August patch breakdown (AoE2)

Analysis and number crunching of the newest AoE2 patch.

0:12 General changes
4:05 Bengalis
5:40 Burgundians
6:30 Dravidians
7:02 Gurjaras
9:00 Hindustanis
9:35 Koreans
9:52 Sicilians
11:20 New features



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Game: Age of Empires II Definitive Edition

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Some Guy

About bengalis if you have +2 attack on your scout only. Even only +1 will give them 9attack and one more is needed to kill monk.
Wait, how this numbers works here?
Monks will be more popular on arena where attack isnt as common, for sure not second one. So scout cav have 11vs 8 which give one more attack(even with +1), light cav has 17 vs 14 another one more attack and knight have 10 vs 7 (another one attack). With knights it is one more attack even with +2 which is big because it gives a lot of time to convert them. If we give monks 15hp more then scout cav can bring him in 5 attacks (55dmg) or 4 if any attack upgrade is resarched. For bengalis it is 6 attacks (48dmg) or 5 with +2 so one attack more. For light cav similar they need only 3 attack against normal monk and one more for bengalis (here even +1 is enough to brick it back to only 3 attack). Knights also need 5 attack if +0 or +1 and 4 if +2 but for them it 7attack for +0(10attack – 3 armor gives 7dmg*7 to get to 49) 6 for +1 (8*6 for 48) and 5 for perfect 45dmg (so even one hp healed by another monk gives one more attack needed and so much more time to convert them)


Thanks for this, really helpful video. Perhaps Im lazy but the thought of making sense of the changes myself seemed too much like work 11

Kieran Rollinson


Štefan Andrejčík

Dude I also love sicilians, had heart attack when I saw their nerf

Gustav Heyner

at 4:09 the subtitles say "these sloth's" instead of "the slavs"

at 10:29 the subtitles say "impure" rather than "imperial"

Adelyze Kaminski

No buff for Persians😪😪😪 please siege engineer!

Andranik Grigoryan

Hey, youre doing a great work, but I ask you ti make a video that can show how to creat your own custom techs with custom civs

Tomassu Lamassu

Nice video, but you missed the really big change in this patch: the roof of the Britons' Wonder got verdigris.

Nafiz Al Mamun

after all these time, still feels the same watching an SOTL vid.

Logan the Hamster

I totally do not understand why above all Teutons lose the Treadwheel Crane. What exactly do they want to nerf? Teuton Trushes, something that nobody does anymore?
It is somewhat understandable for Sicilians, slowing down their Donjon construction and therefore lower the production of their UU, but Teutons???

Furthermore on a historical standpoint it is totally bonkers, as the Teutons or rather in the germanic realms the Treadwheel Crane was basically partly reinvented and massively improved over the centuries. It is the same wtf situation as when the chinese lost their gunpowder in game.
And to top it off why giving it to Mayans is … well. The Mayans are known for their astonishing stone cuttery and very unique way to build. A crane could have barely improved this, if even. Though at least the Byz and Brits finally got it, as they should have had from the start.

The Moth

I don't even play AoE2 and I really enjoy your vids. But as an IT nerd that file size reduction just shows how much the deves care. Such things are sadly rare in this era, but really shouldn't be.


Just saw your interview with Nelson. Damn, you are amazing man! Really, what a great guy and so handsome! Love your videos. Thank you for letting us know you more.

i4got872 YTP

0:18– just seeing all these dope animals is yet another exciting reminder of how far AOE2 has come. Who would have ever imagined AOE2 would be what it is today. Wow.


Do a video about tree hp

R. A. Gómez

Too bad the nerfs to the Gurjaras and especially the Hindustanis were so low. Shrivamsha Riders are still a broken unit, since this doesn't address their insane speed or their pretty low gold cost – having a bit less of a dodge doesn't matter when you can run away from every battle or just train hordes more.

Maybe they should just take the Shrivamsha riders away from Gurjaras, who are a pretty OP civ overall with lots of options against all types of units, and give them (probably renamed) to Bengalis or some other civ in dire need of a boost.

As for the Hindustanis, I would've liked to see the Ghulam lose its Eagle Warrior bonus, since it feels like that allows them to singehandedly take out the Meso civs.

Robert Hess

Nice princess bride reference

Super Idol

My game won't update ever since the new patch notes nerfed the Coustillier.
So strange


pro feedback sucks- being treated as trash unless pro is not a good way going forward


Interesting patch, but not what I hoped for, here are my thoughts:


-Crossbow/Arbalest cost increase is good. Just like what you said in the video basically.

-Civ bonuses apply in EW is amazing imo, because civs will get their identity back.

-The Elephant Archer buff… Sorry, but I don't see it happening. The unit is just not good enough. It will still die heavily to Elite-Skirm, it is still expensive and must of all: It's not mobile. If you meet a group of Elite-Skirm with Ballistics, your units will die no matter what.


In my opinion not nerfed enough. +40% bonus damage is still insane, the Shawarma rider is still way too fast and way too cheap. The eco nerf is good (although in the pup you could spread your sheep in different mills and you would get more food than before, I hope this is fixed).


