February patch update! (AoE2)

Patch notes (temporarily rolled back at the moment):



Background music from Epidemic Sound:

Game: Age of Empires II Definitive Edition

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Optimus Performante

Is this patch also for Xbox One?

Akshat Khandelwal

Medieval period starts with the fall of Western Rome…so no it wont make sense.
Porting AOE1 into AOE2 however does make sense…


Everyone is debating if WRE fits AOE2’s timeline, but no one is looking at ERE which definitely fits the era👀

You're my sole source of knowledge of this game. Thanks for all you do man.


Will they ever nerf Khmer and Persian elephants? They too tanky and need a nerf imo and does anyone know a good counter for them?

Jesus Of Nazareth

We ever gonna see a Saracens buff? They have been a bottom 5 civ for 15 years.

The Shi

Man youtube is suppressing you hard. I haven't seen your video's in AGES! I thought you took a break to be honest.

Henrique Oliveira

Why devs believe franks are ok?

Marek Stanczak


Have any changes been made to the HD/2013 edition?


I wish the byzantine would get some attention, they aren't technically that bad, but I just feel like they some love.

Mitchell Bur

I really enjoyed the video you did back in the day about the real life buildings that inspired each civs wonder. I would love to see another video of the same topic about the new civs!

The OG AoE 2 is still the best

Sabin Joaquina

I am not happy with these changes. I thought we were moving to more unique civs. Those nerfs are standardising the civs. Why not buffing others instead of keep nerfing?

Broken TomBot

00:24 They should have said, "We researched wheelbarrow and delayed going to castle age to keep making vils to work on the patch. Now it's a 30 pop patch build order."

Jan Berg

If they port AoE1 into 2, what did i buy the AoE1 Definitiv Edition for? But in all honesty, a uniqe western Roman campaing could be interesting.


Hey SotL, I was recently playing a match vs the AI and rolled Saracens, when I noticed instead of Madrasah they now have a new technology (forget its name) that gives I believe 15% faster firing to the mangonel line. I don't think you've covered this yet, would love to hear your thoughts on it and especially your insight on whether it was a good replacement for the old tech!


Id love to see a new game element for more distinct early game options:
Feudal or dark age unique techs, researchable in tcs.
Stronger civs can get one of its bonusses changed to a tech that they would have to pay for, while weaker civs could recieve an extra option.

Alberto Barbossa

These xbox players are cancer.

Chad L

I'm hopeful for a Vandals civ that's flavored by its famous sacking of Rome.

It's an amphibious assault civ who's military bonuses get stronger as their opponent/s research technologies and advance in ages.

The more advanced a civilization becomes, the better the Vandals are at sacking it.

Vandals – Jack of all trades but master of none until their opponents are absolutely lit.

Unique unit – Marine
An infantry unit that only takes up .5 population space, but only as it applies to room on transport ships. Increased resistance to arrows. High attack vs buildings. Regenerates health when inside transport ships once Herbal Medicine is researched.

Team Bonus – Transport ships +10 movement speed


To me return of rome sound more of a italians overall, with the pope rome bein the so called return of rome.


stop nerfing my favourite civs

Devs need to spend more time fixing the bugs, no building placent boxes currently and game crashes, also improving the lag in this completely awful game engine that literally can't handle over a 200 pop game. It's probably the worst game engine/ Code ever written in this respect


Nerfing everything is so much less fun the buffing everyone else.

Ivan Strydom

Comic; ''Hindustanis have a higher win rate than the Franks. How do we fix this???''
''Nerf Sicilians.''
XD Comedy gold.
I felt that.

Trif Chiu

I expected some buffs to the lowest win rate civs😐


Maybe they should add some "scenario only" civs (or similar game mode, separate from any competitive play)? That are less about balance but more about the challenge with some cool unit choices, perhaps even deviating somewhat from the standard tech tree with specific skins, hero units and so on).

Dick Trickle

Having the Romans sets up historic inaccuracies in this era. The one DLC I'm cautious about. When so much goes too far …..

Firock Finion

I absolutely want the ability for the Roman civs to play against the medieval civs in skirmish games, balance be damned. BUT, only in custom skirmish games. Keep them locked away from each other in ranked games, fine, but I don't want it to be impossible to play the two different civ types against each other.

Ben Rowe

Having Western Rome in the game seems fine to me. For single player, there's already campaigns set before its fall (Goths and Huns), and as for multiplayer, I'd say historical accuracy doesn't really matter in a game where the Japanese and Aztecs can team up to fight the Mali and Poles.

Jeffrey Samson

I hope they fix the bonus stat increase bug. Which reduces attack and armor instead of increasing it. Campaigns and custom missions with bonus stat increase all suffer this bug. I wanna play ragnar sagas so badly.

BedWars Simple

With the biggest patch ever coming i dont know if i should be afraid or exicted.
A part of me hopes that the devs fix critical issues but than on the other hand the most patches made things even worse than before.
I stoped counting how often they managed to implement new ways to breake path finding.
I mean come on devs, how difficult can it be to not make it worse again and again?!?

Joel Joseph Reji

Can't wait for the update. The game has been unplayable for me with crashes since November 2022 and this update was supposed to fix it.


1:37 There's no actual shift for a force of only pikemen in this case. Needing 7.4 attacks to kill an elephant and needing 7.8 attacks is still just needing a flat, even 8 attacks, since the pikes can only attack in whole numbers.

Widodo Akrom

Please nerf the Dravidians and buff Malay

- Cronitor -

Even if every civ was perfectly balanced people will not start to realise that for a statistic there will be always "best" and "worst" civs. But this doesn't mean automatically that they need nerfs or buffs!


It makes sense now that I realize, but I found the image showing the nerf at 2:28 a bit hard to process and I had to go re-read it. I think it's because you stacked the changes, while my brain is used to the original on the left or right side and the upgraded on the left or right side. Just some random opinion/feedback!

Tony Monroe

If they remake campaigns that feature Byzantium as a stand-in for Western Romans (e.g. Huns) I'd be very hyped for the DLC. I know it's petty but it breaks my immersion a little in those missions.


If many nerf have to happen to make french best, why not french give them bloodlines? Also apply french bonus on bloodlines tech itself so it gives +24hp to all cav units.

Stein Anderson

bugger balancing, just tier the civs and apply a factor per tier for elo rating. it makes no sense to balance civs that were technologically imbalanced in real life.


Franks will never get nerfed
They are babby's first Civ and intentionally OP

Wall Gon

As a Frank enjoyer i like this patch

sjw genius

Franks need some buff for sure

Michael Andrei Palon

Romans in AoE II is weird, but believe me, at least it's more awesome than having "Huns" in AoE I.

Tony Dwietwarze

Not downloading this patch update , no wayyy :p keep Poles Strong !! 🙂

Iwer Sonsch

If they rework water in the massive update, just imagine

Jeff Finkbonner

Regarding Western Romans being a historically awkward civ in AoE2: I specifically remember the Britons being the civ of one of the Roman cities in the Attila the Hun campaign….
So about historical awkwardness….