Ports Primer: 2.1 The Role of Ports | US EPA

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Our nation ’ randomness ports are an important separate of our national economy and intermodalUsed to indicate movements of cargo containers interchangeably between transport modes – i.e. centrifugal, water and air travel carriers – and where the equipment is compatible within multiple systems. For case, boxes of hot sauce from Louisiana are stuffed into metallic boxes called containers at the factory. That container is put onto a truck chassis ( or a railroad flat cable car ) and moved to a port. There the container is lifted off the vehicle and lifted onto a embark. At the receiving port, the process is reversed. Intermodal transportation uses few laborers and speeds up the rescue time. fare arrangement. Over 95 percentage of the cargo The freight ( goods, products ) carried by a ship, barge, train, hand truck or plane.cargoThe freight ( goods, products ) carried by a transport, barge, discipline, truck or plane. entering the United States arrives by transport, 1 and over 360 commercial ports countrywide help oneself to transfer these goods to their destinations in communities across the state. 2 Our ports besides serve as a significant resource for national defense and emergency readiness. 3 Understanding the role of ports can help residents more efficaciously engage with decisions that impact near-port communities .

The stress of the Ports Primer is on ports The terminus generally refers to places aboard navigable water ( for example, oceans, rivers, or lakes ) with facilities for the load and unloading of passengers or cargo from ships, ferries, and other commercial vessels. These facilities may be operated by different entities including state or local anesthetic public larboard authorities, secret terminal operators, and federal agencies. Activities associated with ports include operation of vessels, cargo treat equipment, locomotives, trucks, vehicles, and memory and warehousing facilities related to the exile of cargo or passengers angstrom well as the development and care of supporting infrastructure ( besides see inland ports )., however, many considerations related to ports may besides apply at large intermodal freight facilities that are not near waterways and which are sometimes referred to as inland ports Term sometimes used to describe a port that is not located on a coast ( e.g. Great Lakes or Mississippi River ports ) or an area with large intermodal cargo facilities that is not near navigable water ( for example, landlocked intermodal fulminate and truck facilities ) .. additionally, while this Ports Primer emphasizes the goods movement aspect of port-related functions, many issues ( for example, idling ships ) apply to travel/passenger aspects of port functions as well.

The National Economy

Port with docked container ship, cranes and container yard.
American are gateways for domestic and international trade. U.S. seaports treat over 99 percentage of the country ’ s oversea cargo by volume and 65 percentage by value, according to The American Association of Port AuthoritiesA government entity. A port authority may own facilities in one or more ports, and a port authority ’ s sphere may include both seaports and airports. It may be difficult to tell visually where the command of a port authority ends. For model, port authorities do not control private terminals ( except in arsenic much as landlord ports can impose lease-based controls on secret concluding tenants ), military operations and industrial facilities located in or around port facilities. less definition 2 : autonomous ( freelancer ) port authority : a self-sufficient, autonomous populace body. definition 3 : Semi-autonomous ( semi-independent ) port agency : a public body capable to certain state controls. definition 4 : Bi-state or regional port authorities : a public soundbox created by agreement between two or more states. definition 5 : port authorities with limit means or power : a populace body limited to certain actions such as bond. definition 6 : Divisions of state, county or municipal politics : a politics department. Definition 7 : autonomous port or navigation districts : entities that function as “ special determination ” political subdivisions of a country with defined geographic boundaries over which they have authority. ( AAPA ). 4 AAPA is a trade association representing public port authorities in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Latin America. These figures are significant, given that the value of all international trade accounts for about 30 percentage of the U.S. To meet increasing consumer demands, more ships are calling at U.S. seaports than always before and the ships are getting bigger. 5

Port and Port-Related Employment

A photograph of two people working at a port.
In many communities, ports are significant sources of local anesthetic employment. Ports are employers and besides support employment in related sectors such as hauling and vilify exile. According to the American Association of Port Authorities, deepwater ports in the U.S. supported 541,946 jobs in 2014. The average wage for these workers was $ 54,273. In addition, port action generated over 23 million jobs in related sectors and through their overall economic affect on the surrounding communities. 6

Major Shipping Commodities7

Leading commodities shipped through U.S. ports include :

  • Crude petroleum and petroleum products (such as gasoline, aviation fuel, natural gas)
  • Chemicals and related products, including inorganic fertilizers
  • Coal
  • Food and farm products: wheat and wheat flour, corn, soybeans, rice, cotton, coffee
  • Forest products: lumber, wood chips
  • Iron and steel
  • Soil, sand, gravel, rock, stone

extra commodities shipped through U.S. ports include :

  • Automobiles, automobile parts and machinery
  • Clothing, shoes, electronics, toys

Ports handle a range of commodity mixes. Some ports focus on one type of commodity ; some are more diversify.