This is a joke. Bengalis are the worst civ that was ever created. The monks are not bringing anything to the table, and like I already said, I cannot imagine Ele-Archers to be any good now. They had a 40% WR on open map, whis is just abysmal.


Although I agree that this is a much needed buff, I also have to question if this will be enough. Remember that their Ele-Archers get neither Bloodlines nor Husbandry which makes them again very vulnerable to Skirms, so I would say the Ele-Archer buff is not too good for them.


Probably a spot on nerf. Ghulam was too strong and why should they get Halb? They will still be a good civ with a great eco and great options, but they should no longer be op.


Needed nerf. Probably in the right direction. Let's see how they play out. (I know they did not perfom over average on the ladder, but on pro level they were quite broken. Most pros say the Coustilier should be nerfed even more)


I am very conflicted here. The less bonus damage was kinda the Sicilian identitiy. I know it was crazy strong and 33% is also still okish, but the big problem I had/have with them is the Hauberk technology which transforms them from a unique civ to a generic Cavalier civ. Would have rather seen for them to lose the tech again and do something nice with the Serjeant.


Hello, can you please tell me if the civilizations that are in age of empires 1 are also in age of empires 2?
And is this the same for the story?

In general, I mean, does age of empires 1 have something special that age of empires 2 doesn't have?

Zepol The Red Racoon

You are beatifull

B Pich

Teutons nerf 🙁

Letter of the Law

I'm still waiting for Goths to get Garland Wars and Plate Armour. They aren't strong enough.


Love the Princess's Bride Reference

David Cardoso

I don't like to feel like they're pushing units (or civs) that are not popular by messing with the game balance, and this one made me feel precisely like that


Wait, what? Rematch is unranked?! I would not have guessed that. Never going to use that feature now… I tried a number of rematch attempts today and yesterday and got turned down every single time… No wonder… What a useless feature!

Brian Ensign

11:07 That’s good you’re avoiding the slightly-less-well-known of the classic blunders. But I still see you getting involved in a land war in Asia from time to time.

Oscar S

Spirit of the Masmorra!!! Video was awesome, glad you decided to take part in it


So why bengalis is performing too weak online, it has a lot going for it from its great unique unit to having things the other Indian civilizations don't have…

Ricky Ortiz

What is you elo in this game?

Flavia Acinaces

The jokes and references you sprinkle into your videos are gold! good show mate

Atmos Dwagon

I really with they would stop messing around with Gurjara's Mills and actually address the real reason they're stomping all comers: The three late game rockstar units that counter all trash and most gold units starting from Castle.


Somebody these days really still thinks about game size and shrinks them 3 years later? huh nice, take note ea and consorts


Useless content suggestion if you want to waste a whole day: Where do monks drop relics?
Pressing drop relic drops on the bottom corner of the tile you're on even if that stacks two relics or on another unit (which can move off the relic but not back on).

Exception: If the drop location is partly off the map or covered by a building it drops to the right.

Exceptions: After that it gets funky, if you cover both places it still drops right, but if the monk is fully enclosed it jumps outside the enclosed area to the left, possibly using some pathing logic.

Killing the monk: Usually one tile left…sometimes one tile down, no discernible reason, again maybe the same odd logic that causes weird pathing elsewhere in the game

Gerardo Ruiz

Honest to god, this is where you rule above all… I can’t bear to watch any top player just trading the damn thing! Your videos are a must with any new Patch.


Anyone else just realising for the first time after decades that the bracer tech isn't a shaved piece of wood but some sort of arm strap?

Gabriele Farina

The buff for siege elephants is nonsensical, they should be nerfed

Reference Individual

Can someone explain to me why the Koreans, who are already one of the worst civs in the game, needed a further nerf??

Tadoria Selan

The only civ I consistently get treadmill crane with is the Portuguese for their imperial Feitoria rush, just because it really helps with getting that trickle earlier along with putting up houses to keep them going


AoE2 Devs: "SotL is playing a civ other than the Japanese? INCONCEIVABLE!"
nerfs Sicilians

9B_35 _Sheersh Shrivastava

No Burmese nerfs


Wuuuh. Byzantines get a buff.
sees that it is only treadmill

Still one more tech. 😀

good vid, thx

Big Dicc Marty

still no single player spectator mode 0/10 update


2:39 You said 51 damage / minute. 😁


Elephant Fact: Elephants are voracious learners and enjoy new knowledge! We cry out for more elephant facts.

Johnathan F

The civ group classification is pretty meaningless in this context. A big part of why cavalry civs are so powerful is because of how easy it is to transition from archers into knights, and how well using them both together works.


0:26 That's actually always been the case! Although I don't think too many people realized it. In the original game Wolves attacked Villagers at distances depending on the difficulty level: 4 tiles on Easiest, 6 tiles on Standard, and 12 tiles above standard. But military units were always 4 tiles, regardless of the difficulty.


With the sheep in the mill, I feel like it's more about freeing up the vills with the passive income