.) Buster has his Dad’s back & provided a not so reassuring alibi for Dad Alex’s whereabouts 24×7 after murders. Murdaugh’s defense lawyers expect the jury & us to believe Alex wouldn’t try to dispose of any crime evidence bc #1 son law abiding Buster (who got expelled frm college for cheating) wouldn’t let Dad Alex dispose of any evidence down the drains or move evidence from the heavy foliage along their multiple homes & driveways that Alex had turbo visited the nite of murders. Alex & Buster are very confident BS’ers. I just hope they didnt bribe the jury, only time will tell.
This son seems innocent and naive. The only thing he's guilty of is forgetting his dad's exact birthday.
This son killed Stephen smith right? Or thats the rumor anyways
The defense has nothing but garbage questions for Buster. His testimony was a total waste of time.
And he's an adult. How do you not know your dad's birthday? What a joke.
Honestly, I think Buster knew, or might have had something to do with it. He's too calm even though his mom and brother were brutally murdered.
Poor guy. Hang in there Buster. 😥
I wonder if Buster will turn out worse than his Dad.
It's not weird that Buster doesn't know the exact birthdate of his father. That's not unusual.
So Alex called Buster if he was sitting down to tell him his mother and brother was shot..wtffff..no way this is such bs..
''And a cast of thousands…'' milling around Moselle, in what should've been a CRIME SCENE!
He likes to mention his "Girlfriend" but we all know he was involved with the Smith guy.
This buster son knows his dad killed his mom and brother. He's trying to support his dad and it's so obvious. He won't get his dad's hidden money unless he stays on his dad's side. This buster is evil as his dad. Freaken red headed d-evil
Generational wealth is a curse to so many of these families. The $$ comes with such an implied entitlement. The housekeeper said that Maggie let it be known that she didn't want those boys disciplined or corrected. She said everybody in town knew it too. Alex happened to have too many schemes going at once to keep everything straight. He obviously thought that nobody would dare question his credibility or authority.
Buster got Moobs
How does one not know the birthdate of a parent?
Im afraid for Buster the drug lords dont stop alex has stole and they took his family ,buster needs protection
He has no emotion looking at family pics or video. I would think seeing a happy family event would spark great emotion but none. Very odd
Buster is a real life chucky doll. Don't believe a word he says. So disgusting. Hope they find something on him as well
This is weird Alex seems he was alone but with family's around. He was the one working give them everything and the son doesn't even remember the father's birthday date this is sad. I don't know if he did kill them ,but his face telling me other thing , he is grieving. Only God and him know the truth. what an unhappy ending for a family who has it all apparently
Buster needs to be busted too!! Just saying!!
He's Another Chris watts,and that pederson in California, they can't cry
Why did the housekeeper find Maggie’s pajamas in the doorway the next day when she came to clean? Why would Alex tell Blanca to use alternative entrance to avoid any law enforcement?
Never trust a ginger….
From Alex's birthday to about 10 days later. Wife & son shot? Alex told Maggie's sister that the killer was thinking about this murder for a long, long time? Remember Buster gave the finger to a witness? Yes? I think it was Paul & and Mother with Alex and Buster. Why leave Buster alive?
Please give him a break. He has lost his mother and brother. (And his father too. ) It has been two years. I may be one of few that believes Alex MAY be innocent. Buster may be a strong man.
I can't help but wonder what Maggie's sister must be thinking. So sad. So despicable.
Sorry to say it's going to be pay day one day. Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature he will reap distruction. The one who sows to please the spirit, from the spirit he will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7,8 Please believe in Jesus and repent.
None of this is fooling me…from Alec’s smiles of approval to appear proud of his son – he’s an attorney – he knows what to do and how to act, down to Buster lying for his dad about different things. Like father like son! And he looks exactly like his father, he learned well, so I’m sure Alex is proud of that, sadly enough.
Still not convince he did it
I don't think he's really going to help any
That is some horrible inherited genes also they both say ya know way too much.
Disgusting 🤮
In his 30’s and he doesn’t know his dad’s birthday?