Did Illinois Pass The PURGE LAW?

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Shane Bishop

It sounds like the Illinois police wanna get paid for NOT doing their jobs.

Austin Mast

I enjoy hearing your laughs but first time ever hearing a real Convo from you guys was cool

Roger Larson

As a criminal, it was very hard to make bail. Being arrested for bashing people's heads in with a baseball bat was a nuisance. I commend NY and Illinois for taking these huge progressive steps forward.

Devo Tha Kid

I live in IL and you guys are so far gone u can’t just go around doing crimes it’s for ppl in jail already for these crimes they are getting out

rich bowie

Pretty soon you will be safer in jail than out in the streets of Chicago.

mike herrmann

bout all you can do to stay safe is SH!T ALL OVER YOUR SELF and walk around like that

Rosemary Mena

as an european i think america is sick…

Denise Munoz

The only reason I see they are passing this law is because the politicians are working with the criminals and getting a kick back.

Denise Munoz

Ya, this is working out really well in New York and California.

James Lyons

So all crimes including murder is legal for 12 hours like the movies??😳😳😳


I suggest everyone read the 8th amendment, this lines up with the constitution

Hass Gropper

So what does this mean? More excuses for the second amendment, higher weapon sales, rises in crime, basically jumping out of the frying pan and in to the fire.

Joel S

Wtf is right.

Hoden Krebs

thats what happens to democrat run states, have fun


Chicago?!? Of course! That sounds like a great place to try it out 😂 Leave it to politicians man 🤦🏼‍♀️


The law doesn’t matter. If they want to fuck you they can and will.

Keke Gifted

This Lady spitting some facts on this Chhavi Zaine Tarot Investigator "Illinois Passes Law?! Reverse Psychology on youtube

must watch

Dartomic Tech

I hope there will be a holiday, which is literally the purge. I just never have enough people break into my house to be able to put my guns to good use. If Chicago makes the Purge a real holiday, then that's where I'm moving.


Enjoy your videos congrats on all the views. Awesome


2nd amendment can fix alot of problems.

Tommy b. Justis

holy crap 😳


Bad move by Illinois. Good cops going to quit and what's left is going to be corrupt as hell organized crime.

Eric Winslow

Live by the sword die by the sword.

BOURBON Stansell

People aren't gonna like that. Average citizens allowed to shoot back without fear of being imprisoned.

pop Wilson

The great reset is on its way, rumours are that the rich and elites are taking money from there accounts as banks will collapse later on this year, David icke a conspiracy theorist from the UK had a interview in 2016 and predicted the collapse of the world will start with a war in Ukraine, he was branded crazy at the time, but what he says was true, UK solders have been leaking information that they have been training Albanians and Syrians in Ukraine, they are the ones who are arriving on dingys at UK beaches, they are being put up in hotels, once the UK goes into civil war, these asylum seekers will be soldiers to attaxk the UK people, America will be after that i was told


I think this a mafia thing tbh trying to get there people out of the usa in the 48 hour I bet you a good 5÷ of the criminals are never seen again, a well known thing that the Albanian mob & over mobs do is get the people out of prison because of personal ties they don't forgot along with the power that they have seems like a law that makes abslpuletly no sense to anyone to me seems like the mob haved worked there magic even in the USA this time and are getting there people's free and getting them out


A so there still going to be convicted after 48 hours it's just a bail thing really


When y’all coming up here? It won’t be that bad next year 😈 promise

Deanna Szuter

"The Pretrial Fairness Act will become law Jan. 1 and is part of a long-running campaign to address issues with cash bond, which advocates say leads people who have not been convicted of charges to remain in jail because they cannot afford the bail a judge assigned them.

The law is part of the SAFE-T Act, which Gov. JB Pritzker signed in 2021. It has already been partially implemented throughout the state.

Here’s the key: The law does not mean judges cannot keep people in jail.

The law eliminates cash bail as a standard, but a judge still can detain someone depending on the criminal charges, or if they think a person poses a danger to the community or may flee." – Noah Asimow and Pascal Sabino


I think they are going in the right direction with this, if somebody breaks into my house or is on my property and they are causing damage and are going to hurt my family or Rob us, I should be able to take them out, we don't need the police to do something that we can do ourselves unless we are weak or the elderly, so if is a person in the house that is able to take them out, well then take them out teach them a lesson. Basically go old school.

Scott Richardson

what video were you watching Rondo? the 48 hours was about house arrest

Michael Shepherd

Illinois is just another state destroyed by wacko democrats…..


Ok, you can shoot a trespasser. But what then? You have to deal with all the repercussions. Investigations, trauma, clean-up, retaliation, etc. The average citizen isnt prepaired for that.
2nd degree murder is any killing that wasn't premeditated. You can shoot someone at a party because they looked at your girl, and go home without bail.
Kidnapping… goes without saying.
Fyi, did you know that if someone steals your car, its not gta if you get the car back (regardless of condition)? Its considered using your car without permission.

akram designs

They are preparing you for a civil war, with this everyone would want to be armed to tge teeth.

Bobo T

Whatever you guys just watched sounds like propaganda bullshit to this Illinois resident. Any hupothetical notion of abolishing cash bail for certain offences is entirelyl based on the idea that rich people can afford bail, and poor people can't.

The Bargain Shack

I can see the t-shirts now. "I'm so bad, I vacation in Illinois."


To dudes not from Illinois 😂😂

Don't Worry

A decade ago, I didn't care who my mayor or governor were. Now I realize that my mayor and governor are way more important than the president. There are certain cities and states I now refuse to live in because I know the voters there refuse to hold their politicians accountable. For example, it boggles my mind that Chicago has voted for the same political party for almost 100 years, and despite all their issues, not once have Chicago residents thought, "Hey, maybe we should try the other party and see what happens."