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And like that he got away with it
I just saw this and I'm wondering, if someone accused u of being crazy can you agree for less time in jail.
Miss the rage moment
Miss the rage.
Name of song?
Admire his editer
These shorts are so entertaining it makes everyone’s day better! Who agrees? 💗 rmoskg
I thought i would never see a legal advice video with "miss the rage", truly a weird thing
His shirt is inside out
He knew what he was doing with those quoets
What the Kia doin there
Lawyers should use lie detectors
be honest: did you kill that man
This is just an example oh HOW a cop can and will use every word u say against u
The beginning is sus.
bg music??
Lil mike?!😳
Its bugging me that he still has a tag on his shirt
I invoke the fifth and i want to talk to my lawyer
But that… Is your lawyer