Episode 4 Recap | Marvel Studios' She-Hulk: Attorney at Law | Disney+

Previously On… She-Hulk
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Look, I've given up on hoping the MCU would be better than what it is, so I don't care how trash this show is. However, the thing that pisses me off the most is that one sexist lawyer guy. I hate that he's suppose to be a strawman for how the show sees men.

im explain comics

Please marvel next comics sentry Angel of everything above the Omniversl comics and this comics involve one above all divine creator fulcrum on form Beyonder true form Oblivion on below all molicole man Lucifer dark Angel Michael and above the Omniversl characters Angel race and above the Omniversl characters Beyonders race and all marvel characters in hands powers and darkhood race this every characters involve new sentry comics sentry Angel of everything sentry son of God of everything and first appearance God of everything this comics my vision one chance to me I am create this comics


i love SO She-Hulk , so awesome show🥰

kakarotto yt

She hulk sucks
I'm only watching this for Daredevil



Hector Leandro

just the bots are happy with this, look each profile hahahaha


I'm hearing a lot of people dislike this show, i am not one of them. Thumbs Up.

D Scottie

we need something better than this

What a show of all time!



MARVEL MCU is just a waste of time watching now..
They spoiled Hulk. they spoiled she hulk, they are spoiling each and everyone now.. and making all a pg13 comedian artists..

Iam sure they are bringing DARE DEVIL to MCU and gonna do the same… just spoiling

What a show of all time!

What a show of all time!

What a show of all time!

I hope we'll see Matt Murdock's cameo in episode 5 , although i want wong to interact with Daredevil…it will be hilarious

This is truly one of the shows ever made!

This is truly one of the shows ever made!

Sarah Don't T[A]P Me!!

She-Hulk & Wong need more adventures! Episode 4 is honestly my fave episode of the season so far.

This is truly one of the shows ever made!

This is truly one of the shows ever made!

Danica Don’t Scroll

What a show of all time!

Calla -Live Vlog

What a show of all time!

This is truly one of the shows ever made!

Eternity **gigi riri

She-Hulk & Wong need more adventures! Episode 4 is honestly my fave episode of the season so far.

Joe Gutierrez

Woke bs

What a show of all time!

I hope we'll see Matt Murdock's cameo in episode 5 , although i want wong to interact with Daredevil…it will be hilarious

Eton *non fevrieat

This is truly one of the shows ever made!

Deepu ff Deepu

Honesty movie .

Deepu ff Deepu

Roste movie . faltu movie hain



Karaj Sarwar

Marvel should grow up and become more serious with their contents now .

Un pequeño canal


DON Gaming

Worst episode se5

Jacked to the tits

People actually watch this?

Hanz Lopez

Can't wait for Matt Murdocks cameo in She-Hulk Attorney at Law Episode 5.

Stoned SouL

To all the people who are excited about Daredevil, reports are already out. They changed his character to suit the bullshit tone She-Hulk show has. In short Daredevil won't really be Daredevil.

Sayeth What!

Episode 4 recap: Nothing, she receives a letter to drag the next episode. EOM.

I am expecting daredevil entry in this episode


Previously on She Hulk: NOTHING HAPPENED!!

Amanda Love Vlog for Boys

What a show of all time!