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Intermodal Transportation System

A graphic showing the connection of goods to consumers through highways, railroads, air transit, and marine highways.
The Intermodal Transportation System connects goods to consumers.

Ports serve as crucial transportation hubs that facilitate goods movementThe distribution of freight ( including sensitive materials, parts and finished consumer products ) by all modes of department of transportation including marine, air, rail and truck. to businesses in local communities and worldwide markets. As illustrated in the calculate at right, ports can connect goods to consumers through our highway system, railroads, air passage and domestic marine highways ( water department of transportation routes ). These ports include seaports ampere well as smaller intercoastal and inland ports that facilitate movement of goods between the seaports and local anesthetic communities. Intermodal Transportation refers to movements of cargo between different kinds of transport modes .
As barter growth continues, ports are considering expanding their inner capacitance by increasing efficiency and invest in infrastructure to support larger ships. Ports may besides coordinate with communities, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, state of matter and federal Departments of Transportation, and early agencies to expand fare capacity outside the larboard to avoid bottlenecks created by limitations from other modes of department of transportation .

National Defense and Emergency Preparedness8

In summation to serving as economic drivers and transportation system hubs, ports play an significant role in national defense. Fifteen of our commercial seaports have been named Strategic Seaports by the U.S. Department of Defense ( DOD ) ( see the map at right ). These ports can help to support military deployments because
A map of the United States showing the fifteen Strategic Seaports in the U.S.
Strategic Seaports of the United States

of their large staging areas, connections to rail infrastructure and ability to load non-containerized cargo. Ports can also use these capabilities to support emergency relief activities, such as from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, for natural disasters. of their large staging areas, connections to rail infrastructure and ability to load non-containerized cargo. Ports can besides use these capabilities to support hand brake stand-in activities, such as from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, for natural disasters. The DOD is particularly reliant on Strategic Seaports during military rush operations. For exercise, during Operation Iraqi Freedom, the DOD used these ports to load combat vehicles and aircraft. These operations require Strategic Seaports to have adequate rail infrastructure, significant staging areas for military cargo and workers skilled in handling non-containerized military equipment. As our commercial seaports continue to experience increasing levels of commercial containerize shipping, port staging areas and railing capacity to support military operations may be strained .

Homeland Security9

A photograph of a police boat next to a ship.

Security at ports is an important concern. With so much cargo traffic passing through, it is important for security measures to adequately monitor and protect the ports while still allowing an efficient flow of goods. Oversight and responsibilities for port security are divided between numerous actors and can be complex. In October 2005, the National Strategy for

MaritimeLocated on or near the sea. Commerce or navigation by sea. The maritime industry includes people working for transportation (ship, rail, truck and towboat/barge) companies, freight forwarders and customs brokers; stevedoring companies; labor unions; chandlers; warehouses; ship building and repair firms; importers/exporters; pilot associations, etc.

Security was approved by the President. This strategy provides plans that address preparedness, protection, response and recovery for both man-made and natural hazards that might create security concerns at our nation’s ports.

security at ports is an crucial concern. With therefore much cargo traffic passing through, it is important for security measures to adequately monitor and protect the ports while still allowing an efficient flow of goods. Oversight and responsibilities for port security are divided between numerous actors and can be complex. In October 2005, the National Strategy forSecurity was approved by the President. This strategy provides plans that address readiness, protective covering, reception and recovery for both man-made and natural hazards that might create security concerns at our nation ’ mho ports. For more information : America ’ s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System ( PDF ) ( 112 pp, 6.9 MB, About PDF )
« 2.0 The Role of Ports choose to go forward or bet on .
2.2 Current Port Industry Challenges »

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Category : Maritime
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