Want a Super Accurate AR15? Check Out the Cutlass by Battle Rifle Company
OutdoorHub Reporters 09.19.18
Battle Rifle Company, a veteran-owned company of Houston, is a first gear profile so far outstanding producer of AR platform rifles. For a couple years, I ’ ve been using their cutlas. It ’ s an AR15 chambered in 5.56 NATO and a member on the company ’ second BR4 agate line. The Cutlass is specialized for nautical security function ( take : corrosion tolerant ). The Cutlass cuts an impressive profile. On the gag end is an disingenuous, but still tough-looking spiral flash hider. A bite of stainless sword weave shows at its base – the only glazed component of this rifle. A release float, 1:7 flex 16-inch barrel provides substance and is to be credited with this rifle ’ randomness brilliant accuracy. It ’ sulfur available chrome-lined or stainless steel. Around that barrel is an ocean of Picatinny rail. top and bottom, left and right, there ’ second ample board for ocular, lighting, and other accessories. The boast block is low profile, necessitating back-up iron sights on the front a well as the spinal column. These are included and made by FAB Defense. The banal BUIS work well, but the dependable capabilities of this carbine are good appreciated with a magnifying scope. A run-of-the-mill amphetamine and lower receiver are improved by stainless steel steel springs and other components. The scatter cover, forward serve, magazine catch, and takedown pins are NP3 coated, as is the bolt carrier group. The coat makes for an elegant and satiny coating and equally smooth operation. Cleaning this smasher is specially honor, as the silver shininess of the bolt carrier gives tell of a job well done. Like color ? That ’ s a good matter, as Battle Rifle Company features this rifle in a different color every year. Mine is a cover girl, not flamboyant grey gloomy, perfectly tactical aboard ship, or on the dusty desert hills where mine sees most of its action. After miles of banging against my thorax rig, the finish up has worn thin on a few spots, but this rifle remains a smasher.
A quality single stage nickel boron-coated trigger is another cause to celebrate. Mine pause at an average of 4.41 pounds and has been a reproducible performer for thousands of rounds regardless of the extremes of dust and heat to which it ’ s been exposed. It has very small wheel, and a forte, crisp readjust. Battle Rifle Company chose Hogue products for the grip and buttstock. These heavy-duty components are well matched to this rifle and facilitate ease of handling. The five-position buttstock is well operated and between it and the weight of this plunder, more than seven pounds sans ocular, virtually all backfire is absorbed. I ’ ve had no problem staying on target between shots even at 800-1,000 yards.
This rifle has carried me through respective carbine class experiences, though it ’ sulfur true front-heavy for my five foot, five-inch frame. In 2016, I ran with it three or four days per week and completed the six-mile Pecos Run & Gun in the Sun event in Pecos, Texas with the Cutlass. Heavy though it is, its accuracy and dependability helped garner my best placing ever in that consequence. For this series of mid-range engagements, the rifle wears a Lucid Optics L7 riflescope, a solid performer for this purpose that ’ randomness besides been kind to me on the preciseness rifle platform, allowing me to make hits out to 775 yards on its utmost 6x magnification.
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indeed far, the highlight of this little rifle ’ mho career, and a point have in mine, was the 2017 Precision Rifle Fighter X run in New Mexico, taught by STA Training Group. The teacher readily agreed to accept a 5.56 natural gas accelerator on the pipeline, though I was reasonably surprise to be the only person with a plunder that has both these traits. 6.5 Creedmoor was the following little chamber in the nine-student class, and all the other rifles were bolt action. Despite what would seem like relative shortcomings, the Cutlass held its own for three days, though it was quite a necessity to have person calling visible hits beyond 750 yards. Over a long weekend I developed a DOPE log for this rifle that resembles that of any good farseeing roll rifle.
The climax of the weekend, ampere good as my class, was scoring two hits out of eight attempts on a 12×18-inch steel plate traveling at 3.5 miles per hour ! credit is due in no small separate to the highly skilled teacher, Jerod Johnson, who was calling shots and wind, equally well as Bushnell ’ s excellent Elite Tactical LRTSi 3-12x scope. But this wonderfully accurate rifle is the basis of that success.
Flipping the cutlas from tactical to long-range manner is relatively easy with a sling stud affixed to the bottom track. Off goes the slingback and Lucid Optics telescope ; on goes the bipod and Bushnell telescope when it ’ second time to abdomen down on the long crop. My copy of the Cutlass won ’ thymine be for sale while I ’ megabyte alive, but you can ordering your own from Battle Rifle Company for less than $ 2,000. I ’ vitamin d love to hear how it improves your inject experience .