Carp Fishing On Limited Time | Korda Mindset

Korda sponsored angler and full-time employee, Scott Sweetman is an expert at getting the most from his limited time on the bank.

With a 9-5 job and young family to support, Scott is often limited to just one short night a week. With this in mind, Scott has adapted his approach to suit his time, with stealth at the forefront of his angling.

Light leads, long rigs, braided mainline are all staple part of his approach, with pre-baiting also a key element to his success.

In this short film, we delve into the technical and tactical mindset of Scott, exploring his views on watercraft, rigs and bait, as he shares his approach that brings him such consistent success.

Watch more new videos about fishing | Synthesized by Mindovermetal English

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Jon Miller

Nice one Scott 👏🏻 catching lovely old carp with limited time ! Pukka


Can you krimp the 20lb mouth trap

Simon Lang


Jason Wymer

Nice one, the one we all want!! I know the troubles you go through just to get to that lake and then the challenges to catch that fish so massive well done!! Bet you had the place to yourself most of the time, weeds horrendous this year, that keeps the masses away 😉


Very good video. Would like to see more of him in other videos .hows he used that silicon tube instead of whipping knot.👌

David Wolf

I enjoyed that and probably a true reflection of most lads who fish on limited time. I almost felt like i was listening to myself at times, however, it also makes me miss the days where i had unlimited time!

L d m

Mindset vids are Real and relatable .Good job 👍

James Hankin

Could you please tell me if you’re stove windshield is Korda or DG fabrications 👍

Martyn's Angling Adventures

Enjoyable watch! 👍🏻


Can you run me through how on earth you target a specific fish if your not seeing it under your feet and dropping a rig on its nose?


This vid has gave me the buzz to get me back in the bank

Joshua Rin

> Bite alarm in video sounds off
> panick and checks my rods
>not using a bite alarm
Hahaha got me going

Liam J Production

great viewing as always

paul welsher

Nice watch 👍🏻like the silicone on the hook not a fan of whipping knot some nice looking carp 🎣🎣

Robert Baker
triple 6 rcs

Noice guys, I'm the same, midweek nights only then up for work.. got to be committed plus the lakes are quiet in the week 🔥🤟🤟