Saint-Ouen Abbey Church, the jewel of Rouen – French Moments

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About Saint-Ouen, generator James Fergusson wrote in the nineteenth century :

“ The Church of Saint Ouen, at Rouen, was beyond comparison the most beautiful and perfect of the abbey edifices in France… Nothing indeed can exceed the beauty of proportion of this most elegant church, and except that it wants the depth and seriousness of the earlier examples, it may be considered as the most beautiful of its kind in Europe. “

Saint-Ouen Abbey church: a bit of history

Abbey of Saint-Ouen in the 17th century Founded in 563, the abbey of Saint-Ouen was one of the most influential Benedictine monasteries in Normandy. The first church built on the locate was a merovingian building where St. Ouen ( besides known as Audoin or Dado ) was buried in 864 .
The abbey was sacked by the Vikings in 841. Another refuge was built in Romanesque style by the abbot Nicholas of Normandy from 1062. The work ended in 1126 and the relics of St. Ouen transferred inside the same year .
The Romanesque church was destroyed by fire in 1248. In 1318 under the direction of abbot Jean Roussel, the reconstruction of the choir was done in Gothic style. The Hundred Years’ War slowed down the construction process and the nave was lone completed in 1537. As for the western façade it had to wait until the nineteenth hundred to be last finished with the gemini spires .
The abbey was desecrated during the French Revolution and the conventional build was belated used as the City-Hall of Rouen. even though the sanctuary has been handed back to the Church, it does not serve as a worship center. Exhibitions and concerts are regularly organised there .
The submit listed Saint-Ouen abbey church as historic monument in 1840 .

Exterior of Saint-Ouen Abbey church

The scale of the Abbey church is impressive : the building is 134 metres in duration .

The Western Façade

Western Facade of Saint Ouen Abbey Church in Rouen © French Moments The West front is surmounted by two spire-towers. The façade is in fact a late neo-Gothic addition to the fourteenth hundred building, constructed between 1845 and 1852 by the architect Henry Grégoire who based its works on the cathedral of Cologne .
The portal comprises of three porches which jambs houses statues by Victor Vilain. The central portal bears a statue of Christ on the central column, surrounded by the Apostles .
Central Portal of Saint Ouen Abbey Church in Rouen copyright French Moments

The Marmousets Portal

South Transept of Saint Ouen Abbey Church in Rouen copyright French Moments The Marmousets Portal ( Portail des Marmousets ) is situated at the South Transept. The jamb trace the life of St. Ouen. The enshrine is besides featured on the central header .
The middle ear is dedicated to the Virgin Mary .
Tympanum and portal of the Marmousets © French Moments

The Lantern Tower

The Crown of Normandy, Saint Ouen Abbey Church, Rouen © French Moments At the intersect of the transept rises a imperial 88 meter cardinal tower, following the Norman custom of having a lantern column in this position. It has been nicknamed the “ Crown of Normandy ” for Saint Ouen is the loftiest church in the world that had a real cardinal tower at the time of its construction .
The tugboat houses the bells including one frame in 1701 and weighing 4 tonnes .

The Chevet and the Buttresses

Chevet of Saint Ouen Abbey Church, Rouen © French Moments The brilliant determine of flying buttresses and the chevet can be admired from the City-Hall gardens .

My book recommendation !

Its name ? simply :
Gothic: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting by Rolf Toman, publisher : Ullmann
This book has been for me a great resource that helped me better understand the Gothic campaign in art from the twelfth century to the Renaissance. An architectural style that first originated from France and spread all over Europe .
Over 500 pages it focuses on the development of Gothic architecture with many illustrations and photograph, but not alone. I ’ ve besides found interesting the in-depth discussion of the most diverse art forms, including painting, sculpt, metalwork and even book clarification ! It besides includes specific coverage of the Cathars ’ Heresy and the Papal Palace in Avignon. And, of naturally, it mentions the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Rouen !
This is decidedly the koran I recommend if – like me – you love everything about Gothic such as churches, gargoyles, stained glass, flying buttresses and so much more.

Order it online!

Interior of St. Ouen Abbey church

The entrance to the Abbey is through the Marmousets Portal, at the South transept .
once inside, the proportions of the nave are impressive and for some it is considered to outshine these of Cologne Cathedral .

The Nave

Nave of Saint Ouen Abbey Church © DXR - licence [CC BY-SA 3.0] from Wikimedia Commons The nave is very undimmed ascribable to the three tier natural elevation of windows .
The stature under the vaults is 33 metres, which is higher than that of the nave of Rouen ’ mho cathedral. The perception of magnificence is heightened by the vertical lines of the pillars, the absence of chapels in the nave, and the unaccented in which the stallion nave is bathed .
The clerestory and triforium recalls the inside of Amiens Cathedral .

The Transept, Choir and Ambulatory

Transept of Saint Ouen Abbey Church © Tango7174 [CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0] from Wikimedia Commons The transept is topped by the lantern tower and features two brilliant rose-windows .
The choir is the sacred depart of the church that was once reserved to the monks has kept its wooden stalls arranged in two rows. Three architects of the church have been buried underneath the choir. The great altar dates from 1885 and the wrought-iron fences of the choir from the eighteenth hundred .
The chapels of the ambulatory have all kept their original stained-glass windows from the fourteenth century .

The Stained-glass windows

South Rose Window © Tango7174 [CC BY-SA 4North Rose Window © Tango7174 [CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0] from Wikimedia Commons The well-preserved stained-glass windows date back to the fourteenth hundred in the choir, the fifteenth hundred in the transept and the sixteenth century in the nave .
The transept has two brilliant rose windows from the fifteenth century. To the North is depicted the Heavens ’ hierarchy and to the South a Jesse Tree .
The rose-window of the west presence had its contemporary stained-glass windows added in 1992 .

The organ

Great Organ of Saint Ouen Abbey Church © Tango7174 [CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0] from Wikimedia Commons The remarkable organ, built in 1890 by Cavaillé-Coll is housed in an oak case dating from 1630. The celebrated harmonium is said to be one the finest in France along with that in Saint Sulpice church in Paris .

Views of Saint-Ouen abbey church from near and far

The Saint-Ouen abbey church can be seen from respective parts of the old township of Rouen .
From the rue Damiette :
Rue Damiette and the lantern tower of Saint Ouen © French Moments From the gardens of the City-Hall :
Chevet of Saint Ouen Abbey Church, Rouen © French Moments From the Côte Sainte-Catherine :
General View of Saint Ouen Abbey Church in Rouen copyright French Moments For more information, visit the web site of Rouen Tourist Board .

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