Is Someone Frantically Trying to Revive Washington's Assault Weapons Ban?

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, gives you up to minute updates from Olympia as it relates to your Second Amendment Rights. How quickly things can change in less than 24 hours. Today, we are hearing rumors that there is a big push to get the semi-automatic rifle ban back in place and on the House floor agenda for this coming week. But does the Speaker have the clout or will to get both HB 1143 and HB 1240 to the floor? What can you do about it? Learn all of this today and arm yourself with education.

SORRY FOR THE QUALITY OF THE VIDEO. Shooting from a remote location with no real equipment, so the quality of this video is crappier than normal. My bad.

If you really want to closely follow these bills, you can literally get up to the minute updates, and actions plans, by joining the Conservative Ladies of Washington’s Legislative Action Center at

Contact Your Legislator Today.
Learn who your state legislator is and contact them today to voice your positions on these bills.

Contact House Speaker Laurie Jenkins. Be polite and professional please.

Bills We Need to Pay Attention To:

HB 1240.

HB 1143.

SB 5078.

SB 5006.
Bills That Appear to Be Dead (or at least going to sleep for a little bit):

SB 5232.

HB 1178.

HB 1144.

HB 1180.

HB 1195.

HB 1562.

SB 5193.

SB 5211.

SB 5265.

SB 5446.
Other Resources:

All the New Ways the Washington State Legislature Will Try to Disarm You in 2023.

The Gun Control Bills Are Starting to Drop in Olympia.

What a Washington State Semi-Automatic Rifle Ban Might Look Like.

The Importance of State Preemption Law and Why It Matters This Legislative Session.

Check Out our Bullet Point Series.
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These politicians who try and move this kind of crap into law need to be removed from office and prosecuted for violation of the Otah which they had sworn to uphold!

Terry Thoma

sad for you guys/ gals

Umami Papi

Globalists really want to take our rifles. Not gonna happen.

clayborn mayes

DC needs a real time example as to why the second amendment was created, We just need to all gather in the millions and blow it the fuckk off the map. And all who oppose with it.

Jeff Bob

I found my representatives through the links provided and found the bills and posted to all my options given on the form online and you really should too! I have copied my thoughts and am going to paste them if you feel they are well worded and speak your thoughts as well.

My comment for 1240: “ This ban is eroding the second amendment and it is unconstitutional! This is only going to effect law abiding citizens and not help anything going on with the violence that the government is trying to address! Do not do this and be going through the same thing as California and spend the tax payers money to pass these sorts of bills just to have to use the money to battle against lawsuits for many years to come. Its not ok! Oppose this bill!”

My comment for 1143: “ This bill is eroding the second amendment and it is unconstitutional! This is only going to make people who choose to exercise their given right to the second amendment more difficulty trying to do so! Do not strip the power away from the people! YOU know as well as I do that this is a slippery slope and if you can add extra steps or red tape to something that you can add even more until very few law-abiding peoples can! There aren't even any plans on how an in-debt Washington can afford to make the needed programs to come available to the public for an affordable amount of money! Not to mention adding more work on the plate to our understaffed and under appreciated law enforcement agencies statewide!

Oppose this bill and others in the future that start this ball rolling on picking away at the second amendment until there will be nothing left! “

Its a little rough but this is my response and I hope it strikes a chord with those representing myself and others statewide. Feel free to edit the heck out them to adjust for your own perspective accordingly. Just thought it may be helpful for those who haven’t done something like this just like me 30 mins ago!

Anthert Halmhersser

What's going on in uvalde?

Ron Marvicsin

Once again they are trying to pass a law that has been knocked down by the SC in Heler. Why are they allowed to do that?


My legislator sends an apologetic email explain how sorry she is I am misinformed and they know better.

Joe Johnson

Would not be surprised if George Soros along with Bloomberg is donating money to this anti gun groups .


Thanks Bill

Ray C.

These people interested in gun bans do not understand the amount of revenue it is going to take to keep this on the books, they believe they have a blank check and can buy what they want to throw our rights under the bus. The best thing is to understand that the money they are spending in our money, they need to have our permission to spend our money, they have forgotten about that. Go after their purse strings and require that they have to have our permission.

J Cooper

Thanks Mr Kirk, you can't turn your back or close your eyes on these folks just when you think you're out of the woods .


I'll make my own and sell on encrypted chat…..we need to get serious about manufacturing education like china is currently to overcome the tyranny. They want putler's thugocracy, thirsty for your blood. Look what they did to east Palestine, ohio conservative white territory, that was a chemical war bomb. they were left to die slowly…

true believer

Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on these bills and I have worn my fingers out emailing all of them with my view on these bills. I hope they end up agreeing with our views. It seems that attacks on our second amendment rights are never ending, and I have to respect and admire our founding fathers for writing down our God Given rights to protect them from those who have tyrannical ambitions from then till now and in the future but it is up to us to keep our rights and that is what the second amendment is for. Again, thank you so much

Nick Pingel



Emails sent to all, but I have been re-districted out of representation. I have no voice. A traditional Republican district is now (D), (D) and (D). I am (D)epressed.


Thanks bill for.your valuable time and keeping all of us gun owners Informed. Too much (D)ysfunction and not enough (R)esults in Olympia.

Harold Waig

THE demoRAT CITIES ARE THE ONES PUSHING THESE ANTI-GUN LAW ONTO LAWFUL AMERICANS.. Until we stop doing any kind of business in these RAT INFESTED CITIES they will continue to rule over US sadly.

American Patriot

Washington Gun Owners need to Stop that Anti Freedom illegal Oath Breaker Governor and AG From illegally passing illegal laws against Our Constitutional legal Rights and breaking the law and the Constitution, "They are the Traitor Criminals," Not us Legal Gun owners, The Sheriff's Should be Arresting Them not us !!!!!

Ukrainian Kozak

Assault weapon? They cannot explain what a " woman" is.