Got A Window Tint Ticket? @Law By Mike #Shorts #police #law

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Robloxgod 6789

This guy is best lawyer ever


It is really sunny and hot in california. They should allow all windows to be tinted.

Sandy Pringle

You The Cool Guy Guru Law By Mike


The PERFECT loop

Jeffery Ahern

We got one, paid the ticket and kept the tint….


Can I just pick my nose in private

Dakota Stewart

Window tint laws have to be some of the dumbest laws.


My wife and I got our exemptions from our optomologist, its legit!

Valyn Dague

Just roll your windows down when you're pulled over, they can't make you roll them up. The back window can be as tinted as you want it too. Just don't be a dummy and make your front one legal, you can't see at night if it's under 35% anyways

Collyn Smith

See my trx came dark as fuck and I refuse to remove it if the fucken factory made it that way

Pouya Hafezpour

Too late buddy. You're one year late of telling me this information

Liesl Who loves cookies

Uhh… what’s a tint and why do people get in trouble for it? ( I don’t know these things I’m stupid)

Gacha Wolf

So whenever I’m driving, and the sun is up, I always have tears, even if I have my sunglasses on, and I’m short, so whenever I put my head board down (or whatever it’s called) the sun is still In my eyes, and I can’t see. Also what’s tint?


I love when people say shit like "oh it came from the factory" or "I bought it like that".

Ok, and? It's now your responsibility to keep it within the law.


Love this guy!



Angel Loeza

Or look up tint laws & move tf outta that state

Elle G.

I'd hire you in a NY minute! 😉


Not all states have the exemption for light sensitivity


Or you could just not unroll your window for the tint test.

little children

Can you help me find a lawyer that will help me get out of a charge for vehicular manslaughter?


My dad constantly tries to tint his windows. He acts like he knows every law but not this apparently


How do u make these transitions


I just roll your windows down whenever you see a police car.
Been doing that for 4 years and never got a pulled over for my tint and I got 5% all around and a 20% windshield.

Gaming with Chloe

Why would tint get you a ticket?

Starlight Equestrian

Fight in court not on the street!


What's that song in the background

Jesse Alarcon

Good thing I have glasses cuz I got 15% on my fronts I'll say I got mad glaucoma

Adrian Hancock

Haha we just took our window out of our door and brought it to be submitted then put the window back in


Or the state government can stay out of your personal life. I'll do what I want with my property..

Boise 300

When I get pulled over I just roll all the windows Down since I have 10% on all windows, where I live, I believe cops can’t pull you over for your tint but can ticket you on top of the original reason for the stop, I could be wrong tho but Boise cops are pretty chill so i haven’t got a ticket for it yet

Wayne Defebaugh

Fock that the cops have illegal tint too
There not above the law


Here’s a QUESTION on tint… If it is Legal to have a WINDSHIELD tint in Las Vegas and I Travel to California to pass by going to Canada and I get pull over by CHP can I fight and win 🏆 since I don’t have a Contract with California only in Las Vegas.? (By that I mean my Drivers Lic.)


Tbh having hypersensitivity means tints would be needed as i can be very easily stunned by light far lower than others, though my eyes are p much on steroids so i really not surprised by this.

Vann Holmes

Omg. I HAVE the light sensitivity! If I would have known that, I wouldn't have paid for someone to take off my tint 😩 I'm going to the DMV for this exemption asap

Andy Pozuelos

5% tint.

Barbie Blue

NJ, no bueno

A. P.



Yeah tint looks great and all but you cant see ANYTHING at night.

Rasta Goobers

All 3 are not an option. Tint is life

Ghost Noodle

Why is tint illegal? Is it illegal to have black out drapes on your house? I understand you want people to be able to see out of the car to drive it, but I don't think anyone is ever going to blind themselves with tinting and go driving.

Seems like government overreach to me

Amanda Fight

It's sickening how our legal system capitalizes on everything we do, from marriage to divorce they make money on us! And to get out of anything, all you gotta do is throw money at the courts and they'll shut up. You can buy your freedom here. If you're poor you're screwed! That's how our courts work in southern Indiana. Our cops, judges, prosecutors, first responders, and firefighters are all DRUNKS here where I live! And what's funny is, watching all these corrupt cops chase all these PETTY CRIMINALS, while the REAL CRIMINALS ARE RUNNING OUR GOVERNMENT!! PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP, OUR COURT SYSTEM IS A JOKE!


I'm kinda confused. If your car has a window tint that isn't legal shouldn't the manufacturer be the one brraking the law not the person in the car who is simply driving a car they bought?

Robert Heuer

factory tint is pretty dark these days


My uncle actually got pulled over for a window tint because the officer thought it was too dark. It read too dark on the measurement, but my uncle wiped off his window and a bunch of dust and dirt came off. They re-did the measure and my uncle got out of a ticket because his window was just dirty.

Johnny Silverhand

Window tint is a serious problem. You can easily get a ticket of $200 per window.

Gaming Arachnid

My brother had this happen, removed the tint, still had to pay